Saturday, August 26, 2006
a night spend w your most obvious weaknessHAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER! :D
Oh helloo, i woke up kinda late today cos didnt really get t sleeep last night cos of my brother's party. the place is in a mess thanks t the nice of your luh, rahh. went t serangooon t meeet natsy f lunch before guitar. we didnt know what t eat so we ate yoshi AGAIN, and i think im kiasuuu cos theres this yoshi girl giving out the vochers, and i walk past her she didnt want t give it t me, others she gave! @!%#%*@$ so i tried walking again but she ignored me! wahlau, fine! you like that stupid girl. gah. hahah, lams you're sooo kiasu.
hahah, went f guitar..and guess what only a few of use turned up f lessons, but its goood! cos i wont malu myself infront of sooo mnay people :) heh. we learnt a new song LEMON TREEE and ql said i was the lemon tree, hahah so nats say why not we put our msn nick as the song lyrics, ql one is i wonder how i wonder why, nats one is yesterday you told me bout the blue blue sky, and mine was and all that i can see is just a yellow lemon tree. %*&@$# i got the LEMON TREE how nice hor. hahah oh my "eyecandy" has a new crush in class! which is the guy that sitting beside me now! hah! =x hohoho ;] after lesson waited f that lx, she is retarded luh, not even sunny wear her o so coool loooking specs everywhere she goes. tsk hahah walked t heeren had t change the slippers cos it was too small f my brother..hah walked t fareast after that and ql met her friends t talk about the project than we left t buy drinks, than lim msged me saying that he was at fareast.. walked t the bustop w nats waited f her bus than me,ql and lx walked t the mrt station. HAHAH! than ql saw this bung and said that she look like lx than i went t see and omgz really look like! hahahah! :D mrt-ed t bugis t meet daddy,brother and brother's gf. :) yeaps went t brewerkz f dinner, i was feeeling bloated at that time cos of the milk tea i drank earlier. daddy order alot of foood, and brewerkz potioning of foood is BIG ate, yek-ed and we left. Home-ed and dennis called t say that he wanted t take the bottle of vodka that he left at home ytd during my brother's party, so he came pass him the bottle and here am i. hah :]
the universe declares in all
Friday, August 25, 2006
memories of you and meOh well, the party going on fine, but im going get my lungs choked. cos my dear brother's friendsare smoking, damn you guys luh smoke outside pleaseee. :/ well, not really in a very very goood moood now. im having terrible pains now which totally sucks, i feeel like puking everything out. i sat outside of the house w my phone, waiting f your msg but you didnt msg at all, which didnt really made me think why you didnt msg cos im alrd used t it. well, j called me and tried talking t me about __ well, maybe it was my fault last time i dont know pffts, im annoyed, fustrated w myself. everything i o seeems t be wrong and never right i feel like a piece of shit. i short of cried while talking t j cos somehow i recalled the memories of __ which was really beautiful then, but not now. i dont wanna think much about it cos its just gonna make me feeel worse, but sadly i cant which is like #^$*&$@^!. Oh gosh, lams you're full of shit. j was trying t calm me down but i cant cos its really fustrating when you think back of those times and whats worst is that you're in the wrong, but j insisted that it was not my fault, well its over anw. so i shall just shutup. anw __ msged me while i was tlaking t j, the msg was really like a miracle cos i was wondering how __ was doing and __ happens t msg me. i dont know if i should feel happy or what, the feeeling totally sucks, its my brother's birthday yet im feeling like this, its all coming at the wrong time. I dont even know whether what i did was right or wrong in the past, j was really very sweeet t hear what i had t say and all. i feeel shittty f crying on my brother's birthday, damn you woman. im really annoyed w myself. anw partner's really sweeet cos she's accompanying me knowing im bored. thanks alot partner! ;]
pictures of you running through my mind.
I know You love
me I know You died for me
I know You care
I know You care
I know You live again
Your life for all my sin
Now I stand here in
In Your grace again
As I look into the sky above
Wonder how my life has changed
Wonder how Your love, it came to me
As I look into the sky above
All my fears, so far away
All I hear is heaven calling me
So I look to You
So I look to You
No one else will do
No one else will do
me I know You died for me
I know You care
I know You care
I know You live again
Your life for all my sin
Now I stand here in
In Your grace again
As I look into the sky above
Wonder how my life has changed
Wonder how Your love, it came to me
As I look into the sky above
All my fears, so far away
All I hear is heaven calling me
So I look to You
So I look to You
No one else will do
No one else will do
you never once love me
Went t schoool today! ;] yay! hahah, my phone and jia's phone were w nats the whole day, hahah cos i left it on her table in the morning, heh xD. after schoool went out w sam,nats,lene, jia and haomeng. ;] hahha sam and haomeng left first t patoh, while me,lene,nats and jia went heeren eat and at the same time bought the slippers f my brother. hha went t eat wanton meee again! hahha eat and crap-ed. hahah it was really fun and nice t eat and talk w them, we started drawing and writing on the tables. hahha after a while, sam and haomeng came back, they were really sweeet. hahah hm kisssed sam again! ahaha went t cine and walked. After that hm and the rest wanted t go t fareast t eat fried mars bar so we headed there and the weather was like $#& ^%&~#@%#$ so hoooot. :/ we walked and yeked. than settled down at fareast, they ate while i didnt cos my stomach was giving me problems. damnit, its damn fustrating when you're feeeling sick. ugh drank hot coffeee t ease the pain. hahah than we left. mrt-ed w sam,hm and lene. we were talking and talking in the train, damn fun! hahha than me and lene alight at kovan, waited f 113 w lene. her bus came i left t meeet ah lam and zhixiang t get the rinks f my brothers birthday party. the trolley was loaded w drinks, pffts they bought so much drinks mainly alcohol., pooor brother he's gonnna get real drunk. hahah well, my brother dont know that we planned a party f him. its gonnna be nice! hahah but it sucks w this condition im having. well, i better go down t help if not they messs the whole house up! bye! i'll later bout the party aye! mwahs!
you hurt me bad
Went t schoool today! ;] yay! hahah, my phone and jia's phone were w nats the whole day, hahah cos i left it on her table in the morning, heh xD. after schoool went out w sam,nats,lene, jia and haomeng. ;] hahha sam and haomeng left first t patoh, while me,lene,nats and jia went heeren eat and at the same time bought the slippers f my brother. hha went t eat wanton meee again! hahha eat and crap-ed. hahah it was really fun and nice t eat and talk w them, we started drawing and writing on the tables. hahha after a while, sam and haomeng came back, they were really sweeet. hahah hm kisssed sam again! ahaha went t cine and walked. After that hm and the rest wanted t go t fareast t eat fried mars bar so we headed there and the weather was like $#& ^%&~#@%#$ so hoooot. :/ we walked and yeked. than settled down at fareast, they ate while i didnt cos my stomach was giving me problems. damnit, its damn fustrating when you're feeeling sick. ugh drank hot coffeee t ease the pain. hahah than we left. mrt-ed w sam,hm and lene. we were talking and talking in the train, damn fun! hahha than me and lene alight at kovan, waited f 113 w lene. her bus came i left t meeet ah lam and zhixiang t get the rinks f my brothers birthday party. the trolley was loaded w drinks, pffts they bought so much drinks mainly alcohol., pooor brother he's gonnna get real drunk. hahah well, my brother dont know that we planned a party f him. its gonnna be nice! hahah but it sucks w this condition im having. well, i better go down t help if not they messs the whole house up! bye! i'll later bout the party aye! mwahs!
you hurt me bad
Thursday, August 24, 2006
your voice live within meSomething wrong w my health, im sick which i hateee it. cos i cant eat things which im craving f ): and im suffering w porridge only. its boring w eating porridge everyday. :/ ah stayed home today cos the puking started again, daddy said rest at home. oh well, i feeel #*&^#&!#$% played the guitar, this week lessson im gonna screw it up like i did last week, my hands are gonna get tangled f playing the chords,cos im so gong and blur. melody im stil alright luhh. xD im so bored.
you're the centre of my life
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
you're drifting furtherFinally, went back t schoool and i LOOOOVE LOVVEEEE today! ;D hehehe. i just realise that we cant use casssh anymore t buy foood in schoool, only ezlink allowed. i know im slow, but its because i didnt go schoool f 2 days luhhh. oh yes i neeed t thank my o so wonderful partner! JIA XIE XIE NI! OMGZZZ! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! IM SOOO HAPPY AFTER WHAT YOU TOLD ME! ;] HEHHE, LOVE YOU BABE! yeaps, had a GREAT time in schoool today!. kays we didnt have maths today so it was a freee period, sat at nats place there and yek-ed i was lying on sardine's ahem thats what she claims luh, hahah than we started some horny talk which was like ohmygoooodnesss, hahah sam and sardine, you didnt have t demo! XD hahah. had lots of fun playing and foooling around. hahah
had recesss and #%!&!$%&~ i was being tempted by my dear natsy and sam. pooor me could only eat porrridge, while the rest ate gooood fooood. $#^#%&@ I WAS REALLY TEMPTED T EAT IT LUH! sam and nats you're bessst lor. ): poooor me!
OH I HATE ENGLISH TODAY LUH! %*#@#$%^@$ pfffts. K and J. W was like #%!#$^ its started like this... me and partner went toilet and sun bian go buy her foood t eat, walked back t class happen t meeet booofy, she complained said she got caught by K f her uni, so i exchange my uni w her, how the hell would i know K saw it and she came out questioning us. i mean is it wrong t help my friend. ^%$#!&^%(@ pooofts. than K went t talk t W, and she started saying what we're devious or whatever luh. WTH gosh, i cant stand her! ^*#%*%!$ than she started yelling in class like one mad woman. stop yelling or screaming you'll get more white hair.
chem lesson was another disaster, T was in a totally bad moood so she yelled at jaaziel, like jaaaziel asked one auestion she screamed like some mental patient. Gosh, whats w the teachers today. suffering from pms? or what. ah heck :/
lessson ends! head t Bishan mrt t meeet flea instead of Amk. haha, went t heeren, wanted t get that pair of slippers f my brother but the colour that he wanted was out of stock, so didnt buy in the end. headed t ps f lunch, met jamie! haha ;] yek-ed and ate... flea left f church, i didnt go.. went t meeet jamie at where mona's working! ;] hahah. polly was there, than dale, brendon, bren's friend and melvin came. hahha sit and yek-ed. yek-ed f awhile than went t meriden fooodcourt f dinner, jamie bought korean foood f everyone but i didnt eat cos i was feeeling !#^^~#@^ *% again. yek-ed than walked t the mrt station and yay! im HOME. ;]
without you im nothing.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
too much t handleGosh, im feeling #@$!#*&!%^$%, well, i've not blog f 3 days. didnt go t school ytd and today..thanks t the stupid virus thats attacking me now, damnit i feeel super weak vomiting practically the whole day. i might as while vomit my whole stomach. its so torturing. :/ gosh, i hate t be sick. whats more im having tuition later at 530, which i have no eneergy or moood t have tuition. Oh Lord, i wanna get well uber sooon cos my bro's birthday is in 4 days time. gah stupic sickening virus get losssst luh. anw may is coming back on the 1st of sept, i wanna seee her! man, she's still half blind thanks t the surfboard, oh well, get wel sooon babe! i love you! :) hehehe. oh thanks flea, polly, huimin, peirong, marcus and brendon! hahha i love you guys! :] flea thanks f praying f me! :]
its all gone
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Everything is F'ed up straight from the heartWell well,went t meet nats at serangoon mrt than made our way t ps, met up w fel afterthat t say hi t the rest of the church members. ahhh! saw christina! hahah gosh, shes damn cuteee luh haahh. she and her osyter, she wants t be called PEARL HAHAH! shes damn damn cute and hilarious. hahah sat f awhile and left f guitar lesson. omgzzz i malu-ed myself, and i think i had a brain damage cos i couldnt remember what notes or chord im sposed t remember. gosh my "eyecandy" abdul rahman was laughing at me luh! tsk so mean laugh at me. ): gah learnt a new song today. hehehe ;] after guitar me, nats,ql,lx and eugene walked around f awhile than ql had t leave so headed t esplanade. hahaha. i had a great time! hohoho, saw aidil and his friends said Hi. than went t eat at the so called hawker or whatever its called hahha. yeak-ed and eat. hahah than we were bored so we started t play zhong ji mi ma. HAH! so we mixed the chicken rice chilli and the osyter omelette chilli w coke and some other drinks. hahah gosh i kana like so many times and i had t drink the chilli it was sour at first than it was HOOOOOOT i could have died from the spicy-ness. hahah lx was also suffering there and she drank all my drink! ): and the poor me was left w nothing, nats did kana alot of times. but she was so gooood luh! once i kana AGAIN, but she helped me drink it! ;] heheh thanks babe! not like some ppl luh only want make me kana. (seeetoh lx! ) hahah. went off t marina square, walk-ed abit and we went our seperate waysss. im homed now! ;]
tell me what do you do when it all falls apart :/
Friday, August 18, 2006
Before all time beganYou had the perfect plan
To make us
In the image of Yourself
Although we went astray
You even planned that day
On which You sent Your Son
To pay the price
You took on all te sins of the world
And wash them all away
Bearing every cursed upon that tree
With all my future plans
They're safe within Your hands
Far beyond my
Highest thoughts and prayers
With all my heart and soul
I'll praise you and extol
The mighty God
Who hold me in his arms
We all cry holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
The angels cry holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
i didnt expect it t be like this
i wish that there was someone whom i could really talk t, im feel damn fustrated w myself and t you,i didnt say i was happy or anything, if you think thats they way i cant do or say anything.
i was silly enough t be touched by your words, maybe we're just from a totally different world. you live in yours and i live in mine. i didnt expect it t be this outcome. if you're angry or pissed about me so be it, t you im just a fcking bitch who you wanna get rid of. im tired of this thing. i guess u was just thinking tooo much.Well i dont know, i just feel that i've been ripped off of many things. i didnt think of this outcome t happen till now. if you're still unhappy theres nothing i can do, cos right from the start you hated me.. you must be thinking wouldn't i hate you, maybe i want t shout and cry it out that i really hated you, but i didn't cos i know that everyone change not excluding you or me. maybe you might think what im writing now is all crap shit and rubbish. but its not. whatever it is im sorry.
now its up t you.
i wish that there was someone whom i could really talk t, im feel damn fustrated w myself and t you,i didnt say i was happy or anything, if you think thats they way i cant do or say anything.
i was silly enough t be touched by your words, maybe we're just from a totally different world. you live in yours and i live in mine. i didnt expect it t be this outcome. if you're angry or pissed about me so be it, t you im just a fcking bitch who you wanna get rid of. im tired of this thing. i guess u was just thinking tooo much.Well i dont know, i just feel that i've been ripped off of many things. i didnt think of this outcome t happen till now. if you're still unhappy theres nothing i can do, cos right from the start you hated me.. you must be thinking wouldn't i hate you, maybe i want t shout and cry it out that i really hated you, but i didn't cos i know that everyone change not excluding you or me. maybe you might think what im writing now is all crap shit and rubbish. but its not. whatever it is im sorry.
now its up t you.
i had a prayer
Today was fun! ;D hahah! deborah called me gaylang (gay wolf) hahha deborah you bo gay! xD wahah. nats the tao gay. hahah ;] today had the chinese oral i was the lucky no. 2 while i was talking SRM keep interupting me, wahlau like she picking on me like that. !#!$#&!$%~!#@#$ ugh. after schoool, went said hi t sarah, boyfriend and so on. hahah wahalu play w chin wil die luh, she push me i push her, she strangle me i strangle her. HAH but damn fun. chin lets play more! and you got no strength luh. =X hahah.
after that,took bus w nats, on our way had a talked w nats, i talked t her bout my family and blah blah, and told her something bout daddy yeah blah blah. headed t dbgod, watched my super ex girlfriend! hahah gosh that show was like HAH, the G girl or woman had vigooorous sex w the guy. hahha till the bed broke! LOL. gosh. after the movie i was craving f Macs ice-cream so went t buy and eat, saw my junior cheryl. hahah walked t town w nats and w our ice-creams! ;D hehehe. yeaps ;] nats had t buy the high schoool musical cd f V. so went t buy, and we went t eat the wanton meee ;] hehhe was drwing on the table and eating yek-ed. HAHAH i love yeking w nats :] and we went our seperate ways. nats bus-ed home while i mrt-ed home ;] oh oh oh! she saw C's bro. hahah :D
WAHLAU, while walking home this idiot moronic man went t burnt my pinafore or even me w his damn cig, idiot! next time walk properly and dont anyhow hold your cig so low luh. pffts. reached my block saw daddy washing the car! hahah daddy you're sooo cute please standing there smoking your pipey and washing your car, aye went home t bathe and i feel so much more fresher. hahah im tired. but i had alot of fun today. THANKS NATSY! I LOVE YOU MANY MANY WESSY BESSY LESSY SESSY GESSY HESSY FESSY YESSY JESSY MUCHY MUCH! ;D hah OH OH OH and theres one more person i wanna thanks and that MY O SO BELOVED PARTNER! THANKS F HELPING ME ALL THIS WHILE! I LOVE YOU MANY MANY TOO! MWAHS! HEHEHE ;] thnks f being w me all this while.
f you t be mine
Today was fun! ;D hahah! deborah called me gaylang (gay wolf) hahha deborah you bo gay! xD wahah. nats the tao gay. hahah ;] today had the chinese oral i was the lucky no. 2 while i was talking SRM keep interupting me, wahlau like she picking on me like that. !#!$#&!$%~!#@#$ ugh. after schoool, went said hi t sarah, boyfriend and so on. hahah wahalu play w chin wil die luh, she push me i push her, she strangle me i strangle her. HAH but damn fun. chin lets play more! and you got no strength luh. =X hahah.
after that,took bus w nats, on our way had a talked w nats, i talked t her bout my family and blah blah, and told her something bout daddy yeah blah blah. headed t dbgod, watched my super ex girlfriend! hahah gosh that show was like HAH, the G girl or woman had vigooorous sex w the guy. hahha till the bed broke! LOL. gosh. after the movie i was craving f Macs ice-cream so went t buy and eat, saw my junior cheryl. hahah walked t town w nats and w our ice-creams! ;D hehehe. yeaps ;] nats had t buy the high schoool musical cd f V. so went t buy, and we went t eat the wanton meee ;] hehhe was drwing on the table and eating yek-ed. HAHAH i love yeking w nats :] and we went our seperate ways. nats bus-ed home while i mrt-ed home ;] oh oh oh! she saw C's bro. hahah :D
WAHLAU, while walking home this idiot moronic man went t burnt my pinafore or even me w his damn cig, idiot! next time walk properly and dont anyhow hold your cig so low luh. pffts. reached my block saw daddy washing the car! hahah daddy you're sooo cute please standing there smoking your pipey and washing your car, aye went home t bathe and i feel so much more fresher. hahah im tired. but i had alot of fun today. THANKS NATSY! I LOVE YOU MANY MANY WESSY BESSY LESSY SESSY GESSY HESSY FESSY YESSY JESSY MUCHY MUCH! ;D hah OH OH OH and theres one more person i wanna thanks and that MY O SO BELOVED PARTNER! THANKS F HELPING ME ALL THIS WHILE! I LOVE YOU MANY MANY TOO! MWAHS! HEHEHE ;] thnks f being w me all this while.
f you t be mine
Thursday, August 17, 2006
you're everything im not.Oh well, today was alright i guess, had chem,Dnt and chinese gong han. gosh, please kill me luh it was like soooo many things luh :/ went f recess, had PE and yeah yeah went t class f DnT test. aye, chinese gong han was like $^#&^!^!$%~@% so was art!.Mygoshness. i keeep cutting wrongly, im sucha idiot luh. hah, after school stayed back cos the track tem had t design the track board so did everything and left, went home w sarah and talked t her. yeaps :] anw, CHEER UP MY FRIEND! ;] hehehe
you seem t have drift away from me.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
baby, you seem so far away from meohmygoooosh! #$*&^%$#@! i have sooo many tests tmr, man this is killing me. I've chem, D&T,Art and chinese. and we're supposed t do gong han, damn i cant really remember the format. geeekygeeek, i'll just die. :/ im off t study more! ;]
i guess you never once cared ;/
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
the same reasons i've been hearingwell, i didnt go t school today cos i had fever, cough headache. gosh everything is coming t me. i was awaken by my brother alarm clock which was ringing non stop. it was damn irritating, so i just got up and switch it off. and i got up bathe and went t see the doc, than met daddy f lunch.
yeaps ;] after that daddy sent me home, bathe again and my damn phone gave me problems luh, gosh called M1 t clarify somethings and now im going t complete art. i've gotta hand in TMR. damnit. papercut :/
am i t believe you again
you're never coming back
aye today was alright luh, :/ had maths test today gosh i forgot t complete one ques! damnit ): gah gah gah! nevermind its over ;] hahah. OH OH OH! today after lunch we saw the sec 1 bung that thinks that sweets like her. gosh HAHAH! she was like standing there waiting t talk t sweets. hahah! and sweets was so cute she kept running away from her! haha ;]
skip a few pathetic minutes of the chinese shu fa which was totally boring cos i'll dirty my hands w all the mo. whch STINKS! for goodness sake, im breathing in some stinky stuffs. haha xD
after school walked w nats t the bus stop, bus-ed. HAHAH! was msging chong on the way, OMG! our conversation was like LOL! hahah its was regarding J.W and K. hahha! sumo wrestling! HAHAHAH chong you're full of ideas, hahha its damn funny. she said that if K had join in the sumo wrestling she sure win. hahha ;] had tuition, gosh im sooo tired now :/
baby you're not here w me
aye today was alright luh, :/ had maths test today gosh i forgot t complete one ques! damnit ): gah gah gah! nevermind its over ;] hahah. OH OH OH! today after lunch we saw the sec 1 bung that thinks that sweets like her. gosh HAHAH! she was like standing there waiting t talk t sweets. hahah! and sweets was so cute she kept running away from her! haha ;]
skip a few pathetic minutes of the chinese shu fa which was totally boring cos i'll dirty my hands w all the mo. whch STINKS! for goodness sake, im breathing in some stinky stuffs. haha xD
after school walked w nats t the bus stop, bus-ed. HAHAH! was msging chong on the way, OMG! our conversation was like LOL! hahah its was regarding J.W and K. hahha! sumo wrestling! HAHAHAH chong you're full of ideas, hahha its damn funny. she said that if K had join in the sumo wrestling she sure win. hahha ;] had tuition, gosh im sooo tired now :/
baby you're not here w me
Sunday, August 13, 2006
i need interventionTODAY! ;]
went out t eat w daddy at guilemard today, than went t town t shop, bought some clothes and we walked and yek-ed. hahah i love going out w daddy! ;] its funny t be out w him hahah. he'll start crapping w you. haha, yeah went f dinner and headed t my aunt's place t get something and im home now (: aye im off t my dreamland ;]
stop temptation t scream
i need intervention
went out t eat w daddy at guilemard today, than went t town t shop, bought some clothes and we walked and yek-ed. hahah i love going out w daddy! ;] its funny t be out w him hahah. he'll start crapping w you. haha, yeah went f dinner and headed t my aunt's place t get something and im home now (: aye im off t my dreamland ;]
stop temptation t scream
went out t eat w daddy at guilemard today, than went t town t shop, bought some clothes and we walked and yek-ed. hahah i love going out w daddy! ;] its funny t be out w him hahah. he'll start crapping w you. haha, yeah went f dinner and headed t my aunt's place t get something and im home now (: aye im off t my dreamland ;]
stop temptation t scream
Saturday, August 12, 2006
yesterday has gone today has comeYESTERDAY!
YAY! :D i love yesterday beri beri much! ;] hehehe. went t meet pollyna and felicia at far east t study and fel had t do the zone t-shirts. stayed there f awhile than me and polly headed t ps first than fel came a few minutes later. yeaps :) than the rest of the church peeps came. got t know more of them! :D hhaha. oh oh oh cheryl's pretty!(if im not wrong,). heh huimin also! hahah i think huimin damn cute luh. hahah.
went t the foodcourt f lunch, the girls one side the guys one side, hahah than poor huimin, her contact was making her eye irritated luh. whenever she blink the contact moves up. ouchh her eyes was red! ): after eating me fel and huimin went t dbgod exchange t get huimin's hairband cos it was the girls weekend. :D hohoho. she bought a beri beri nice hairband which cost her $6.90 so expensiveee. haha than headed t church. hahah while waiting f service t start we were taking pictures and yeking.
t the seats f everyone. hahaha and he was shouting like a moron luh, which made us damn malu. hahah service was FUN and NICE! :] heheh after service me,huimin,brendon,cindy and some other ppl were going f planet shakers but all the girls had t take pictures first. haha oh! while waiting t take pics ernest was giving out flowers and he was like aying he's the prettiest girl, haha whatever luh. took the pictures got my flower and off we went! :]
cab-ed t Expo w huimin and the rest. yeaps reached and huimin waited f her friends, and i waited f sam,alvi,qian wei and caryn. heh, gave huimin a hug before she left :D hehehe
than i went t the other side t stand t wait f them and this guy from church i forgot his name he was like, "why stand there, stand here luh"so i replied back "haha, nevermind luh later my friends cannot see me, cos i kana blocked by you" hahah
YAY! :D entered the hall and the thing start and all of us was damn high and crazy luh. went t the front and we kept singing and jumping! :D the hall was filled w ppl. hehehe i love PLANET SHAKERS! ;] after the whole thing we headed t changi airport t eat cos i was dead hungry, i didnt eat the whole day. hah yek-ed and ate. after everything daddy sent all of us home. hahah it was FUN yesterday! i want more! :D :D :D oh oh oh. saw justin in church today. haha
yesterday was almost perfect but i didnt see you :/
Friday, August 11, 2006
im falling apartoh gosh, i had 2 common tests today luh. and its was Hist and Lit. i didn't manage t finish my Hist paper ): $^$#%*#@!~$$ gah gah gah. than f Lit. the GONG me went t do both question when the paper say chose QUES 1 OR 2 wahlau! waste my ink than i had t cancel off one question. damnit :/ i was falling asleeep alrd cos i was damn tired :/ oh well, its over alrd so i shan't say more. ;] went f recess, after recess jolyn came t me and sam syaing that the ladies were waiting f us in the student activity rooom t start the program so went f the program.. Mrs K yek-ed yek-ed yek-ed she's kinda nice (?) hahaha.
I KNOCK MY HEAD ON THE DAMN TABLE AND I'VE GOT A BALIKU ON MY HEAD NOW. my head hurts terribly. gosh :/ than we had maths and after maths was chinese and we had a zuo wen test, damnit theres so many test today. RAHH than S lao shi said that we had t come up w some speeech and present it next week. so we draw lots and i had t do ques 2 and im so damn HENG luh. im the 2nd person t have t present the damn speech. i've got t read some cheeena speech which i suck in. :/ omgz.and my topic is gong lu an quan (?) safety of roads (?) damn my cheena is lousy. hahaha.
after schoool cabb-ed back cos B said that she want t change the time t 3 so rushed home bathed, had tuition and here i am. gosh, im so tired i wanna take a nap :/ but nevermind.
everything about you i miss :/

hahah. partner's sooo cutee! ;D haha i love partner! :) hehehe
Oh damnit theres history and lit test tmr. im so gonna fail, im trying t get all the notes into my head. Lord, help me! ):
when it all falls apart
;D hehehe went out w jia, nats , sam , hm and danny yesterday. hahah :) it was fun fun fun! heh
met nats and jia at cityhall and sam and hm appeared. HAH walked t esplanade and went t thai express f dinner. wahlau i kana cheated the tom yam soup so small. tsk nevermind ahahah.
yek-ed in thai express waited f danny t come, while waiting nats and jia went outside thais express t act like lil kids banging on the glass windows and saying hi t sam! :] hahaha they damn cute luh. hahhah while sam and hm were busying lan man-ing luh. gooose bumps all popping out alrd. ahahah FINALLY after loooong danny came :) hahah walked t marina and we walk-ed yek-ed and blah blah blah.
we spent most of the time inside marina being retards. haha zm was there also he said he walked past me , and best luh never even say helloo or what. stupid zm. HAHAH. all of us were like morons luh we wanted t watch the fireworks right, in the end we missed it. HOW GREAT WE SAT AT ESPLANDE LIKE MORONS LUH. hahah than sam and hm were busy w themselves, nats jia and me were taking photos and danny was wandering somewhere. hahaha . we left at about 11 (?) jia and nats went the other way while sam, me , hm and danny went another way. yeps yeps :) hahaha there were couples everywhere luh. tsk tsk tsk. while we were in the mrt stupid danny keep copying whatever i did. COPYCAT! haha and sam and hm just kept laughing luh. hahah hm and danny left and i left too. daddy came t pick me up at kovan and home-ed ;D
tell me what am i suppose t do.
;D hehehe went out w jia, nats , sam , hm and danny yesterday. hahah :) it was fun fun fun! heh
met nats and jia at cityhall and sam and hm appeared. HAH walked t esplanade and went t thai express f dinner. wahlau i kana cheated the tom yam soup so small. tsk nevermind ahahah.
yek-ed in thai express waited f danny t come, while waiting nats and jia went outside thais express t act like lil kids banging on the glass windows and saying hi t sam! :] hahaha they damn cute luh. hahhah while sam and hm were busying lan man-ing luh. gooose bumps all popping out alrd. ahahah FINALLY after loooong danny came :) hahah walked t marina and we walk-ed yek-ed and blah blah blah.
we spent most of the time inside marina being retards. haha zm was there also he said he walked past me , and best luh never even say helloo or what. stupid zm. HAHAH. all of us were like morons luh we wanted t watch the fireworks right, in the end we missed it. HOW GREAT WE SAT AT ESPLANDE LIKE MORONS LUH. hahah than sam and hm were busy w themselves, nats jia and me were taking photos and danny was wandering somewhere. hahaha . we left at about 11 (?) jia and nats went the other way while sam, me , hm and danny went another way. yeps yeps :) hahaha there were couples everywhere luh. tsk tsk tsk. while we were in the mrt stupid danny keep copying whatever i did. COPYCAT! haha and sam and hm just kept laughing luh. hahah hm and danny left and i left too. daddy came t pick me up at kovan and home-ed ;D
tell me what am i suppose t do.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
i never felt like this beforeyay! yay! yay! i'll be meetings nats and sam ltr f dinner and see the fireworks! :D :D :D oh oh oh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! :) hahah. okays im bored, im hungry. i shall blog later! :] hehehe.
those times we had
HAHAHAH. went t meet nats at sardine's block t get her shirt from sardine's house. after getting the shirt and chinging into it we race t schoool! ahahha so fun! :) went f the parade and it ended at 810. tsk and sweets was sooo cute t take so many containers of floss luh. hahha :D after the parade the bloody nerds and ash went out together! :D yay! went t j8 f breakfast, gosh im gonna turn into a big fat pig luh i ate 2 burgers f breakfast, i need t exerciseee. :] HAH. stone-ed in MACS f awhile than we went t town and in the MRT there this frigging CHIKOPEI luh. he was like touching every girl that was infront of him. BLOOODY SICK IDIOT. go home touch your wife luh! hes sucha lao ticko. yucks, saw sherman in the mrt :) walked t ido an we sat down and stone again. HAHAH sardine, sam and ask went t buy the movie tickets we were gonna watch lady in the water :] hahha saw M but he was so dao luh see me never say hello, after a long time than he said. he best luh hahah :] well, stone f awhile longer than we went in the cinemas, it was DAMN dark and there were little people in it. how pathetic :/ 3/4 of the movie i was covering my ears cos it was shocking luh! than there were laughing and screaming. we were such morons. ahahaah after the movie, sardine and ash left. which left me,lene,jia,and nats. :) headed t heeren and we took neos! :D :D :D yeaps! than walked around and lene had t go. saw jessica and haomeng. the four of us me, nats, jia and sam were kinda hungry so we went t eat the wanton mee just outside the printclub. :)yek-ed and jessica and haomeng join in. jess and jia left. so me,nats, sam and haomeng went t paragon TOY'R'US! :D:D:D:D:D:D we went t play w all the toys! HEHEHE. damn fun luh! sam! nats! the slide! LOL. it was damn fun, than we saw this girl who was ex-pl she was in the 89 batch, yeaps. hahha after playing khm left. and the three of us was eating and talkng and taking photoss! :D hahha. than we went our seperate ways.
and im having a terrible headache now due the damn period.
i miss you :/
HAHAHAH. went t meet nats at sardine's block t get her shirt from sardine's house. after getting the shirt and chinging into it we race t schoool! ahahha so fun! :) went f the parade and it ended at 810. tsk and sweets was sooo cute t take so many containers of floss luh. hahha :D after the parade the bloody nerds and ash went out together! :D yay! went t j8 f breakfast, gosh im gonna turn into a big fat pig luh i ate 2 burgers f breakfast, i need t exerciseee. :] HAH. stone-ed in MACS f awhile than we went t town and in the MRT there this frigging CHIKOPEI luh. he was like touching every girl that was infront of him. BLOOODY SICK IDIOT. go home touch your wife luh! hes sucha lao ticko. yucks, saw sherman in the mrt :) walked t ido an we sat down and stone again. HAHAH sardine, sam and ask went t buy the movie tickets we were gonna watch lady in the water :] hahha saw M but he was so dao luh see me never say hello, after a long time than he said. he best luh hahah :] well, stone f awhile longer than we went in the cinemas, it was DAMN dark and there were little people in it. how pathetic :/ 3/4 of the movie i was covering my ears cos it was shocking luh! than there were laughing and screaming. we were such morons. ahahaah after the movie, sardine and ash left. which left me,lene,jia,and nats. :) headed t heeren and we took neos! :D :D :D yeaps! than walked around and lene had t go. saw jessica and haomeng. the four of us me, nats, jia and sam were kinda hungry so we went t eat the wanton mee just outside the printclub. :)yek-ed and jessica and haomeng join in. jess and jia left. so me,nats, sam and haomeng went t paragon TOY'R'US! :D:D:D:D:D:D we went t play w all the toys! HEHEHE. damn fun luh! sam! nats! the slide! LOL. it was damn fun, than we saw this girl who was ex-pl she was in the 89 batch, yeaps. hahha after playing khm left. and the three of us was eating and talkng and taking photoss! :D hahha. than we went our seperate ways.
and im having a terrible headache now due the damn period.
i miss you :/
Monday, August 07, 2006
its been tiring :/well, Hellooooooooo! :D :D :D im always having monday blues i didnt feel like waking up today again cos i was really tired but i still drag my lazy ass t schoool! :D hohoho. yeaps had asssembly in the hall today. gosh it was damn hot luh. nearly killed me ): hahha.
went back t class changed into PE and went f recess, and after recess we had PE! :D oh oh oh! we had played against jiaying's group. hahah. it was damn fun luh! :) hahaha. i manage t get the ball and the great one low jiaying said the f word t me. (she didnt say it on purpose luh). :]
hahaha it was tiring but i had a great time playing! :D yay! :]
than we had IT and blah blah blah. the other lessons. yeaps :) finally the bell ring and it was LUNCH! i was practically starving in class. hahah than eat and yek-ed went back t class f history it was alrd 220 by then, and i was so tired and sleeepy i nearly doze off during history lesson. xD after history me, sam and jia went t the toilet and we wanted t change into our PE cos we were gonna have trng than after i change samantha said there was NO trng so i had t change back. after a few minutes, sam said there was trng and i had t change back luh! i was like doing some fashion show luh. HAH ah heck. :) than after training, went back t class and sardine was in class all alone ): pooor girl! waited f lene and jaaziel t come back w the shirts so that we could decorate it f tmr.while waiting me,sardine,jia and sam was talking and than sam said some things that really made me feeel super touched!THANKS SWEEETS! I FORGIVE YOU! AND AND I LOVE YOU! YOU'RE SOOO SWEEET! LOVE YOU BABE! :). hahah so we went t sardine's house t do the designs and everything, while me and sam went t MACS t get some ice-creams. waited f like years than the auntie said our food and ice creams were ready, while waiting i was sitting in the baby chairs! :D i own baby chairs! and obviously everybody was staring at me but heck luh :) heheh. cab-ed back t sardine's house and it cost me $5 freaking dollars. why in the world did they increaase the price luh. so annoying. pffts.. ahhaha went t sardines house yek-ed and we did our things than after a few hours daddy came t fetch me and we went t chomp chomp f dinner and now im HOME! :D im sooooo tired. i just neeed a goood sleeep even better i want some massage. :D
i'm always looking out f you.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
you're everything i wantYESTERDAY :D
Oh Hellooo! :D went t nats house t help chooose what t wear hahha. spent about an hour plus choosing and everything. yeah :] hahahah. than headed t far east t get my belt. :D:D:D:D:D
YAY! nats bought her earring than went t ps f guitar! :) hahah guitar was fun but very few came.. haha. after guitar daryl came t meeet us, headed t town.
went t sakae and eat than lx,jx and n came said Hi and than they left. after eating went t take neoprints! :D but sam wasn't there again. tsk SAMANTHA ONG! THE NEXT OUTING YOU BETTER BE THERE! haha after walking awhile more, we headed f SOP. which was at tanjong pajar.
waited at the conference hall f about half an hour before going in, yeah.. the concert was alright the guzheng was damn niceeeee. hhaha after everything sweets called, pooor girl she was cying =( talked t her tried t calm her down and so. yeaps CHEEER UP SWEETS! :D hehe love you girl! :D after the concert daddy came t pick me up. went t eat w daddy, brother , brother's gf. yeaps than home-ed. :D
i cleared my cupboard today. gosh so many old clothes, hahha packed them up and my aunt came toook it and yeah. korkor had more luh. he had 3-4 bags of old clothes while i only had 2 :) ahaha. ah heck. went f lunch w daddy than daddy drove t town. walk-ed and daddy bought the Giorgio Armani f me. :D heheh thanks daddy! walked walked walked. then headed t chinatown cos daddy wanted t drink liang teh.(the bitter one) yucks. i toook a sip and eew so bitter. wonder how daddy could tahan luh. haha anw i home now. :) OH YEAH! I'VE GOT T BRING THE FORM TMR. if not i'll get slaughtered by Ms.L heh
baby you're the one
Friday, August 04, 2006
my lifes in a mess now :/gah gah gah! :/ in the morning julie had a big problem luh she was like having attitude problems and she shouted f no reason WHERES MY BLOUSE! WHO TOOOK IT! i mean like hello you can ask nicely and not shout luh. and please your mum thinks i took your phone i don;'t wish to luh. wahlau im staying away from you. you cause trouble and everything luh!
had CME and chinese test and gosh my hands were aching luh. thanks t all those writings. it killed me luh. hahah after schoool went back w chocolate cos i had tuition at 330. yeah :) hahah! go home w chocolate was funny. ahahah. :) reached home bathed and eat my lunch and talk t zm. yeaps than had tuition and im so tired. im suppose t meet kuku head now but i dont think i'll be going f your schoool choir concert. sorry! ): and im stuck at home alone. gah
everything has changed.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
things happen f a reason.gah. there was national day chapel service today and it was alright. sat w adrina talked t her as if we didn't talk f years. hahah. had fun talking t her and she started taking out everything from my wallet just t have a peep. how cute luh she. ahahha :D anw adrina, don't quarrel w D luh. im sure theres a way t solve any misunderstanding yeah?. cheeer up girl! :) hehehe.
today was rather slack i think? haha okay i'v got t buck up on chem im failing. die luh :/ study study study. -chants
hahah after schoool followed julie t the E hall waited f at least half and hour before someone came t open the dooor. than followed her t the dental t have her tooothy extract. i saw the whole processs. she was like poking and biting her lips t seee if theres was any feeelings luh.
hahah julie the doctor had injected 2 lil bottles of the numb thingy obviously you won't feeel a thing right. hahah. she kept her toooths. HAH and her maid was like
jul's maid: EEEYER! so disgusting! yucks.
hahah! i kept laughing of course.
and after a few hours julie called me t say that her phone is misssing. and it was rather strange as it was practically w her the whole day after she got out from the car its missing. hmmm
julie! cheeer up! kay. :)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
my momentshelloooooooooooooooooooo. :D:D:D hah. i finally went t schoool today dragg-ed my ass t school i was half awake. damnit i'm turning into a pig luh. i've beeen sooo tired these few days. gah. reached schoool went t the classsroooom and i got chocolate t eat! :DDDDDDD yay! thanks t nats. :D than went down f breakfast. than blah blah blah, sec 2s had t go t the hall f assembly so sat w nats and mrs. G was talking bout the subjects that we could choose from and yeah. rah
after that went f lesssons and than i wasn't feeeling tooo goood. the stupid "HIGH" cramps came back. rah (cheryl cheong was the one who came up w HIGH cramps luh) didn't had the appetitie t eat during recesss. :/ after loooong i received my letterrr from dear :) hahah. i misss her! :) blah blah blah. SRM ask a few of us t do some survey and me,victoria, sam yeo and jaishani waited at com lab 4 for minutesssss. but no teacher appear luh. waste my time. than finally mrs. L came than she asked us t go t com lab 3 t do it.T.T ugh make me walk walk walk. aiyoh! zhen mafan! than after the 29 questions of survey went back t class t pack my bag and saw nats and the great O chin took out my markers and started t write on my fooolscape. and she canceled Gloria's name. chin you damn mean luh! and chin you wrote that charlotte and cheryl sucks gah. how mean HAHAH. nevermind luh. hahha. than home-ed w sarah,abi,charlotte,jiale and cheryl :)
and here am i eating my BIGGGIE lollipoooop :)