Saturday, September 30, 2006
Baby, i'll kiss away the painNello Fello! ;D
Hahha, went t church today and stella ask me t clean the walls, so i used a rubber and started rubbing all the black marks and spots. WAHLAU so damn dirty luh, but i cleaned it alrd! better not make it black and dirty again. ;D had worship at 12 and not many came but nevermind worship session was great, i cried. I felt God's presence w me! ;D we kept singing Find me at Cross. That song is real niceee! ;] heheh/ after worship i had t rushed down t ps t meeet NATSY WATSY! ;D oh oh oh ernest cut his hair! HAHAH. ;D i walked in the rain! ;D hahah how fun luh. Heheh. Met nats and we ate our usual YOSHINOYA. * i pray and hope that tmr cg's lunch will not be at YOSHINOYA again. im bored of eating it every weekends. HAHAH!* After eating went t the arcade t find ql they all than headed t yamaha f guitar. Hahah learnt a new song today called Hero by some singer, i cant remember. HAHAH :)
After guitar, while waiting f lx and eugene played the yamaha keyboard! HAHAH! I learnt how t play some chinese song! Hahah thanks ql f teaching me ;]. Ohkays, than we walked t orchard planned t study but heeren spinelle was filled w people so we walked all the way t lido and study f awhile luh. Than we left, Nats and i headed t j8 t meet SAMANTHA AND JIAYING! ;D ;D ;D ;D heheh we met up f dinner! ;D DARYL YOW WEI JIE was suppose t come but he didnt ): mean daddy! GAH.
We went t pasta mania it was packed so we went t foodcourt t eat instead ;D heheh. Ate beeefy nooodles. ;D Than we walked around and and partner had t leave so left w me,nats and sam!.
We walked around and we went in popular and we saw _____! HOHOHOHOHO! ;D so funny please, i was practically being abuse by sam, must be she tooo shy than blushing alrd! HAWHAW! ;D im sooo poooorthing ):
Hahah bus-ed home w sam after that and saw varron ;D ahah. Her mum is so cute luh.
Than sam got down the bus i was stuck w a group of blangas luh. GOSH the smell was "NICE" claimed by sam. T.T she so mean! HAHAH! but in the end she also got surrounded by blangas in the train! HAHAH! orbi quek! SAY ME LUH! Hhahah reached my stop and i saw children playing w lanterns! OMGZXZ I WANT T PLAY ALSOO! I WANT! I WANT! ;D heheh THAM WANYI! WE'RE SUPPOSE T PLAY! ;D ;D ;D ;D Waited under the block f daddy and brother and gf. Went f dinner AGAIN. i need t go on a DIET alrd. Gosh :/ hahha than im home now! YAY! oh oh oh im gna start my yelling again!
Ohkay fuck damnit. im seriously getting effing pissed w you! JUST WHATS YOUR PROBLEM!
WAHLAU, you want people t pity you right ? Go ahead and COMPAIN ALL YOU ONE LUH KAYS have all the attention you want. You love t bootlick people so much go luh. Fucking idiot. You seriously spoil my day.*( actually not really at least i've got my besties t make me feeel better! THANKS PARTNER! THANKS NATS! THANKS SAM! I LOVE YOU MANY MANY!) Ohkay back t the topic. im feeling so irritated by you! yes you. Can you just get lost now, i mean the feeling seriously sucks when i think of what you did luh. Gosh, you're making me hate you even more. Its not that i want t hate you, You're the one who make people hate you. Fuck luh just get looost. I HATE YOU! damn you. ;D if you wna hate me so be it, cos why i dont give a SHIT about you! you're nothing. ;]
i'll love you like i always do ;]
Friday, September 29, 2006
Can time stopJello Hello ;]
RAH! had lit paper today okay i think i screwed it :/ cos i didnt really ans properly f the clay marble one and oh nooooo i dont want t fail lit. i'll just die. kill me now please ):
WAHLAU! SI SAMANTHA ONG MAY YEN, write on the paper what i look like a BEAR from her view! ): YOU BELLY THE MEAN! ='( cry till your house floood. ;D
Hahah, after the papers. Lene,Me,Nats,Jia and Sam headed t junction 8 f breakfast/lunch . Yeaps. We ate longjohn ;D heheh than after eating walk around and i left f church. SORRY GUYS! I OWE YOUR A OUTING! ;D heheh. Met Melvin, reached church and OHMYGOSH Garrett was staring at me from inside again. HAHAH so i hide behind Melvin and when we walked in Garrett started laughing, so did i. Hahah yeaps sat down f awhile than more and more people came, went t accompany Melvin f lunch at Mos than went back t church.
okay things happen. What the hell is wrong w you people , fancy having conflicts here and there its really annoying attitude luh i dont give a fuck about you. Bluudy asshole. You spoilt my moood today. Get lost luh. Can't it all be peaceful. :/ its so fcking annoying please, if your attitude can't change so be it luh, you want t behave like this and act like this no one can help you luh. Go and be a bluudy asshole f all i care. Give attitude luh. asshole, go and do whatever you want. idiot spoil my day.
I feel better after throwing all the thrash and rubbish than i wanted t say. Left church around 5 met Baby!(Chong) HEHEH. rushed t pass her ___ cos she was ____ alrd. Hahah she damn cute please. Hahah so she went t the ladies and when she came out of the ladies, HAHAH! she damn funny she forget her hangbad T.T she left it in the toilet. LOL! Hahah walked f awhile and i went t meeet daddy at his off. OHMYGOSH, daddy you're killing me please. Fancy talking SO loud in the train thinking that as if the train is yours. OHMYGOSH. NOOO WAY LUH, im feeel so malu please. Bluudy hell, now i know why im racist cos my DAD is one. Gosh, He was talking bout indians and there wass like a indian just next t him. GOOODNESSS i swear im not taking a train w my dad anymore. i'll die of laughter. Dad said this t me
Daddy: Dont laugh too much, need t conserve your energy f later.
Me: Why?
Daddy: Cos from lil india t buang kok you'll suffer the odour of the indians
Me: What the hell. Daddy i so do not know you, go away you irritating one. ;D
*Put on my earpiece
Hhaha i didnt bother bout my dad after that. Hahaha went t eat and now im home! yaye! ;D
im living misery :/
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Breastfriend and I <3

Our seperation has its faults
YO! ;D im back after HOURS of tuition, and tuition started at 4 plus, she came early and we ended at 8 i died again :/ non-stop luh. Hahah, now im gna study lit, i really hope tmr paper will be easy. Im afraid i'll screw it ): Oh noooo RAH. hahha oh oh oh this is how i look specs! ;D
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
i'll always rememberJello Mello ;] hahha. Had Enflish paper today, its was alright luh. paper 2 only had 1 close passage and 2 compree. I think i screwed up my summary, oh man. :/ ahh its over nevermind.
After that went t junction 8 w sam,nats and partner f breakfast/lunch at Macs. Hahah yeaps, ate and yek-ed than sam and jia started t play w the fries, sam was trying t shoot the fries into partner's mouth, but instead of aiming the mouth, hit the nose there. We were like laughing like shitzxz. Hahah partner than wanted t try throwing, but nobody wanted t play w her so we all close our mouth and refused t open f her. She even tried making us laugh but no use. Hhaa. ;D
So partner threw the lil french fry at the bunch of sec1s and we all pretended that nothing happen. Oh my, we kept laughing. Hahah bus-ed w sam. HOME now. ;D im gna have tuition ltr, Oh man, i wna sleeep im soo tired. OH OH OH tmr is Lit. better study. BYE BYE!
the pain you caused me
i'll be gone tmr
Gello Wello ;] Hahha im stil tired very tired, had a bad headache and was not feeling tooo good :/
My system is failing me. Hahah yah right, im stil perfectly fine ;D hahah. Today didnt really had lessons, we were doing our revision ;] yeaps, during lit, HAHAH i think mr.H loves t shout/talk/scold our class girls, he seeems t mind every small lil thing. Hahah he was like talking my partner and my partner couldnt help but t laugh which made me laugh and she like telling mr.H you very luo shuuo! HAHAH! she best.
After lit was chem, but same we were doing our revision, bout 140 mrs.T asked us t arrange the tables and everything f tmr's paper so we move here and there, damn ma fan. And there were some arguments between N and mrs.T, and mrs.T was like pissed like shitzxz she was screaming. Gosh, go out of the class and argue all you want w N luh. She made us stay back in class until bout 2 plus. WAHLAU! :/ nevermind.
Walked t the bustop, bus-ed and mrt-ed t church, had t do my things after that went t study in the audi, study bout 2 hours mel told me and minghan that we need t get the things donw faster. So i send him my photo. ;] hahah and we were laughing non-stop cos of MInghan's face which was candid in my phone. Hahah he was eating his lollipooop. Hahah, saw dominic, asked him t come take photo and he started being retarded and playing w mel's laptop com. Dom tried soo many effect and was doing stupid faces which was super funny, everyone that was there was laughing till we were gna have 6 packs please. Hahah than he ask choon kit t take photos too! Than Ivan came t join the fun. OHMYGOSH! you should have seen their faces, if hell funny. Bet you'll laugh. ;D hahha after all the fun, waited f lisa t come back and we went of t cathay t visit Jamie. ;] yeap. Reached cathay and Jamie told us that some girl in her work place Deana (however her bluudy name is spelt) scolded Jamie f no shit hell reason.
GOSH, DEANA! listen, i dont give a shit t you kays. You got no rights t scold my Cell leader. SHIT YOU! you're just jealous of everything. People like Jamie cos shes nice, super friendly loving and theres sooo much more that i can say about her. What about you? nothing but just a small tiny winy peanut than i can just crush it anytime. Ohgosh, please stop shoooting your bluudy mouth and people f no rythme or reason you bluuudy idiot. You make me detest you. Just because Jamie has friends t visit her at her workplace you'r jealous. WHAT THE HELL is wrong w you. Not happy ask your friends come visit you luh, unless you have no friends. If you have a problem w Jamie thats your problem but please dont go arnd telling people in your workplace t hate her when theres NO reason they should hate, just because of your story they have t hate her? Thats very DUMB or rather childish of you. Grow up please. You deserve it when Zisky told you t watch out. Who ask you create trouble. DUMB IDIOT. be angry f all i care. Just dont let me find out than you scold Jamie again, i'll make sure i'll ask the CG people t come find you and we'll knock some sense into your head f being so childish. Make my leader so sad today, you bluudy idiot deana! B*tch.
Had dinner w Jamie and the rest, than went home w Minghan, talked t him. I really enjoy talking t Minghan he's really good at takking. Thanks alot brother! ;D Daddy fetched me and we went f dinner at chomp chomp, now im HOME! im gna sleep sooon ;D OH OH OH! Jamie discipled me today! ;D
before you even know.
Gello Wello ;] Hahha im stil tired very tired, had a bad headache and was not feeling tooo good :/
My system is failing me. Hahah yah right, im stil perfectly fine ;D hahah. Today didnt really had lessons, we were doing our revision ;] yeaps, during lit, HAHAH i think mr.H loves t shout/talk/scold our class girls, he seeems t mind every small lil thing. Hahah he was like talking my partner and my partner couldnt help but t laugh which made me laugh and she like telling mr.H you very luo shuuo! HAHAH! she best.
After lit was chem, but same we were doing our revision, bout 140 mrs.T asked us t arrange the tables and everything f tmr's paper so we move here and there, damn ma fan. And there were some arguments between N and mrs.T, and mrs.T was like pissed like shitzxz she was screaming. Gosh, go out of the class and argue all you want w N luh. She made us stay back in class until bout 2 plus. WAHLAU! :/ nevermind.
Walked t the bustop, bus-ed and mrt-ed t church, had t do my things after that went t study in the audi, study bout 2 hours mel told me and minghan that we need t get the things donw faster. So i send him my photo. ;] hahah and we were laughing non-stop cos of MInghan's face which was candid in my phone. Hahah he was eating his lollipooop. Hahah, saw dominic, asked him t come take photo and he started being retarded and playing w mel's laptop com. Dom tried soo many effect and was doing stupid faces which was super funny, everyone that was there was laughing till we were gna have 6 packs please. Hahah than he ask choon kit t take photos too! Than Ivan came t join the fun. OHMYGOSH! you should have seen their faces, if hell funny. Bet you'll laugh. ;D hahha after all the fun, waited f lisa t come back and we went of t cathay t visit Jamie. ;] yeap. Reached cathay and Jamie told us that some girl in her work place Deana (however her bluudy name is spelt) scolded Jamie f no shit hell reason.
GOSH, DEANA! listen, i dont give a shit t you kays. You got no rights t scold my Cell leader. SHIT YOU! you're just jealous of everything. People like Jamie cos shes nice, super friendly loving and theres sooo much more that i can say about her. What about you? nothing but just a small tiny winy peanut than i can just crush it anytime. Ohgosh, please stop shoooting your bluudy mouth and people f no rythme or reason you bluuudy idiot. You make me detest you. Just because Jamie has friends t visit her at her workplace you'r jealous. WHAT THE HELL is wrong w you. Not happy ask your friends come visit you luh, unless you have no friends. If you have a problem w Jamie thats your problem but please dont go arnd telling people in your workplace t hate her when theres NO reason they should hate, just because of your story they have t hate her? Thats very DUMB or rather childish of you. Grow up please. You deserve it when Zisky told you t watch out. Who ask you create trouble. DUMB IDIOT. be angry f all i care. Just dont let me find out than you scold Jamie again, i'll make sure i'll ask the CG people t come find you and we'll knock some sense into your head f being so childish. Make my leader so sad today, you bluudy idiot deana! B*tch.
Had dinner w Jamie and the rest, than went home w Minghan, talked t him. I really enjoy talking t Minghan he's really good at takking. Thanks alot brother! ;D Daddy fetched me and we went f dinner at chomp chomp, now im HOME! im gna sleep sooon ;D OH OH OH! Jamie discipled me today! ;D
before you even know.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Essential yet appealedGAH RAH BAH. Helloo ;]
I'm still super sleeping w the lack of sleep im having. ): Oh man, i just finish my tuition, doing maths f 3 hours non-stop w/o any break. i died, and that idiot lam was like telling me, "Than why you still here. " stupid lam. Go away luh ;D hahha. Oh, today didnt really had lessons practically we were revising f our papers. Than during science lene said she lot her wallet which had her money f her contacts, and her phone. BUT she was super lucky she found it ;] haha she was sooo relieveeee. Had t stand during cheena lesson cos I was so late so was nats,sam,jia,lene and julie. HAHAH. After cheeena went home w lene. hahah yeah. OH OH OH i frenched my partner today! HAHAH! XD THANKS PARTNER F TEACHING ME HISTORY TOOO! ;D hahah. I wna sleeep but i need t study. Ohkay bye ;D
carry all your thoughts
Monday, September 25, 2006
How i'd love t keep you here w me oh babyJelloo Helloo ;D Act 3 came t my school today. HAHAH i think the fat guy is damn adorable hahah. ;] he's super cute. Hhah its was raining heavily today so we didnt have PE. :/ and it was super colddd. pooor nats who was sick was suffering ): GET WELL SOOON NATSY WATSY! ;D
Went f recess i drank coffee t keep myself awake, i was dead tired i didnt really sleep the day before, and my dear samantha cried ): ahyo Girl ah bu yao zai ku le. you've got 10 listening ears f you t throw all your rubbish at, so no more crying kays. i love you girl! <3 hehhe.
Had lessons and i was sitting beside sherry! hahah. she damn cute. ;D Hahah sit next t sam during English damn crap luh. hahah cos i was like helping her.... all the way. HAHHA. Gosh, im not gna do it again sam. Hhahh ;] ohkays im gna sleep now. im dead tired. :/ BYE
oh yah i love boyfriend! ;D hahahha
Sunday, September 24, 2006
What day is itBOOO. im stil not sleeping, im not sleepy plus theres school tmr. Gosh, i'll have a hard time waking up tmr :/ im not feeling very well, many things are running through my mind and im feeling down ): i dont know whats happening now, i feel irritated w myself and its as if i cant wait t kill myself. Im trying t get all these shit thats bugging me out of my head but it aint easy at all. Its like somebody suffocating me and the feelings super terrible. I feel like shit. ): Having t see my bestie whos gna breakdown anytime makes me really sad, i really dont know what t do. Seeing her crying and drinking all her sorrows really make my heartache. I wna lend her my shoulder t cry on and i wna lend her a listening ear, i want t make her happy. We've overcomed many difficulties and even fights/quarrels, but now shes feeling so down because of somethings makes me feeling even down. Plus, i've disappointed nats,jiaying,sam,flea,jamie,yolanda,minghan and many many more people by cutting myself really makes me guilty, knowing that i have all these GREATEST FRIENDS t care f me and love me. But i still disappointed them. ): I feel really useless. Gosh, i wna get all these shit feelings out of me, cos its making me feeling annoyed and irritated w myself.
im suffocating in silence
im living in your santuary.
Helloo Melloo ;] heheh. i woke up latee today, was suppose t be at ps at 12 but i woke up 15 mins before 12 and i rushed my asss, get ready and bought a big o sunflower f flea, hahah and daddy fetched me t ps. reached ps and i was walking w the big sunflower and everybody was staring at me. oh gosh i wanted t hide my face luhhh. :/ hhaha went t kopitiam saw melvin! haha phew. so he asked me t go t the secret place and find the rest of them than when i walked in i saw no one, than i walked out t find melvin w the sunflower in my hand and everybpdy was still staring. Melvin said that they were inside but i walked in there was NOOOO ONE. so i accompanied him t buy his drink before walking back, because i didnt want t malu myself a second time. I dont want t look like a moronn. ;D hahah mona, minghan, lisa were in the secret place luh. HAHAH. than yek-ed and eat. Lift-ed down t breadtalk t get flea's cake and we walked t church. WAHLAU minghan was jacking me all the way. Gosh, stupid minghan! :/ reached church and breastfriend was there alrd so was huimin. yeaps ;D signed flea's card and the dooors opened so went in and sat beside jamieee. ;D heheh service was Good, but i wasnt feeling very good, so nevermind dont talk about it. ;] OH OH OH after service we celebrated flea's birthday and many many more people's birthday! ;D hehe. WAHLAU ian LAM is super mean. Lam, you're the stupid moron not me ;D and finally you're sociable. hahah. Oh and i think people really believe that you're my brother. HAHAH ;] Than had lunch w the zone people. ;D half of the zone were in yoshi and the other half in long john. ;D hahah. After lunch, walked t cathay f B&J! ;D ;D ;D ;D The great o melvin and ernest were happily jacking me all the way luh. ): Gosh, im being bullied by those 2 bullies. ): reached B&J and it was kinda packed alrd adding most of the zone people, it was totally packed. HAHAH ;] ate my usual phish foood. Ernest and kong kiat ate it too! ;D (oh man i dont know if i spelt his name correctly) xD i shall just lable him as K. ;D OMGZXZ. K is super tall luh! 1.88 and he's only sec 1 , stand beside him is like wooooah. Gosh, hahah. but he damn blur. Hahah we took pictures and B&J was left w me, ernest, minghan and K. Talked t ernest about somethings in B&J. Thanks Ernest! ;D Hehhe, than me and minghan left. Hhaha minghan told me his secret and i told him mine. ;D heheh hahah was really nice talking t him. Thanks Minghan f those talks that we always have on our way back in the mrt. Its really fun going home tgther w you ;] thank you f being my brother in christ ;D heheh. waited f daddy and went t eat w my dad and brother. Finally i get t eat a meal w my brother after looooong. Cos hes always not home, he either working or sleeping and i dont really get much time t talk t him :/ sad huh.
im so amazed
Helloo Melloo ;] heheh. i woke up latee today, was suppose t be at ps at 12 but i woke up 15 mins before 12 and i rushed my asss, get ready and bought a big o sunflower f flea, hahah and daddy fetched me t ps. reached ps and i was walking w the big sunflower and everybody was staring at me. oh gosh i wanted t hide my face luhhh. :/ hhaha went t kopitiam saw melvin! haha phew. so he asked me t go t the secret place and find the rest of them than when i walked in i saw no one, than i walked out t find melvin w the sunflower in my hand and everybpdy was still staring. Melvin said that they were inside but i walked in there was NOOOO ONE. so i accompanied him t buy his drink before walking back, because i didnt want t malu myself a second time. I dont want t look like a moronn. ;D hahah mona, minghan, lisa were in the secret place luh. HAHAH. than yek-ed and eat. Lift-ed down t breadtalk t get flea's cake and we walked t church. WAHLAU minghan was jacking me all the way. Gosh, stupid minghan! :/ reached church and breastfriend was there alrd so was huimin. yeaps ;D signed flea's card and the dooors opened so went in and sat beside jamieee. ;D heheh service was Good, but i wasnt feeling very good, so nevermind dont talk about it. ;] OH OH OH after service we celebrated flea's birthday and many many more people's birthday! ;D hehe. WAHLAU ian LAM is super mean. Lam, you're the stupid moron not me ;D and finally you're sociable. hahah. Oh and i think people really believe that you're my brother. HAHAH ;] Than had lunch w the zone people. ;D half of the zone were in yoshi and the other half in long john. ;D hahah. After lunch, walked t cathay f B&J! ;D ;D ;D ;D The great o melvin and ernest were happily jacking me all the way luh. ): Gosh, im being bullied by those 2 bullies. ): reached B&J and it was kinda packed alrd adding most of the zone people, it was totally packed. HAHAH ;] ate my usual phish foood. Ernest and kong kiat ate it too! ;D (oh man i dont know if i spelt his name correctly) xD i shall just lable him as K. ;D OMGZXZ. K is super tall luh! 1.88 and he's only sec 1 , stand beside him is like wooooah. Gosh, hahah. but he damn blur. Hahah we took pictures and B&J was left w me, ernest, minghan and K. Talked t ernest about somethings in B&J. Thanks Ernest! ;D Hehhe, than me and minghan left. Hhaha minghan told me his secret and i told him mine. ;D heheh hahah was really nice talking t him. Thanks Minghan f those talks that we always have on our way back in the mrt. Its really fun going home tgther w you ;] thank you f being my brother in christ ;D heheh. waited f daddy and went t eat w my dad and brother. Finally i get t eat a meal w my brother after looooong. Cos hes always not home, he either working or sleeping and i dont really get much time t talk t him :/ sad huh.
im so amazed
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Your breath gives me new lifeTODAY! ;D
Helloo! ;D hehehe daddy was not in s'pore today, he had some gold tournement.:] woke up kinda late today cos i was super tired after having a crazy time at juliie's house yesterday, Hhahah. bus-ed t serangoon mrt and guess who i saw xinyi! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D omgzz! she's sooo preeety now and she damn cute luh hahah. anw catch up w you sooon.;D heheh. than met nats and we were wearing our country shirts! ;) hehehe. mrt-ed t ps.yek-ed in the mrt and we went t yoshi f lunch. its like we always have lunch at yoshi every satbefore lessons ;D. hahha after eating, walked rounds in ps than went t kopitiam t say Hi t melvin and the rest. HAHAH, minghan wasn't there cos he was in orchard. HAHH.had lesson, and todaywas alright. yeaps, after lesson walked t town w nats and saw lx and eugene. Waited w natsf her bus and i headed t somerset t meeet sunhong, hahah walked t fareast t meet wibi,irwin and eugene ;] walked around f awhile and went t bk t eat but i didnt eat. ;D Than headed home tgther w lao gay. HAHAH. wahlau theres this guy in the bus his was super HUGEEE and it was like squashing me luh. rahh! stupid moron carry such a HUGGEEE bag w thousand and one million things inside f what. ^*$@^#$#%$&^%* go away luh. and im HOME. oh oh oh while i was in the car w daddy just now, i saw lim. daddy drove pass him and lam. :/
HAHHA. yes yes its JULIE'S birthday! yaye! ;D hahha. okays went t school andi was going t have my eng and chinese compo test plus ORAAAL. ;D hahahdid my papers and it was alright. yeah but chinese was being screwed up by me cos the big o moronicme didnt remember the format f the gong han. OH NOOOO im soooo dead please. :/ HELP. WAHLAUi dont know whats w my body yesterday its was giving me shitxzx cramps and i was in sooo much pain, its like thousand and one million needles poking me. ): the pain was like $&%^%*@#%.sfter my chinese paper had my cheena oral cos i have not took it. yeaps than had break and sooon it was english oral, wong as usual was like "Girls, keep quiet if i have t walk in t tell you t be quietmarks wil be deducted from your oral and i mean it." WAHLAU forever one please. ;] I had my oral first cos i had my sunshine programme. HAHAH. yeah , after the programme i faster rushed t the sickbay there t get done w my art and yes yes!Thanks kiahweee and lydia ! f helping me w the art! without you guys i think i would be like some mad woman rushing. THANKS ALOT! ;D than the rest of them finished their oral and walked out t the bustop w kiahwee and lydia. yek-ed and i rushed home and bathe and get change cos i was meeting kiahwee at serangoonat 5 but i was slightly late. HAHAH so was kiahwee, bus-ed t bishan. Kiahwee and i were earlyso we went t 7-elven t get a drink cos i was dying of thirst. ;] Walked back t the interchangewaited f partner t come and nats and sam. They all arrive and we went t j8 t find f JULIE'S present,it was kinda last minute so we saw those BIG ballloooons in j8 and kiahwee andi shared and we bought a BIG O ELMOOO f jul, while sam got her patrick, partner got her spongeboband nats got her minnie mouse! ;D we walked t the bustop w the BIGGG balllooons. HAHHA. damn fun ;] the ballooons were like sooo nice that we didnt bear t give it t julie. HAHAH but obviously we gave itt her.bus-ed t jul's house and we were walking in. AHYO julie your house very far in leh. HAHAHwell, she didnt know that we were going t her house f her birthday celebration cos we all bluffed herthat we all couldnt make it. pooor julie she was like sooo sad she wanted t cry alrd. HAHAHwhen we reached her house she wanst in so we rushed t her rooom and woooah jaslynn and the rest were in the room. Hahahah. Than julie came back she wanted t come in haha than we locked her out of the room than we hide than she came in and we BOOO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE! and we sang her the birthday song! yaye! ;D went down t chat w the netballers and everyone. yeaps gosh there was many many people ahhh. HAHAH saw baby! ;D heheh. hahah yeah yek-ed and eat. Drank, oh nooooo me and sam went super HIGHHHH but well, at least i let all my shitzxz all out. i was feeeling horrible honestly but nevermind at least i kinda let all my sadness out. and i was being told by baby that i wasnt suppose t cut myself so yeah i gotta listen t baby, partner, sam and nats and of course the rest who were worried bout me. im sorry guys. ): i left w partner after that. mrt-ed home and i just fell asleeeepon my o so comfortable bed. hhehehe
im falling on my kneees
Thursday, September 21, 2006
i seem t have drift apart.Oh Helloo ;] didnt blog f the past few days, nothing much happen but mugginmy my life away. Im not really in the moood now. so yeah, well theres cheeena paper and english paper 1 tmr and its compooo and there english oral. Hope it goes well and not having it t be screwed by me. Well, im just feeling so fucked up again, theres things bugging me including whats going on in my family which is like !%$(%^^~#@$ . But im soo glad that i have my friends here w me. Thanks partner! thanks Nats! thanks sam! thanks everyone. Talked t flea on the phone yesterday about some stuffs and i told her whats happening in my leife and blah blah. I really thank God f flea and the rest of the cg people. im just feeling kinda upset w myself this few days, crying aint gna help me much, and those stuffs. Gosh, theres more that i wna blog about but i shall just forget about it. It will just kill my moood and everything. Further more im having my papers tmr and next week. anw, i find this song nice, although its kinda old alrd i think? ah heck :/
what day is it
and in what month
this clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep upand I can't back down
I've been losing so much time
cause it's you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to lose
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know whyI can't keep my eyes off of you
all of the things that I want to say
just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping inwards
you got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here
cause it's you and me and all of the people
with nothing to donothing to prove
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know whyI can't keep my eyes off of you
cause it's you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to prove
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know whyI can't keep my eyes off of you
all of the things that I want to say
just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping inwards
you got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here
cause it's you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to prove
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know whyI can't keep my eyes off of you
there's something about you nowI can't quite figure out
everything she does is beautiful
everything she does is right
you and me and all of the people
with nothing to donothing to lose
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know whyI can't keep my eyes off of you
you and me and all of the people
with nothing to don
othing to prove
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know whyI can't keep my eyes off of you
what day is it
and in what month
this clock never seemed so alive
its never coming back
Sunday, September 17, 2006
i was in your pressenceYOOO! ;D hahah. okay okay woke up early and daddy fetched me down t mummy's place t help out. Ah ma was there she xiu her mei maooo. HAHAH! my ah ma sooo cute. HAHHA. didnt had the time t eat at all was busy the whole day than bout 1 plus daddy came t pick me up and drove me t ps, so i left mummy's work place first. :) dbgod was crowdeddddd. tsk met minghan,nana and flea! ;D walked t church and i chiong t the toilet HAHAHAH im seriously becoming a toilet woman luhh :/ thats bad. Than the first thing i came out of the toilet i saw BREASTFRIEND! ;D hahah! she's sooo funny and cutee please i love her many many! ;D than flea had t go back home ): Yek-ed in church w the rest. Oh my my WENDY YOU'RE SOOO ADORABLEEE! haahha. she calls me sweet cutieee pieee. HAHAH she's soooo cute luuhhh. HAHAH breastfriend was trying t kill me today. ): Than the dooors opened and we chiong in sat at the 2nd row in the middle sooo we must be super enthu! Today's service was really nice. Talking bout worship pastor lai was preaching today cos Pastor How's siccck real sick ): GET WELL PASTOR HOW WE ALL LOVE YOU! ;D heheheh. I LOVE TODAYS PRAISE AND WORSHIP it was goood. AND ongah was SINGING! HAHAHAH that funny fella. :) Hahaha i cried during service today, i spoke t God and i felt His pressence and it was a heart t heart talk w Him. yeaps, after service went t have lunch w dexter,breastfriend,minghan,lynnette,cherie and many many moreeee! ;D yeaps, after lunch, me and minghan headed back t church w lynnette and dexter and its was raining so we were walking in the rain! HAHAH damn fun. yeaps, stayed in church f awhile went homeeee! ;D
because im Your child.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
im just out t findHAHAH! ;D Hellloooooo ;D im stil not sleeeping, hahah thats because im super hyper now :/ which i've got no idea whyyyy. Aye, im talking t sunhong on msn and he's damn funny. Oh wells, he's at his friend's house GAYING. thats what he was telling me and i was like GAYING sounds wroooong. xD hahah. I told him that i was gna blog about it and im doing it ;D hahah. seee lao gaaay feeel honoured that im bloggging about you gaying at your friend's house. TSK. it happen like this.
Tess: its superrrrr boooooring.
Sunhong: you want t talk t my friend?
Tess: LOL
Sunhong: My gay friend leh.. lol
Tess: Ohmygosh, continue gaying
Sunhong: sure
Sunhong: standard luh.. lol
Tess: Hhahah, im gna blog about it
Sunhong: Haha, blog liao let me
Tess: okays.
Sunhong: quick!! lol
SEEEE. he's sooo in love w his gay friend man. HAHAHHA. bet he's still gaying nooow. tsk. He's sooo kan chiong t see this post. HAHAH! alrights im doneee nooow ;D
be w me til the end of time
You're everything i wanted
Da jia haooooo! ;D hahahs. Ohkay ohkay lams shutup. went t eat breakfast w daddy than headed down t Mount E. t visit Dawn's dadddy, hahah i didnt know how dawn loooked like sooo today finally i saw how she loook like, Hahaha. Dawn! dont worrry tooo much aye! im sure God will blesssed your daddy! ;D and he'll be fit as usual! heheh. and you should rest, you're loooking soooo exhausted. :/ We left, than msg hugger told her said that the ballooony was deflated ): she said nevermind luh, hahah than she was so cute luh, she msg me this cos i was having cough and i was telling her about my condition and she was like "OMGZ SHUT YOUR MOUTH LUH AND DONT EVEN TRY TO WHISPER AH! " hahah she so cute and funnny and its sooo sweet f her she's buying me strepils or dont know what sweeet luh. Hahaha. Went t heeren w daddy f awhile and got the handphone strap from flash and splash and i bought a new hairband! heheh. YAYE! ;D thanks dadddy! love you! love you! mwahs! hehehe. Walked t somerset mrt after that t meeet nats, than met her and we walk-ed t cine and and and and and and we went t the washroom cos natsy was going t tie her hair than POKNEH called me and she was changed her voice trying t sound ang mohybut she cant luhhh. xD hahha than went t Hong Kong cafe t meeet them we were all wearing stripes! hehehe. ;D yay! than ordered the foood and drinks, i drank the hiong kong nai cha ans nothing else cos i was still full, than lx and ql and eugene order so much luh. tsk tsk in the end chi bu wan. ahyoyo, and guess what we were LATE f guitar lesssons and it not 5 mins late or what is HALF AN HOUR LATE! . hahah so we chiong t dbgod and i was super urgent so was nats than we ran t tthe toilet saw brendon, than we chiong t yamaha and and the funny thing is i didnt know how t open the dooor and i malu-ed myself so ql say come come i open luh. hahah! we learnt a new soooong today supermannn! hahah than went offf t marina t meeet lx and eugene cos they were cutting hair, lx's hair was being but by some girl and now her fringe sooooo short! HAHAH, went t yoshinoya t study and study til 7 plus , it was super coooooold okay. While walking back t the mrt, zm said he saw me and he even call my name loudly but i didnt know cos marina was soooo crowded and he said that i was deaf luh! WAHLAU EH! TAN ZHIMING! you like that. gah, hahah than xn also call me. WAHLAU silly one, you sleeep so late you wake up soooo late. tsk tsk tsk you ah. xD haha than mrt-ed w nats t bishan, and waited f dadddy ;D and now im home i off t do BIOOOOOO alrd. ;D zai jian!
and i dont ever want you gone
Da jia haooooo! ;D hahahs. Ohkay ohkay lams shutup. went t eat breakfast w daddy than headed down t Mount E. t visit Dawn's dadddy, hahah i didnt know how dawn loooked like sooo today finally i saw how she loook like, Hahaha. Dawn! dont worrry tooo much aye! im sure God will blesssed your daddy! ;D and he'll be fit as usual! heheh. and you should rest, you're loooking soooo exhausted. :/ We left, than msg hugger told her said that the ballooony was deflated ): she said nevermind luh, hahah than she was so cute luh, she msg me this cos i was having cough and i was telling her about my condition and she was like "OMGZ SHUT YOUR MOUTH LUH AND DONT EVEN TRY TO WHISPER AH! " hahah she so cute and funnny and its sooo sweet f her she's buying me strepils or dont know what sweeet luh. Hahaha. Went t heeren w daddy f awhile and got the handphone strap from flash and splash and i bought a new hairband! heheh. YAYE! ;D thanks dadddy! love you! love you! mwahs! hehehe. Walked t somerset mrt after that t meeet nats, than met her and we walk-ed t cine and and and and and and we went t the washroom cos natsy was going t tie her hair than POKNEH called me and she was changed her voice trying t sound ang mohybut she cant luhhh. xD hahha than went t Hong Kong cafe t meeet them we were all wearing stripes! hehehe. ;D yay! than ordered the foood and drinks, i drank the hiong kong nai cha ans nothing else cos i was still full, than lx and ql and eugene order so much luh. tsk tsk in the end chi bu wan. ahyoyo, and guess what we were LATE f guitar lesssons and it not 5 mins late or what is HALF AN HOUR LATE! . hahah so we chiong t dbgod and i was super urgent so was nats than we ran t tthe toilet saw brendon, than we chiong t yamaha and and the funny thing is i didnt know how t open the dooor and i malu-ed myself so ql say come come i open luh. hahah! we learnt a new soooong today supermannn! hahah than went offf t marina t meeet lx and eugene cos they were cutting hair, lx's hair was being but by some girl and now her fringe sooooo short! HAHAH, went t yoshinoya t study and study til 7 plus , it was super coooooold okay. While walking back t the mrt, zm said he saw me and he even call my name loudly but i didnt know cos marina was soooo crowded and he said that i was deaf luh! WAHLAU EH! TAN ZHIMING! you like that. gah, hahah than xn also call me. WAHLAU silly one, you sleeep so late you wake up soooo late. tsk tsk tsk you ah. xD haha than mrt-ed w nats t bishan, and waited f dadddy ;D and now im home i off t do BIOOOOOO alrd. ;D zai jian!
and i dont ever want you gone
Friday, September 15, 2006
baby, im going crazy over youWOKE UP LATEEEEEE TODAY LUH. cos daddy's alram clock didnt ring and i was like shit the sky damn bright alrd, rushed t schooool and i saw a ballooon on my table and it was from dear hugger! ;D AYEEEE THANKS HUGGER! I LOVE YOU TOOO! ;D heheheh, went down f assembly and i had noooo voice in the morning, so it was difficult communicating w partner and the rest.Than i had some of my voice back later hahah. i was GLAD okay. damn hard t talk w no voiceee, hahah. ;] aye than after schooool went t do CIP w debbie, we rearrange the shelfs and everything. which was DAMN DUSTY and my nose was super irrritated, FINALLY finish doing everything. Walk-ed out w debbie and i cab-ed down t church, Minghan flea brendon and mel were in church. HAHAH. Mh, thanks f the med that you gave me my throat feeels much better now ;] hahah. fter awhile flea,minghan and brendon had t meet lynette f dinnner so i stayed in church w mel and the rest and ernest was playing cs, and he was taking turn w ivan. HAHAH. damn funnny than i keeeep rushing mel t go t B&J cos jamie was working! HEHEH. so mel callled ernest t go tooo and he was busy playing his socccer luh, he played too vigourously that the ball flew out of the soccertable, tsk ernest! you so chooor lor! Waited f the lift and ernest took 2 umbrelllaaaas thinking that it was raining outside when it was not, i toook the GREEEN one he took the BLUE one.HAHHA he started t sing"im singing in the rain~~~~" HAHAH. ernest stop making me laugh so much. Ernest was SOOOO FUNNNY he wanted t carry the umbrealla into the mrt underpasss. (His umbrealla was open). Mel and i were laughing like shit. HAHAH. than we reached cathay and we saw ONGAH! ;D hahah! ongah's another funnny one. Than we sat down and talk-ed and ongah's another whos making me laugh til i had stomache. His ez-link card photo is damn cute luh! hahah His wallet is like sooo torn and tattered, tsk . Jamie went off and she smuggled some cookies f us! YAYE! ;D but ernest the great ate everything and i only ate 4. ): ernest you sooooo hungry eh. HAHAH. yek-ed than we headed back t church, on our way back LOL ongah and ernest were fighting w the umbreallas thinking they were starwars character! Mel and i were laughing non stop. OH OH OH! in B&J ongah was talking bout liposuction (however its spelt) Ongah the great DIDNT even know the meaning of it and he was saying about it. HAHAH than me and mel was laughing non stop! HAHAH. he said he wanted t have lipo on his tooooes, thats disgusting luh, than mel was like you have NO fats in your toes, than ongah's friend was like "ongah, you mean you wanted t suck out the fats in your calves right" HAHAH ongah kana jacked! HAHAH! ongah and the rest were SO FUNNY! hahha sit w tham and yek-ed just f a few min you'll start having cramps. HAHHA, ma and ongah ran back t church while the rest were still walking behind, stayed f awhile more and we went off, mrt-ed home w minghan and gosh! damn funnny luh daddy msg me saying that he was being suffocated in the mrt because of... HAHAH i showed minghan the message and we kept laughing non stop luh, it was damn hilarious. daddy, you're just sooo funnnyyy. Minghan than said " scully your father in the same train as us" i was like "Holy crap dont joke luh". And in the end daddy was REALLY in the same train as us! HAHAH. Went t eat w daddy and im HOMEEEEE ;D im gonnna bathe noooow. ;] byeeeee oh oh oh i'll be visiting dawn's daddy tmr ;D hehe
you complete my story
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
you're my sugarush babyGah. im at home which NO voice and i've got t study and blah blah. exams are coming, and im like sooooooo dead. okay someone kill me now please, :/ i seriously need t study like shitzxz man if not im gna retain ^*%@^#Q^$!#^* like what nats said this term is the most crucial term and time will go by in just a blink, which i agreeee. ): im gna motivate myself t study study study! and and no more playing lams if not you're gna regret. JIAYING AND NATS LOU XI! : im getting my ass back t schoool tmr. you can kill me if you want jiaying. okay im going t study. byeeee.
my frontpage story
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
You made me smileOh Hellloooo ;D hahah. Recieved a morning sms from natsy watsy, she msg me this "zou san miss lam, wake up alrd anot?" HAHAH, she's sooooo adorable! i love her many many! ;D heheh
Reached schoool and had lesssssonsss.Than we had Mrs.T lesson gosh, i almost fell asleeep while reading the textboook so was partner! we were damn sleeepy our eyes were gonna shut any moment. We had lunch than it was chinese! HAHAH damn funny luh, SRM locked us out of the classroom cos we were mins late but she didnt locked the back dooor than i ran t the back dooor and we came in and she was standing there laughing. HAHHA. After schoool had ice-cream w sam,natsy watsy and partner ;] than walked down t ah pa's house there cos sam was going t ah pa's house t study. Natsy watsy , jia and me than left, waited f 55 cos we missed the bus than i alighted at J8 and mrt-ed t dbgod. Met flea at the lift lobby than went up t church. ;D Watch passion of the christ. omgz i cried like %$*#@$@!# but it was a really goood show. I enjoyed it alooot. Than talked t minghan, lynette and flea and lisa. yeaps ;] headed t cathay w lisa and flea t B&J t see jamie! ;D ate my usual phish fooood. Melvin and MInghaN than came.Lisa than taught me some bio! heheh thanks girl! she's super intelligent luhh. hahah mrt-ed back w minghan after that talked about church and yeah im HOME. i neeed t study noooow. BYE BYE ;D
im so in love w you boy
Monday, September 11, 2006
Your light shine when all else fadesSUNDAY!
Had lunch w daddy like usual, after lunch daddy fetch me down t church.Reached and yolanda was busy cutting the zone cards after the cutting, minghan,yolanda and me went t parkmall t eat but i didnt buy anything cos daddy forget t passs me money, daddy than drove back just t pass me the money! thanks daddy! i love you! hehehe ;D Yo was eating her U-mian again. hahah went t church waited f service t start so i ran t the toilet first cos i drank tooo much water. HAHAH.service started and it was super fun cos i was sitting beside yolanda she claims t be my bestfriend and yes she is my bestfriend! HAHAHAH she's so funny luhhhh. Than halfway throught the service i was urgent again, hahha service was ending in another 45 mins and i didnt want t go t the toilet so i was telling bestfriend about it and she couldnt stop laughing how nice of her luhhhh. Than she toook my notes and wrote on it. This was what she wrote,"God, i pray that you'll enlarge my bladder.Thank you ---Tess". this what she wrote! HAHAH! enlarge my bladder, wth hahah! damn funnny luh. So service ended and i ran t the toilet , hahah i felt soo relieve. HAHHA. Had zone meeeting after that lynette said that jiaxin will not be a cgl anymore cos she will be helping pastors and cindy said that tues they will be screeening Passsion of The Christ in church. After the meeting had dinner w the zone at parkmall and it was soo crowded luhhhh. hahah Than went t cathay B&J f ice-creams! YUMM! hahah. sat there and yek-ed w jamie and huimin they all cos i didnt want t go down t ah ma's house t see that stinking woman's face go down only she'll start her yelling at me which is sooo annoying, she just can't shut her gaps thinking she's so big.Please talk about yourself luhh no children got tooo much time only know how t compare and pick on people esp me and my brother.wth, she totally piss me off, i called ah ma telling her that i wouldn't be going down but i'll go down some other day and that crazy woman was at the back yelling like a mad woman.Gosh, she's really crazy nothing better t do always yelling. Mrt-ed back w minghan after that, HAHAH damn funny we were like woah suddenly sooo BRIGHT. hahah i know we're mean but hahha we can't help it. Home-ed
you're everything im not
Had lunch w daddy and my brother. After lunch daddy sent me and my brother home.. bathe and went t bugis t meeet natsy wasty gasty! heheh went t get her belt than we walk-ed walk-ed and walk-ed bought cheeesesticks! and fondant chocolate t eat. Than we didnt know where t walk but we just continued walking and and and WE SAW SAM AND AH PA! hahahha! so qiao luh! ;D ahahha they were at seoul garden w max,jessica and kumama! :) hahaha. Went in t say Hi yek-ed f awhile and we went off t walk till dont know where so i decided that we should change venue, mrt-ed t cityhall and it was as usual SUPER DUPER crowded that nats and i were squashed in the mrt.GOSH, i almost died :/ HAHAH. than walk-ed all the way t suntec and and and and we went t Macs t sit and get a bite/drink and nats had a GREAT idea on where t go next and it was TOY'R'US! yay! hehehe. so we went into TOY'R'US and we played. HAHAH im sucha kid. ;D but its fun okay. we tooook many many photos, hahah! we were having sooo much fun! haha than we saw this cute pair of bottles and we decided t buy it! nats has the blue on and i have the greeen one! ;D heheh.After all the playing we got tired so mrt-ed back t nats house and nats mummy bought dinner f us. Ipoh horfun! :) hahah THANKS AUNTY! ;D ate and yek-ed on the dining table and went up t nats rooom used her com while she was bathing and and than aunty(nats maid) sat in the room and we all started talking and crapping. HAHAH, i love talking and crapping w nats and aunty! hhahha damn funny, aunty loves blanga..and she has a blanga boyfriend toooo! WAHAHA! damn funny luh. Than she was like " ahyoyo tasha why your friend like that i dont like blanga luhhh" HAHAH! . aunty abused nats! SOOO POOORTHING LUH. hahha aunty used pillows and bolsters t abused nats. hahah. than i started going crazy using nats blanket and acting mad! HAHAH thats cos i didnt know what t do luh, HAHAH than i left bout 11 plus daddy picked me up and we went down t NUSS cos uncle charlie's birthday is on sunday, saw kai ma and she went f WESTLIFE concert T.T greattt. i want t goooooo alsooo! ): nevermind, reached home bout 1 plus and bathed and went t sleeeeep! ;D
Went f breakfast/lunch w daddy at cambrigde, ate prawwwwwn meeeee HAHAH after eating went t meeet nats at serangoooon mrt and we mrt-ed t dbgod met ql and lx.Went t yoshinoya f lunch but i dint eat cos i was way tooooo full. ;D hah i neeed t go on a diet :/ yek-ed and i went t :KOPITIAM" t meeet flea they all while nats and the rest went t yamaha first. Went t say Hi t yo and the rest, Yo, you looook super dead today ): woman, you misssed me tooo much than like that isssit? HAHAH. Mona, i finallly seeee you today! yay! but you're not going f tmr service ): Minghan was sleeeping and Marcus was acting crazy claiming that i had squashed his o so beloved greeen tedddy. Eh Marcus i didnt squashed it luh, you're greeen tedddy was suffocated by you because you left it in your bag ;D hahah. Went t yamaha t find nats ql and lx they were playing the keyboards and lx was singing. HAHAH. She's sooo fun t bully! HAHAH! Than we went f guitar and today only 5 people came T.T the rest didnt turn up ): so sad but goood i dont have t malu myself every weeek. ;D wahahah learn a new song "There she goes again". HAHAH. okay okay after guitar went t TPY HDB Hub cos lx and ql needed t queue f their no. f jue dui superstar, waited f half and hour or so got the no. and and and lx friend ask me help her queue so i just faster ran in queue and got the no. yay! hahha you're suppose t be 16 and above but the guy didnt even bother so haha heck luh. saw kah ying said Hi t her and she thought i was taking part luh! HAHAH no thank you. i dont want , hahah than went back t town walk-ed walk-ed walk-ed. There were this 3 guys who were following us since we were in the mrt so we ran t cine's toilet and we when we came out they were goneeee. YAY! hahah walk-ed t taka lx treat us ice-cream and we walk-ed t heeeren walk-ed awhile and dadddy came t pick me up went f dinnner at bukit merah, ate went t HLM t get somethings and now im HOME talking t my o soooo lovable AH MAAAAA, i just love crapping w her! HAHAH! im talking t partner also but she's watching her anime. okay i shall stop hereee. ;D
you're just so perfect i cant measure up :/
Had lunch w daddy and my brother. After lunch daddy sent me and my brother home.. bathe and went t bugis t meeet natsy wasty gasty! heheh went t get her belt than we walk-ed walk-ed and walk-ed bought cheeesesticks! and fondant chocolate t eat. Than we didnt know where t walk but we just continued walking and and and WE SAW SAM AND AH PA! hahahha! so qiao luh! ;D ahahha they were at seoul garden w max,jessica and kumama! :) hahaha. Went in t say Hi yek-ed f awhile and we went off t walk till dont know where so i decided that we should change venue, mrt-ed t cityhall and it was as usual SUPER DUPER crowded that nats and i were squashed in the mrt.GOSH, i almost died :/ HAHAH. than walk-ed all the way t suntec and and and and we went t Macs t sit and get a bite/drink and nats had a GREAT idea on where t go next and it was TOY'R'US! yay! hehehe. so we went into TOY'R'US and we played. HAHAH im sucha kid. ;D but its fun okay. we tooook many many photos, hahah! we were having sooo much fun! haha than we saw this cute pair of bottles and we decided t buy it! nats has the blue on and i have the greeen one! ;D heheh.After all the playing we got tired so mrt-ed back t nats house and nats mummy bought dinner f us. Ipoh horfun! :) hahah THANKS AUNTY! ;D ate and yek-ed on the dining table and went up t nats rooom used her com while she was bathing and and than aunty(nats maid) sat in the room and we all started talking and crapping. HAHAH, i love talking and crapping w nats and aunty! hhahha damn funny, aunty loves blanga..and she has a blanga boyfriend toooo! WAHAHA! damn funny luh. Than she was like " ahyoyo tasha why your friend like that i dont like blanga luhhh" HAHAH! . aunty abused nats! SOOO POOORTHING LUH. hahha aunty used pillows and bolsters t abused nats. hahah. than i started going crazy using nats blanket and acting mad! HAHAH thats cos i didnt know what t do luh, HAHAH than i left bout 11 plus daddy picked me up and we went down t NUSS cos uncle charlie's birthday is on sunday, saw kai ma and she went f WESTLIFE concert T.T greattt. i want t goooooo alsooo! ): nevermind, reached home bout 1 plus and bathed and went t sleeeeep! ;D
Went f breakfast/lunch w daddy at cambrigde, ate prawwwwwn meeeee HAHAH after eating went t meeet nats at serangoooon mrt and we mrt-ed t dbgod met ql and lx.Went t yoshinoya f lunch but i dint eat cos i was way tooooo full. ;D hah i neeed t go on a diet :/ yek-ed and i went t :KOPITIAM" t meeet flea they all while nats and the rest went t yamaha first. Went t say Hi t yo and the rest, Yo, you looook super dead today ): woman, you misssed me tooo much than like that isssit? HAHAH. Mona, i finallly seeee you today! yay! but you're not going f tmr service ): Minghan was sleeeping and Marcus was acting crazy claiming that i had squashed his o so beloved greeen tedddy. Eh Marcus i didnt squashed it luh, you're greeen tedddy was suffocated by you because you left it in your bag ;D hahah. Went t yamaha t find nats ql and lx they were playing the keyboards and lx was singing. HAHAH. She's sooo fun t bully! HAHAH! Than we went f guitar and today only 5 people came T.T the rest didnt turn up ): so sad but goood i dont have t malu myself every weeek. ;D wahahah learn a new song "There she goes again". HAHAH. okay okay after guitar went t TPY HDB Hub cos lx and ql needed t queue f their no. f jue dui superstar, waited f half and hour or so got the no. and and and lx friend ask me help her queue so i just faster ran in queue and got the no. yay! hahha you're suppose t be 16 and above but the guy didnt even bother so haha heck luh. saw kah ying said Hi t her and she thought i was taking part luh! HAHAH no thank you. i dont want , hahah than went back t town walk-ed walk-ed walk-ed. There were this 3 guys who were following us since we were in the mrt so we ran t cine's toilet and we when we came out they were goneeee. YAY! hahah walk-ed t taka lx treat us ice-cream and we walk-ed t heeeren walk-ed awhile and dadddy came t pick me up went f dinnner at bukit merah, ate went t HLM t get somethings and now im HOME talking t my o soooo lovable AH MAAAAA, i just love crapping w her! HAHAH! im talking t partner also but she's watching her anime. okay i shall stop hereee. ;D
you're just so perfect i cant measure up :/
Thursday, September 07, 2006

natsy gasty wasty fasty dasty jasty lasty not forgetting you too! heheh! i love you tooo! ;D

partner! i love you! heheh loook at this pic we took during the combination f sec 3 talk! ;D
without you im nothing
Helloooo! HAHAH i just LOVE talking t YOLANDA . she's damn funny luh. she like "Hey woman." hahah! i replied "yes mama?" hahah she damn cute i rushed her t do things. wahah! so fun. anw went t aunt's w daddy after dinner just now t see jie jie, her eyes loooks much better now ;] which is a goood thing and her tann colour is super nice! hhaha..stayed at aunt's house f awhile than went off and i home now! ;D brother's out t work, i hardly get t see him ): hahha nevermind. oh oh oh im talking t partner again! HAHAH! she's sooo cute.hahha
im always here w you baby
Helloooo! HAHAH i just LOVE talking t YOLANDA . she's damn funny luh. she like "Hey woman." hahah! i replied "yes mama?" hahah she damn cute i rushed her t do things. wahah! so fun. anw went t aunt's w daddy after dinner just now t see jie jie, her eyes loooks much better now ;] which is a goood thing and her tann colour is super nice! hhaha..stayed at aunt's house f awhile than went off and i home now! ;D brother's out t work, i hardly get t see him ): hahha nevermind. oh oh oh im talking t partner again! HAHAH! she's sooo cute.hahha
im always here w you baby
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
But i know that love's what you wantHahah! im gonna blog about this that me and jia were talking about. HAHAH erms its a lil sick though.this was what partner and i were talking about..
Tess says:
Eh wahlau the vibrator come up again
Jia says:
what vibrator?
Tess says:
Jia says:
Jia says:
Tess says:
Your emoticon luh, that time you say..Eh wahlau eh i dont pachucheng luh
Jia says:
Tess says:
Hahah! you big o sicko! ltr you pcc until your ahem tear
Jia says:
....? who is the first one who say pcc one ah. And hoh i got say i pcc-ing meh
Tess says:
Yah, you say oh yeah. Hah!
Jia. says:
oh yah*
Jia. says:
oh yahhhh*
Jia. says:
& oh yeah dosent mean that what!
Jia. says:
Jia. says:
Jia. says:
HAHAH you big sicko partner! make me sick! hahah. PARTNER you're dman fun t talk t, i've been talking t you practically the whole day luh! hahah.
If tmr the world ends

im flying! HAHAH

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
thinking of the past reminds me of youHelloo! Helloo! ;D hahah, i just came back and im super tired.That was because i didnt manage t sleeep, or maybe i did sleeep f bout 2 hours, which is not enough f a pig like me :D hahah. kays, yesterday..went t meeet besties at cityhall and we were all wearing our country shirt and white shorts, yay! heheh than we walked past NUM and the guys all turned cos we were like walking in one row and they kinda stared, hahah than we headed t Marina f lunch at yoshinoya and nats sat there watching me and sam eat cos she had lunch w her mummy ;] we yek-ed and yek-ed. hhaha than we went t Puma t get ah pa's birthday present, sam got him a jacket whereares me and nats got him a belt. hah paid and we left f bugis streeet t get the white shorts f lene, jia and nats. yeaps, we reach and i got kinda blur and lost cos bugis streeet is forever packed and its difficult t remember luh. Finally found aunty's shop bought the shorts and we walked t the mrt and mrt-ed t pasir ris! hahah we were like making a foool ou of ourselves in the mrt and we were singing hahah! damn fun luh. hahah xD. Reached pasir ris and cab-ed down t downtown east and waited f lene and jia :) yeaps. they came and they changed into the shorts and we walked alll the way in t the chalet which is at Aloha Loyang. my gosh damn far please, my legs were breaking, hah but it was fun luh. We reached and we started playing and dancing in the rooom and cumar is sooo funnny luh! HAHAH we were like disturbing him w ___. When he heard it he was like full of expressions and hand gestures and i was laughing my butt off. Hhahaha, he's a funny guy. We ate and yek-ed and yek-ed than the night came , we walked around and lene had t leave. Send her off and Jia had t leav also hm and sam ran back t get jiaying's bag and clay marble and we were sitting outside costa sand like morons waiting f jia's father t pick her up. hah sam! sam! sam! thanks f the drink it made me feel better. ;D Soooon cumar,me,nats,sam,hm,max and jessica walked t cheeers t get some foood stuffs and so and the road was sooo quiet it was freaking me out cos it was damn eeerie. So cumar walked infront of me and nats hahah, thanks cumar! hahah. bought everything than we walked back and went back t the rooom talked and and and the two couples were busy lan man-ing and i was stuck in the room luh! haha than bout 4 plus i went out of the room, cos it was very cold plus i have seeen tooo much scenes of _____ (fill in the blanks) HAHAH. than omgz! $&@(*@$$%Q i had this very very very strong sense that someone was there w me when theres no one and i was like praying and praying i got damn freaked out i went back into the rooom. haha i was trying t sleeep on the chair by bending down but i counldnt so sam said that there was extra bed in the next room so i went t sleeep. hahha woke up this moring went t bathe and we went off headed t town, went t heeren t eat and ah pa got his slipper and i went off first got t meeet daddy..and now im HOME tired like shit. :/ wanna sleeeep.
this is the end of you and me

broken promises
Helloo! :D i shall a lil f now, just finish tuition ended early today. Hahah, im meeting besties at cityhall later at 145. hahah we'll be wearing the same thing hahah! yay ;D i cant wait f ah pa's chalet. time's ticking away sooo slowly. hahah im going off now! ;D bye
but you dont really mind
Tell me why it is you only smile inside
Helloo ;] im still awake talking t YOLANDA hahah! i love talking t her please she's damn funny, full of crap luh. hahah just read her blog and this was the convertsation we had
Tess:You cheat my feelings
Yolanda:You bluff my money
Tess:I'll cry till I flood your house
Yolanda:I'll smack your butt
Tess:My ass will be waiting (;
HAHAH. omgz she's sooo funny. theres another conversation..
Tess: Helloo sexy
Yolanda: Woman
Tess: im bored and i feel like shitting. HAH!
Yolanda: go eat shit larh
Tess: DA PIAN chao LA JIAO hen hao chi ;D
Tess: hah, im being sick
Yolanda: yes i can tell.
HAHAHAH i love talking crap and shit w her. i love yo! heh ;] i know she loves me tooo! and im fond of drawing her face on my notes during services, hah i dont crush her luh. haha, oh oh oh! i remembered that i was making her on sunday! hahah! she pasted this thing saying everybody is a c-HAM-p on her shirt somewhere around her shoulder, than i said..
Tess: come, i help you paste nicely *walks towards her..
Yolanda: AHHH! dont need!
Tess: ahyo, dont be shy luh
Yolanda:wah really girl's schoool.
HAHAH. yolanda your mind drift very far leh. hahah xD. yo, im sorry if your butt still hurts from that butt slaming that we did on sunday, hah but we sure did have fun aye! love you woman! hahah. gosh, this post is all about you luh. ;D be honoured please. hah i love you many many yo! hehehe ;]
but when you break me into nothing.
Helloo ;] im still awake talking t YOLANDA hahah! i love talking t her please she's damn funny, full of crap luh. hahah just read her blog and this was the convertsation we had
Tess:You cheat my feelings
Yolanda:You bluff my money
Tess:I'll cry till I flood your house
Yolanda:I'll smack your butt
Tess:My ass will be waiting (;
HAHAH. omgz she's sooo funny. theres another conversation..
Tess: Helloo sexy
Yolanda: Woman
Tess: im bored and i feel like shitting. HAH!
Yolanda: go eat shit larh
Tess: DA PIAN chao LA JIAO hen hao chi ;D
Tess: hah, im being sick
Yolanda: yes i can tell.
HAHAHAH i love talking crap and shit w her. i love yo! heh ;] i know she loves me tooo! and im fond of drawing her face on my notes during services, hah i dont crush her luh. haha, oh oh oh! i remembered that i was making her on sunday! hahah! she pasted this thing saying everybody is a c-HAM-p on her shirt somewhere around her shoulder, than i said..
Tess: come, i help you paste nicely *walks towards her..
Yolanda: AHHH! dont need!
Tess: ahyo, dont be shy luh
Yolanda:wah really girl's schoool.
HAHAH. yolanda your mind drift very far leh. hahah xD. yo, im sorry if your butt still hurts from that butt slaming that we did on sunday, hah but we sure did have fun aye! love you woman! hahah. gosh, this post is all about you luh. ;D be honoured please. hah i love you many many yo! hehehe ;]
but when you break me into nothing.
Monday, September 04, 2006
tell the world thatHAPPY BIRTHDAY AH PA! ;]
Heheh.. well, spent my day talking t partner online and we shared somethings! hahha oi partner remember if you say anything out i'll stuff things into your asss. ;D hehehe. talked till bout 2 plus, went t bathe and get ready... went t meet partner at bishan and headed off t fareast t loook f her shorts. hahah but in the end she didnt buy. ): walked rounds in fareast, soon jia was hungry than went t OCK t get currypuffs! yay!heh ;] walked and eat and we went t taka walked abit and went t get bubble tea, hahah. Than we went t heeren, went into NUM, asked about my slipper i could change t the one that i wanted! yay! hahah waited f sam and ah pa t come..sat down and talked t partner! hahah I LOVE TALKING T YOU PARTNER! damn fun hahah. i love partner! yay! hahah ;] ah pa and sam reached went into NUM again sweets insisted on buying the country shirt f me, whatever it is, THANKS ALOT SWEETS! I LOVE YOU PLENTY PLENTY PLENTY! YAY! ;] mwahs mwahs mwahs! hehehe ;]
than walked t lido t meet natsy watsy hasty vasty casty gasty dasty jasty kasty f dinner at pepper lunch! heh. nats was feeeling so tired. aww pooor girl! ): she had a tough day in schoool training. aye yek-ed and eat at pepper lunch than ah pa came in sit f awhile than he walked t fareast, so me sam nats and jia faster buy a small lil cake and and we walked super fast t catch up w ah pa, than he was waiting at hyatt hotel entrance hahah, so we borrowed this guy's lighter t light the candle and and we sang ah pa a Happy Birthday song! yay!hahah than sam smashed the cake on ah pa, he walked t fareast w his face full of chocolate..hahha everybody was staring at ah pa, walking in fareast than ah pa want attack me w his small piece of cake i turn and fell down luh, thanks alot ah pa, my leg pain leh..went t ate fried mars bar w sam while nats and jia went t look f the shorts, ate and we went off, nats bus-ed home while me sam and jia walked t the mrt station, jia left and me and sam waited f the train, and there were this group of guys, omgz theres this guy he loook drunk he started acting like a moron and singing luh. i pity his friends. hahah. talked t my dear o sweets! hahah so funnny luh! haha ;] than she cabb-ed home and gave me a lift. thanks babe! ;] and im home! ;D i love today!
Tell the world that Jesus live ;]
cause you're so perfect
Well, left nats house at around 11. Daddy came t fetch me, yeaps ;] went t have breakfast/lunch w him at thomson than i remembered i left my wallet at nats house so after eating went back t nats house t get my wallet, heh. Reach-ed home, went t get ready cos i was suppose t be in church, heheh sorrry i was late! heh. Than daddy fetch me t church, jaime came down w minghan t pick me up ;] thanks babe! heheh. hhaa went into the art gallery and omgz they were having eating competition luh, huimin damn cute she was stil stuck w her burger and she was like this is my first time eating burger! haha she's sooo cute please she couldn't eat finish so nana ate the last bit f her. hahah oh oh oh, marcus was being so crazy he started his bouncing thing, so he was like bouncing me and nana. marcus was soo funny. ahah catholic ans sjc were competing t see who had more people hhhaaa. service started and it was praise and worship! hahah damn fun :D nana was being crazy alrd. hahah sjc girls were screaming their heads off please. hahha and the girls won so they were treated t 60 pizzas and they invited catholic t join them. hahha.. service was goood. omgz pastor joakim is hooot. heh hhahai love his blue eyes! huimin agreees w me right? ahah. after service went t parkmall t eat w jaime,minghan,brendon,nana,marcus,peirong,yolanda,huimin. yeaps ;] hha than marcus started talking about his crazy love f greeen and he was like taking out his greeen pen, his green bear which he brings t schoool everyday. ahahah he just so funnny please. yek-ed away and nana,peirong,marcus,yolanda had t go back church t do BM so me,huimin,minghan, brendon and jaime went off. jaime left f work and the 3 of us went t ps t walk a lil bit before heading t cathay t visit jaime! hehehe :] hahha walked t cathay, went into Ben&Jerry's hahah jaime asked if i wanted t eat so i said alright, ate the waffle coneee w fish food! omgz its damn niceee. huimin ate coookies and cream waffle cone! haha jaime gave us alot t eat. hahah i was bloated.Not looong yo came, hahah yo was being bullied by minghan and brendon they were like throwing pillows at her. ahhaah! pooor yo ): than me and huimin were so tired we fell asleeep. and brendon the big o bully took my clip. which woke me up. hah than minghan was like drawing something on the wall, cos the wall is like cover w fun so yah he made a dedication t jaime, and before we left minghan asked jaime t take a look, hahha her expression was damn cute luuh. hahah.. than we hugged and left. yo,minghan and bren left at dbgod, while huimin and i walked t town cos i was going t meet daddy and huimin was going home. reach-ed heeeren and huimin left. went t change the slippers f my brootherrr again, i bet those guys at NUM recognise me alrd luh. Heh than i ask daddy if i could buy a new slipper and he agreed so i bought my new flip flops! YAY! thanks daddy! mwahs! hehehe ;] went t daddy's favourite place f dinner, guilemard. ate and went home! ;]
hahah, well spent the day at nats house w daryl and sam! ;] it was super fun we were like playing and watching movies and stuffs, hahah than we got bored so we played catching in the house and bear joined in he was barking and barking and trying t catch us. LOL we were like laughing non stop. damn hilarious! hahha..soooon sam had t leave so we send her down, waited w her f her cab, and she cab-ed home. went back t nats house, nats went t get ready cos we were meeeting her dad t get the country shirt so left the house and bus-ed t heeeren. :) yek-ed in the bus. reach-ed went t OCK t get curry puffs cos i was hungry, heheh i love OCK currypuffs, yummm. hahah met nats dad got the shirt and he sent us t long house f dinner and we bus-ed home. reached nats house i was so tired i lay down on the floor and i was watching teevee w nats and i just fell asleeep.
and no one measures up
Well, left nats house at around 11. Daddy came t fetch me, yeaps ;] went t have breakfast/lunch w him at thomson than i remembered i left my wallet at nats house so after eating went back t nats house t get my wallet, heh. Reach-ed home, went t get ready cos i was suppose t be in church, heheh sorrry i was late! heh. Than daddy fetch me t church, jaime came down w minghan t pick me up ;] thanks babe! heheh. hhaa went into the art gallery and omgz they were having eating competition luh, huimin damn cute she was stil stuck w her burger and she was like this is my first time eating burger! haha she's sooo cute please she couldn't eat finish so nana ate the last bit f her. hahah oh oh oh, marcus was being so crazy he started his bouncing thing, so he was like bouncing me and nana. marcus was soo funny. ahah catholic ans sjc were competing t see who had more people hhhaaa. service started and it was praise and worship! hahah damn fun :D nana was being crazy alrd. hahah sjc girls were screaming their heads off please. hahha and the girls won so they were treated t 60 pizzas and they invited catholic t join them. hahha.. service was goood. omgz pastor joakim is hooot. heh hhahai love his blue eyes! huimin agreees w me right? ahah. after service went t parkmall t eat w jaime,minghan,brendon,nana,marcus,peirong,yolanda,huimin. yeaps ;] hha than marcus started talking about his crazy love f greeen and he was like taking out his greeen pen, his green bear which he brings t schoool everyday. ahahah he just so funnny please. yek-ed away and nana,peirong,marcus,yolanda had t go back church t do BM so me,huimin,minghan, brendon and jaime went off. jaime left f work and the 3 of us went t ps t walk a lil bit before heading t cathay t visit jaime! hehehe :] hahha walked t cathay, went into Ben&Jerry's hahah jaime asked if i wanted t eat so i said alright, ate the waffle coneee w fish food! omgz its damn niceee. huimin ate coookies and cream waffle cone! haha jaime gave us alot t eat. hahah i was bloated.Not looong yo came, hahah yo was being bullied by minghan and brendon they were like throwing pillows at her. ahhaah! pooor yo ): than me and huimin were so tired we fell asleeep. and brendon the big o bully took my clip. which woke me up. hah than minghan was like drawing something on the wall, cos the wall is like cover w fun so yah he made a dedication t jaime, and before we left minghan asked jaime t take a look, hahha her expression was damn cute luuh. hahah.. than we hugged and left. yo,minghan and bren left at dbgod, while huimin and i walked t town cos i was going t meet daddy and huimin was going home. reach-ed heeeren and huimin left. went t change the slippers f my brootherrr again, i bet those guys at NUM recognise me alrd luh. Heh than i ask daddy if i could buy a new slipper and he agreed so i bought my new flip flops! YAY! thanks daddy! mwahs! hehehe ;] went t daddy's favourite place f dinner, guilemard. ate and went home! ;]
hahah, well spent the day at nats house w daryl and sam! ;] it was super fun we were like playing and watching movies and stuffs, hahah than we got bored so we played catching in the house and bear joined in he was barking and barking and trying t catch us. LOL we were like laughing non stop. damn hilarious! hahha..soooon sam had t leave so we send her down, waited w her f her cab, and she cab-ed home. went back t nats house, nats went t get ready cos we were meeeting her dad t get the country shirt so left the house and bus-ed t heeeren. :) yek-ed in the bus. reach-ed went t OCK t get curry puffs cos i was hungry, heheh i love OCK currypuffs, yummm. hahah met nats dad got the shirt and he sent us t long house f dinner and we bus-ed home. reached nats house i was so tired i lay down on the floor and i was watching teevee w nats and i just fell asleeep.
and no one measures up
Friday, September 01, 2006
memories of you and me...HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM! :)
HELLOOO! :D hahah yesterday was super super fun! hahah, went t celebrate sam's birthday! before that i had t go down t town t get the cake and and when i was in the train jaaziel appeared and i kana shocked. i was like OMG. haha than she followed me t town t get the cake after that we headed down t cityhall t meet jia, lene, sardine and nats! :D yay! haahh walked t citylink and they were sitting there waiting, omgzzz the card that nats made f sam was BEAUTIFUUL! damn niceee! i shall upload the pic later. hahah than we had a HUGE box t store all her presents in it. hehehe :) so we waited there till bout 330 and we headed t marina square, we went into seoul garden first paid and everything than waited f sam and hm t come! hahah hm is BAD at bluffing sam, tsk tsk. hahah she came and we started t eat and yek-eddd. hahah than halfway throught, nats, jia and lene brought sam t the toilet and we prepared the rest. we had the cakes and present ready! hahah than sam came in blind folded! she so pooorthing being turn around and around and around! hahhaha. than we sang Happy Birthday t her and hm kisssed her! ahhh! hahahh they frenched infront of us! hahah damn sweeeet luhhh! hhaha awww.
than..we went t esplanade! hahah! took photos and and we were making sam guess who gave her the presents! hahah than she had t do a dare, by going t this lady who was sitting at the stairs there she looked depressed as if she just broken up w her bf or something. so sam went t her and said "erms,hello today is my birthday can you wish me Happy Birthday." hahah! than she did wish and sam gave her a marsh mellow. hahha.. sat down yek-eddd and continued taking photos! and than SAM HAD T KISSSED HM AGAIN! ahahah! YAY!!!!! and we video-ed it. hahah sooo sweeet okay! they french-ed again. hahah...than the night came and suddenly sam cried cos she was sooo happy she hugged everyone and and when we both hugged each other i cried tooo, after all we had spent 7 years together which is like half of my life. what t do she's part of me! hah so is the BNs! i love you all plenty plenty much! yay! :D :D :D
headed t nats house after that..we watched click! hahha omgz the dog damn horny can, hahah yellow ducky! :] we ate again and and hahah jia and lene left., me and sam were staying over! YAY! hahah beesties sleeepover! yay! i want more sleeepover so fun! hahah than we went up t nats room and we were talking, opening presents taking photos and sooon we fell asleeeep! hahah. oh oh oh BEAR IS SUPER DUPER DUPER UBER CUTEEEE! hahah.
went out w sam, nats , jia and daryl! hahahah went t lido t eat coss fareast LJS was packed w people and saw some people there so yah went t lido t eat. heheheh we sat there and eat and yek-edddd f super long than headed t taka, me and daryl ran off t get sam's present and daryl had t buy the same bear as ME! wahlau!#%$#&@^$^%(* . After we came back, nats and jia left t buy the presents tooo! hahah, so me daryl and sam sat outside this shoe shop called RED. yah and we were talking and i was making sam cos she dont LOVE ME! ): BOOOHOOOO so mean right. tsk, ): sam you meanie! gah gah gah. Heh, went t watson cos sam wanted t buy hair dye and she bought f me tooo, thanks sweeets.. and f gooodness sake i didnt hint her luh daryl yow! you idiot! rahh go away luh. Hahah we went downstairs t take photos! hahah we were like some morons luh. hahah but it was FUUUN. hehehe. Than sam and daryl left and nats, jia and i went t ps t get the BOOOOOX, hehehe left t nats house t do the card things and painted and everything and that jiaa she's sucha pig she kept munching on potato chips, pig! AND SHE WAS BULLYING ME THE WHOLE DAY LUH. how mean, one by one samong and low jiaying! all bully me. pooor me ): aye daddy fetched jia home and i went t mum mum, cos i was starving. hahah than blah blah blah.LAST SUNDAY!
hehe, we celebrated pastor How's birthday! yay! hahah it was damn fun! his daughter is sooooooo cute. hahah... im lazy t type alrd hahah, anw im stil in nats house w sam! hahah goooodbye f now. :D
im confused w you