You are why i sing
You are why i live
Everything of me
I place at your feeet
You are why i love
You are why i give
Everything of me
Belongs t you
I love love love love this song . Sang it during revival service , and woahhhh God's presence was really strong so was Pastor Lia's prayer . Those tears that i shed was really worth it . I loveeee my God ! :D Minghan , thanks f the note you wrote . I'll be moving by Faith .
Swing me upon its hanging tire .
Went out w yo and jamieeee ytd , yo was lateeeee luh . I waited f her f an hour . RAHHHHHH she made me get used t her and all i can't kick that habit now . Yo , not bad eh . Headed t "Kopitiam" f lunch after that cos we were both starving . Ate halfway and jamie came :D as usual w her Mac ice milooooo . After eating we went t paradiz f tangyuan and mangoicekachang . The icekachang sucks , i was force t eat finish jamieee's tangyuan . I was bloated alrd . i'm gaining fats . RAHHHHH .
I'm like jamieeee's rubbish bin ): After eating , we headed t TCC , yo wanted t drink coffee and she was treating . The moment we were in TCC those 2 ladehs made me laugh till i was having cramps . Bet the waiters/waitress thinks that we're insane people . Oh wells , cannot blame w those 2 w me . Than we headed t raffles city . Met shisei and her friend . Me , yo and jamieee applied f Piper Pies :D Walked around and i headed home ;D
Rain rain go away , come again another day . :/ i'm bored .
The love that they say is in life for free
Ayeee , Revival services f the past 2 days were GREAT ! ;D All of us felt the presence of God which was real strong and all . Afterall , it was really goood . Yeah ohkay i shall blog later . I'm gna meet jamieeeeee and breast now . cyah ! ;D
i've waited long enough
I'm bored bored bored bored . RAHHHHHHHHHHH
imaaaaaai is leaving in a few days time ): She's going back t taiwaannnnn . I'm gna be alone f fahion meeeetings alrd . ): Oh boyyyyyyyy . Imaaaaaai seee luh you go back taiwan leave me alone . ohkay ohkay ohkay .
Well , went out w baby today . Met baby at ps . There was a freaking fight in the arcade luhhhhhhhh , the guy's face was bleeeding . EEEW EEEW EEEW . He was going insane shouting here and there , and there was this girl she was shouting out all her ABC . Hahah . Bought tickets f Casino Royale , walk-ed t somerset cos baby wanted t find UOB t get his money but we couldn't find so headed back t ps cos our movie was about t start . Ayeee , went in and the show started and all . My gooodnessss , the show is super long its about two and a half hours . My butt was aching alrd . After the show ended , walked around f awhile more before heading t Raffles . Than went f dinner and HOME-ED .
Hohohoho xD we share the same birth dates ;] hahah
Today was great f me . Met daryl and the rest in the afternoooon , thanks guys f the presents i really love it , thanks f everything . Though i did the wrong things t disappoint you guys , im really happy t get t see you guys today ;] and thanks t those who wished me tooo ! Yeah met them at j8 and i went off first , had t meeet mummy . Mrt-ed down t mummy's place and HENG KE LAO SAI that fugly one was not there , if not my mooood would have beeen spoilt by her . Phew , talked t mummy about many things including my brother , i'be got no idea how he came in .
Spent some time w mummy and my godbrother came t see my mum , that moron forgot it was my birthday , that evil boy . RAHHHHHH ! hahah nevermind , brother was suppose t come down w him but he was at home sleeeping like a dead log . That kuku head . RAHHHHH !
After sometime , went t tanjong pajar mrt and met nel and kerbe . Mrt-ed t ps and we bought the movie tickets . We were going t watch The Convenant . Yeah , walked and yek-edddd and our movie was about t start and kerbe had t go off t work , so he went t work , me and nel went f the movie . Yeah .
The movie wasn't so great after all . Its kinda confusing and its was just not so nice . Hahah . After the movie , went t visit kerbe . Wahlau , that guy is richhhhhhhhh i tell you . GAHHHHHHH . Soooon , i had t go t meeeet dadddy . So i mrt-ed down t cityhall and walked all the way t Suntec t meeet daddy .
Reached Suntec and went up t guild house t find daddy , it was packed . Sat inside f awhile and dadddy said that we should go t kentridge since Suntec's guild house was so crowded . So we went off first , and i was super hungry so i bought Ben's & Jerry t eat ! ;D Thumbs up f PHISH FOOOOD ! Heheh xD My usual waffle cone ! hohohoho . Shioky dooddle ! i'm lovin' it . Hahaah , daddy suggested that i should buy some proper foood t eat t , but everything was closed except f Carls Jr , so i ordered a meal and ate in the car while on the way t Kentridge .
Uncle Charlie reached Kentridge first and we joined him after that . Stayed there till bout 1 and we left . I was like rotting there xD heheh . and im HOMED . my butt is still aching/cramping . Oh boyyyyy .
Thanks f everything girl , i know you neeed time , but im glad you're willing t forgive me . I love you tooo babe . ;]
Beats f only you .
Met imaaaaaaai at ps today , we bought honey glazed chicken ! xD we were planning t sneak it into the cinemaaaaa . O.O After buying , we went t cathay t buy our movie tickets , than we walked around cathay but there was nothing much t walk so we headed back t ps and we walked and yek-eddddd . Soooon it was about time t head back t cathay cos our movie waas gna start soooon , and it was raining T.T hengggg greeen water coooler bought her umbrellaaaaaa , if not we would have beeen drench like soaked chickens . =x
Reached cathay and we were freeeezing cold , the air con there is like full blaze . Oh and we saw a super pink christmas treeee , me and greeen water cooler were like , so ah lian-ish wOrzXz . Hahah cathay was having a pink christmas . Oh boooyyyyy . Pink , than we headed up t the cinemaaa there , omgzxz we were so tired from all the walking and all but the stupid woman didnt want t flash cinemaaa 6 so that we could go in t sit . We waited f auite some time before no. 6 started flashing . RAHHHHHHHH!
Went in and we sat down and we took out our honey glazed chicken , heheh it was super yummmmy . Greeeen water coooler gave me a packet of pocky ! Thanks greeeenie ! i love love love you ! The movie was great ! ( btw , we were watching Step Up ) thumbs up f that show ! Channing Tatum is super charming . After the show , me and greeenie chiong t church cos meeting was about t start . So we rushed back t church , just in time . Alden was late though .
My butt was cramping cos the meeeting was 4 hours long after the meeeting daddy came t fetch me and we went t outram f dinner . and HOME-ED .
I didn't say i was happy that you were gonna retain . That was what you claimed , i know that you guys are not gonna forgive me f what i did and i followed _____ foootsteps . Now im being hated , you think i dont hate myself or im not disappointed in myself . You guys should know i always do stuffs without thinking . I didnt say i didn't give a fucking damn about our friendship , yes i know i was in the wrong , i lied and that was wrong . Im sorry ohkays , and i didnt even think that it was a small thing t me . If you guys think that this matter didnt had any impact on me , you're wrong . I cried verynight , realising my mistakes and all . You might think im lying again but im not . I didnt say that i didnt want you guys t be my friends i only said IF . I know it all my fault and im in the wrong . I'm sorrry . im fucking hell useless .
Met Jamie at heeeeeeeren today , Jamie bought me the slipppers i wanted as my birthday pressie ! Thanks Jamieeeeee ! i love love love you plenty . Went t NUM and Jamieee was talking t Ben , he's a funny chap . He was alone in th shop so we kinda talked f 45 mins in th shop . Their shirts are niceeee , i want ! i want ! xD Headed t vivoooo after that , AGAAAAAIN , i've beeen going t vivo . Rwar
Mrt-ed t harbourfront , walked and yek-eddddd than we went into adidas and we kinda stayed there f quite sometime , yeaps . Than after mrt-ed t Tanjong Pajar , i was suppose t surprise mummy w her birthday present , but she was not working today T.T instead that fugly one was working RWAR spoil my moooood . Aye that sister of my mother just suck luh . RAH RAH RAHHH ! :/
Ate looooormeeeee then , yek-eddddd and mrt-ed t dbgod . Went t church , put my bag down and met gong gong at PS afterwards . Went t watch The Grudge 2 . The movieeee was ohkay luh , not say very nice . Kinda shocking though cos of people scaring me in the cinemaaaaaa . After the movie , i went back t church and saw imaaaaaaaaai ah !
She wanted t go f dinner , so imaaaaaai , eric and i went t parkmall f dinner . Watched them eat and we yek-edddd . Headed back t church alonnnne cos those two tried t tricked me . HAHAH . stone-ed in church and went into the audi and Alvarooo arrived (Some pro classical guitarist) heard him play , he really have 10 fingers on one hand . Damn zaaaaai . Hahah .
Waited f dadddy t pick me up , and went t eat at lavender and im HOME !
i guess i've lost you two as my bestest friends alrd , i didn't said that i didn't fucking care just because we're gna be in different class next year . And everybody makes mistakes , and i know i have made the most mistakes . im sorrry . But i guess whatever im saying its useless alrd . I know that i did the same mistake as _____ . I know im in the wrong . I'm sorry i let you 2 both down .
But in a tragic situation you just can't hide yourself away
BOOOOOOYAAAA . Went out w breast and the other church peeeps today . Yeah , gave a surprise t minghan though his birthday was yesterday , yeaps . Than minghan and brendon had t go first .
Went t church w breast and all , reached church and we were talking and talking . Than came Charmaine , she's uberly adorable , she bullied me T.T but i did bullied her back . Hurhur , than imaaaaai came ! ;D She and her kim moh , sat down tgther w us and we yek-edddd . Than Adriena and Alden came . Yek-edddddd somemoreeee and imaaaaai and the rest had t help Adriena make-up because she was gna do some video ;] i watched imaaaaai da ban Adriena . ;]
Than at 5 zone meeeting start so went f zone meeeting at the art gallery and we had games f the start . The losing team was Group 4 , darryl's team . They had t eat some tandori powder (some indian powder) mixed w some other stuffs . EEEEEEEW , arranged the chairs , setteled down and Lynette preached ;] It was really powerful . Dexter played the guitar and samantha played the keyboard . ;] it was just awesome . Lynette than prayed f me and i couldn't control my tears , and i cried f very looong yeah . I felt God's presence and he was speaking t me . And i know what i did was wrong and i upset my bestest friends . ): I'm sorry guys . After zone meeeting , i had fashion meeeting . We ended up going t town t search f people who were willing t teach people how t make-up but none wanted . But i had a greaaaat time talking t imaaaaaai , im her greeeen water cooooler . Oh she's really nice t talk t , both of us went off first , she was real nice t accompany me back t church t get my bag before heading home tgther ;] . Went home tgther w her and eric . Yeah thats all f today . ;]
I know that its useless f me t say anything t you guys now , but im really sorry f what i did , and im in the wrong . I dont know why but maybe i didn't dare t voice out t you guys that i was scared t tell you all about it and all . I know it makes you guys hate me more . Im sorry f lying t you two :/ but i really dont wish t see our friendship going down just like that , maybe now what im saying you guys might not be bothered and all , but i meant what i say . I am really sorry f everything that i have cause you guys unhappiness .
That i can't hide

Isn't he just superuberly adorable tooo ! This baby is really cute . I wna kidnapped him xD Hahah
A friend is a person
to laugh and cry with,
An inspiration,
Someone who lends a helping hand,
though friends may not be forever,
And they may not end up together,
the memories of a true friendship will
last forever.
A friend is not a shadow nor a servant
But someone who hold
a piece of a person in her heart.
Someone who shares a smile,
Someone who brightens up your day
What makes a person a friend
Sama sent me this , that darling of mine made me cried while i read it . I dont know how t express how much i love this girl ! gosh . She's always giving me surprises and she's always there t make me happy and all . I thank God f her . ;D
Holding on t your hand ,
tells me that im not gna let you go .
Standing beside you ,
gave me a sense of security .
Leaning on you ,
made me feel warm .
I'm all about loving you boy .
I LOVEEE LOVEEE LOVEEEE TODAY ! ;D heheh xD . Well , woke up late again , so rushed and daddy fetched me down t ps . I saw Marisse and Theresa , yeah . Headed t LJS t meeet minghan and melvin but esmonde's cg was there tooo . We had lunch tgther and after lunch we left f church . Service was great and minghan and brendon gave their testimoneeees . Its was awesome ! ;D Hahah breastfriend's photo is hell funnnny . I laughed so hard that my stomach cramped . Hahah im sorry breast . I couldn't help it . HAHAHAH ohkay , after service slacked in church and all . I JUST LOVEEE TODAY MORE THAN ANY OTHERS ! AYEEEE xD
Eric appeared in my dream last night . LOL it was damn damn damn funny ! Hahah come and ask me about it . He found it funny too when i told him . That big bear HAHAH ! . He says im evil , look whos the evil one . RAAAAH
I will fall and you'll rescue me
BOOOOOYAAAA ! ;D ohkay im feeeling real bored , other than talking t sama . I misss my sotong botong ! ): Oh wells , nevermind . SAMA ! please dont type out my full name , later everyone know hoooooow . Hhahaha . Oh yeah , my birthday is coming , hahah . i'll be fourteeeeeeeen . O.O . aye aye aye aye ayeeeee oh yeah , Eric is a big meanie he wna shoot me ): im gna get murdered . Oh boy . Haahah . im really toooo bored , someone puh-leaseeeee entertain me ): RAH .
I send myself to you
Yes always and always
I send my love to you
Now i neeed you and i want you t know .
Sotong woke me up today ;] heheh thanks sotong , woke up got ready and went t bugis t meeet nats , but met her at cityhall cos she reached around the same time as me ;D Hahah , went t bugis walked rounds in bugis t find f natsy's heeeeels . After long , got her heeeeels at ,m)phosis ;] mrt-ed t cityhall , walked t Marina , shopped and saw eric's photos that were put up at NoiseSingapore , i love his photosss ohkaaaaay . He was so touched when i told him that i went t Marina t see his photos . Hawhaw , but that evil thing wanted t shooot me ): RAH ! you mean mean thing . Hahahh , after walking till our legs were about t come out , sat at starbucks and we yek-ed and we mrt-ed t PS hahhaha , sat back at starbuucks and it was raining like cows and chicken luh , sat awhile and headed t town t meeet dadddy while nats went t vivoooo t meeet daryl and the rest ;] met dadddy at takaaaa and i got my stufffs ! ;D heheh thanks dadddddy ! ;] than went t Bukit Merah f dinnner , and after that headed t suntec cos daddddy wanted t go NUSS . Walked around in suntec before going t NUSS , bought my YAMI t eat . ;D im lovin" it ! Hahahha . Went up t NUSS after eating and went into the K roooom , omgzxz amazingly there was no one today except f a few of the regulars . GAH was theref many hours , but sotong entertained me and accompanied me ;] if not i would have died in there , talk t sotong on the phone f awhile , went back into the noisy place and Uncle peter kept odering drinks f me , i nearly died alrd . He ordered like nobodys businesssss . So i escaped and i was outisde talking t sotong on the phone ;] hheheh . After a few more hours than daddy decided t go home . Like FINALLLY im homeeeee ! its like 2 plus alrd . RAH <3 there guitar tmr and i haven even practice ): im dead /
Right and wrong is black and white
YOOOOOO ! ;D Went out w nats , yow and sama toooday ! Original Clickkkk 4 outing ;] Hahah . Met them in cine , and we were gna watch Material Girls , the movie wasn't that great afterall , we sneak in xxl chicken [?] it was hell funnny ohkay , they hide all their chickens into my bag . How greaaaat , my bag smells of xxl chicken . >.<>great talk that we all had . ;] I love relating t Clickkkk 4 . Hahah , nats felt hungry so went t pepper lunch f dinner , yow ate his burger , while sama shared her foood w me ;] hehhe . After that , yek-ed abit more and daddy came t fetch me . Home-ed ;]
lets kill the lights , start t see
so this can blend out
make this last forever
just turn your back and run .
I follow your chest home , so i can seee you breathe
Omgzxz ! Eric is super super super nice ! ;D ;D ;D he say he wants t teach me photography ! YAYE ! YAYE ! YAYE ! ;D heheheh . He wants me t dream of him , i rather dream of that lil heartbreaker ! Hahah he's gna kill me f sure . hohoho xD and he's mean he sayd that im small . That oldie boy . Hahahh ! ohkay im going super GAH GAH GAH noooow . Hhahah . aye im happy happpy happy today , thanks t sama ! She made me superuberly happy , heheh xD she said something that really made my day . Oh my happy pill made another star f me ! im gna collect it sooon ! Oh yay ! ;D heheh <3
But it's you I can't deny.

I'm an addict for dramatics
Aye aye ayeeee , went out w jia , yow and nats todaaaaay ! ;D Me , jia and yow were suppose t meeet at 2 at bishan , but i woke up late as usual xD . Told yow and jia that i'll be late , got ready and was on my way t town , and i msged both of them asking where were they , one say still at home . T.T the other waiting f bus =.= . They change timing also never tell me ! BEST FRIENDS luhhhhh . ): I waited at somerset all alone f about an hour before that two prince and princess reach but sotong kept me accompany ;D . Went t cine , yek-ed and they ate . Went t the yow's claiming of chilling place sat there f awhile saw booothy ! ;D hhahah than headed t Heeeren walked f awhile and we went t the wanton mee there sat and yek-ed again cos we didnt know where t goooo . Hahah f gooodness sake . Waited f natsy watsy ! ;D she came ! OMGZXZ IM IN LOVE W HER HAIR OHKAY ! i loveee it but she really look like her mummy . Hahah the mum dyed her hand until damn nice ! Rah im lovin' it . Hahah walked t fareast , we were indecisive again so we ended up at subway , nats , yow and jia ate while i was reading LIME . Hahah , we were freeeezing inside subway the air con was like super super cold . RAH . After getting out of Subway we walked all the way back t cine , t find a place t slackeeed , crapzxz my legs were dying . Hahah yeeeek-edd in the fooodcourt and took photos . Yek-ed awhile more and we left . Nats bus-ed home while me , jia and yow mrt-ed home ;D .
I confuse the two for lov
You can't tell me that you don't beg...

Aye he's simply a heartbreaker ;] im gna put his pic up at every post . Hahah im going crazy over her superuberly adorablenessss . Hahah ohkay ohkay stop it lams ;] . Oh wells , im starting t think of him again , hahah he's laughter just brings me joy whenever i hear it . Sama says im crazy . Im not its just a natural reaction ohkay , talk about you and your baby luhhhhhhh . Hhhah . But i dont even think he knows what im feeeling f him . RAH . ohkay crap . i dont know why but i just felt like blogging . My stomach's hurting all of the sudden and it feeels like my stomach is being pierced . RAH . i suddenly misss sama , nats , jia , lene , yow aloooot . Oh my whats gotten into me . :/ Oh wells , bye f now .
Just think of this and me
as just a few of the many things
t lie around
t clutter up your shelves

Aye , isn't he superuberly uberly adorable ! ;D . Eric toook this photos , he's damn goood at photography . aye aye ayeee im jealous . Hahah Check out his photossss . But this lil boy is simply heartbreaker , he and his 2 and 1 . Oh boy how cute . Hahah alrights im gna get ready im meeeting sama soooon . Hahah
Now , im lying on the table ,
w everything you said
Keep that in mind , the way that it felt .
When the most i could do is just t blame myself .
Yesterday was F-U-N ! ;D hahah went out w clickkkk six ;] But i woke up late so i was late . T.T Met them at Heeeeren and we went up t eat wantooon meeee ! ;D aye aye . After eating we went t take neos . LOL the moronic faces that we did is like $&%*#&$%@ . Hahah We were being idesicive on where t go again so we stayed in Heeeren f awhile before heading t cine cos yow wanted t eat his chicken , so went t cine and he bought his chicken i decided t buy the crepe and yeah , sat eat and yek-eddddd . Hahah after awhile saw N and his gang . We were still talking and laughing sooooo much ! Hahahah . We kinda talk and related alot than lene , jia and yow had t leave f their dance . They left and it was left w me , sama and nats . So we headed t Heeeren again walked in levis and we kept walking and walking and we decided t go Wisma and we went t try on some tops . Heeeee ;D Than we were hungry so we went t taka and we ate MOS . Yek-ed and toook pictures and all . ;] Hahah than after awhile we all went home . While on the way back , Gosh i was surrounded by blangaas luhhhh , and that N keeep saying a blangala will be walking home w me . YAAAAAH RIGHT . Home-ed , bathe-ed and called nats and sama , talked alot and conference w k , n and w . Hahaha k's chinese name is super hilarious i tell you ! Hahah its call Gay Chen Ling , hahah ! ohkay crap luhhhh i made that up . Hahahah . talked till bout 4 and we all went t sleeeep ;D .
Sorry that i couldn't make you stay
Today was tiring i guesss . Woke up kinda late today so i quickly rushed t get ready cos i was suppose t meet the church peeeps at 12 but im always late , i got t learn t be punctual alrd . :/ Daddy fetched me t church and met minghan and the rest , stayed in church awhile before heading t PS f lunch . Ate yoshi and we kinda talked about things in church and so on . Walked back t church and service was starting sooon , Dooors opened and we went in , while waiting f service t start me , jamie and eric were kinda talking . It was damn funny , the way jamie and eric were fighting w each other , than eric pulled me in so i was like going against eric w jamie . ;] Who ask you drag me in ah eric . RAH . service started and it was goood Pastor Lia preach today . After service jamie talked t me and minghan about somethings . Slacked in church f quite a looong time , and jamie and i rushed t the sweets corner and got our sweeets ! ;D Its candyyy weeekend you seee . ;] Than me , jamie , breast , minghan , leeann , peck lian , dawn , kash , ernest , justin , dale ongah and many more went f chicken rice / tau hui . Walked t cathay and went inside NUM vincent was working and jamie toook the gay bear and we just walk out , ;] i took the bear and vincent just look at us walking away w the bear , ;] the bear is super cute . Oh Ongah is killing me so is dale and so is esmonde . After service they kept taking my pictures w/o me knwing and its kinda unglam , begged ongah t delete it but he REFUSE and says that he wna post it . T.T ongaaaaaah you're soooo evil . After eating walked t PS w ernest and justin [?] Parted at PS and went t find K and the rest f awhile , saw lams [the other lam i mean ] moron say my name sooo loud f what . RAH . Mrt-ed home after that . ;]
Seriously , i dont know whats gotten into me , im not feeling very happy or what . I feeel like shit , things happen this few days , seeeing you makes me happy , but you seeem t think im invisible or something . I really dont know whats happening or anything , i just want t know why , you see me as though im invisible or what . I dont know , maybe im just thinking tooo much or whatever crap . :/ But i just wna know why this is happening , i dont want t be thinking about it or even dwelling on this . You dont know how im feeling , the feeling just suck . I really dont know what t do alrd . I really feel like crying so badly , but i dont even think you'll give a damn about it . Ugh , someone help .
The last day I could see you smile
Today was fun i guess . Hahahah ;D . Went t Heeeereeeen t meeet natsy watsy ! Hahah met her , and that silly girl knock her head and it had a cut and it was bleeeding , aye poooor girl :/ BECAREFUL AH GIRL ! We wanted t eat the wanton meeee , but we were kinda full so we didnt eat instead we sat and had a drink , and natsy was msging Sama about something and we were creating a story about hahahah ! it was damn funny ohkay , i was laughing real hard . Hahah so i toook over nats and i continued the story i was being kinda sick at that time . HAHAH no offence but i really could imagine lalala doing it kays . HAHAH ! It was hell funny . ;D Oh Gosh , i might just laugh in my sleeep tonight who knows ohkay , oh maybe even worst dream of it . Shitzxz i hope not .I dont wna dream of lalala . It'll be a nightmareeeee please . HAWHAW . Went f guitar after that , and we learnt a new song t be w you by Mr Big . Hahaha . Mr Big reminds me of Nana ! Hahah the incident that happen ytd , Omgzxz Dom was famn funny ! Hahaah ! ohkay ohkay back t what i was saying . After guitar mrt-ed t lido , thought that lx and eugene was there but they were not , instead they were at fareast , walked t fareast and found them , they were studying at LJS but it was tooo cramp so moved t BK . It was freeeezing in BK pleaseeee . So nats and i went t walk around in fareast , saw some shoes and clothes and stufff . Yeah Oh yeah saw zisky . O.o hahahh . Eugene , ql and nats left and left me and lx so we went t wisma f dinner and we saw j , :/ oh yeah . After eating went t walk walk and lx is addicted t topman luh , she's glued t that shop i got t drag her out luh . Hahaha walk rounds . Than dadddy came t fetch me and yeeaaah yeaaaah went t eat again , but i didnt eat luh . Was msging sama , aye she's really making her love her moreeeee luh ! Home-ed and she sent me this video that she had made , RAH that dear girl made me cry cos of that video , sama i really really love love love you ! <3>I'm in loveee w bloooodynerds & Clickkkk six !
Nthg last forever ,
though we want it t .
The road ahead ,
holds different dream f me & you .
Of your favourite picture thorn into two .
Hahah i had fun time today i think . ;D Hahah ohkay ohkay . I was suppose t wake up at 10 today , i did because J's msg woke me up but while msging halfway i went back t sleeep and i woke up at 1130 . So i rushed t get ready cos i was suppose t meeet my usual girlfriends at 1230 at habourfront . :/ Heheh got dressed and everything rushed out of the house...reached the mrt and when the mrt arrvied i saaaaaw SAMA ! ;D What a coincidence ! Hahah yek-ed in the mrt and when we reach dbgod nats hopped into the mrt too ! Hahaha yeah reached Vivoooo and we went t LJS f lunch i was hungrrrrry . ;] Ate halfway and Jia and Lene joined us . After eating went t the playground and play and we went t walk and walk and walk . After walking f a loooong time we went t B&Js f ice creammmmm ! YUM YUM YUM ;D hohoho xD . I ate my usual Phish Fooood ! ;] its beeen long since i had my phish fooood and i misssed it . Hawhaw . After eating lene just left w/o telling us ): Guess she's too tired .
After awhile i left tooo cos Parachute Band was on . While walking t the station , Nats called me back cos she said my partner was crying . So i walked back and my silly o partner was crying . Aye you silly thing , you really gave me a shock when i heard you were crying because you really miss me ;D Thats reallly very very sweeet of you partner ! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU ! <3 . So we all mrt-ed t dbgod and i parted from them at PS . Headed t church and breast was on cafe duty so i just stoood at cafe and Melvin and Ernest came after looooong . Haahah
The dooors were open and Ivan ask us t go in and we could get the front seats . ;D ;D ;D Heheh xD . Worship started and it was great . Thaaaan Parachute band perform ! WOW , its really awesome ! I had a fun time though . After everything , slacked in church till 10 nd we left f supper at PS bk . Ate and yek-ed in bk , left w jamie and minghan... we walked t cathay and we stopped there , yek-ed and we were being indecisive HAHAH . But in the end me and minghan left early . And im HOME now . Its like 1230 now . Hahah
with words that always meant more than updates on the phone.
HAHAH! Ohkay im back t blogging about something that i told cheryl about , she didnt say NO but instead she was laughing and rushing me t blog about it . ;D hohoho ! HAHAH! ohkay this is real funny . Ohkay this post is f you V . Hahah cheryl you know who eh . HAHAH! crap shit im laughing real hard .
Eh , V i think you're crazy , leave C alone . Ha , reason being she's mine ? LOL she's my boyfriend so SHOOO SHOOOO go away . and i mean FAR FAR away . ;D i'll be very glad if you do so . Cos you're getting my gooose pimples and C's goose pimples popping out xD . Whats w the i love you w/o knwing how , why or even when . When you logve someone , and when you love them w your heart . It never disappears even when you're apart . Craaaaap . This made me and C laugh badly . Im sorry i didnt mean t be meaaan . HAH , just keep a distance away from C , you're like making her freak out and so . Oh pleaseee dont say that C makes your life tired and she doesnt appreciate it or what so ever . V when can you ever put a Fullstop t it . RAH its kinda annoying =X . Ayeee , C said that whatever you posted was so fake and its kinda true . Hahah ahyo just let C off please . Dont cry because of C or breakdown , you'll freak her out . Oh and that nick of yours . My heart was crushed by a former love . RAH shhhhh no more no moreee . Give up and let go V .
HAHAH! cheryl is laughing so much because of me . ;D Hahah ! She keeps having typo that silly crap . Hahah .
Lies the present and the distance
Went out w smallboy today ! ;D hahah met him at kovan , and he reach earlier than me in the end , he bluff me :/ tsk tsk . Mrt-ed t harbourfront , and we were crapping and talking nonsense in the mrt , hahhaah we were looking at people and so on . ;D hahah , its was fun though . Reached and we went t walk rounds at Vivoooo , after walking f quite sometime... Hahah ! we went into Vivomart and play and stuff , hahha we started exploring here and there . But it kinda stink when it came t the Seafood section . Hahah xD . Went t sit and yek-ed at the rooftop and we kinda yek-ed alot and stuff , aye smallboy dont worry too mucch yeah . And oh yah , thanks f telling me all those stuffs yah . ;] Smallboy loves lil rocks/stones . xD RAH , he kept playing w it , so i told him why not just bring it home . Hahah . After sometime , N and all came and yeah yek-ed till bout 9 and left . HOME-ED ;D
spare me just three last words

You taught my heart, a sense I never knew I had
HAHAH! im gna have bad stomach cramps very sooon , sama gave me the website about the lame comics and this is super lame shit please . Hahah heres one comic .
AYE AYE AYE . ;D today was rather short day f me . Hahah ! reason being was i woke up at at at 4 . ;D couldnt blame me , was on the phone the whole night yesterday and i was playing gb w daryl , jia , steff and lene . And daryl keeps attacking me ): i keeep dying because of me :/ RAH . daryl stop killing me alrd . Hahaha , well didnt do much today sat infront of the teeeveee and was playing w my brother , we were morons in the house . Hahah ! we were playing catching , oh wth we were tooo bored you seee . Boredness kills :/ Hahah but my brother just left the house w his friend and im home alone again ! GAH , daddy coming home late and i'll be left alone at home rotting away . Oh wells i've got sama ! HAHAHA! she's damn funny ! Oh man i love her sooooo much ! ;D
Went t meet jamie in the afternooon , she wanted t buy her skirts so i brought her t bugis streeet t get her stuffs and after trying and buying , we went f lunch at kfc , after that went t walk a lil more at bugis and we left and headed t church . Reach-ed and breast was doing cafe ! Hahah! she look damn adorable when she tie up her hair , hahah ! Had cellgroup afterwards and we were playing some games and i had t do a forfeit by blowing the tissue w/o letting it touch the ground f 10 seconds i nearly died , its not that easy . Jamie preached and all and we sang Here i am , i loveeee that song . After cg went t cathay cos jamie wanted t find her friends f awhile after that i left first , headed t j8 t meeet daryl , steff and jiaying . By that time i was not really in a goood moood due t something , sorry guys . Went t the foodcourt and met them and after they ate went t the playground and yek-ed but after sometime the security guard was chasing us away , when there were other older kids at the playground that he can chase but he didnt want t . T.T idiooooot . We headed t Yoshi instead , sat and yek-ed and we played true or dare . Hahah ! After playing i msg-ed daddy and daddy called me saying he was sleeping in the office , hahah he dozed off . Guess he's tooo exhausted ): pooor dadddy , daryl and jia waited f my dad t come and fetch me , Thanks alooot daryl and jia ! ;D hahah , daddy came and went t chomp chomp f dinner , Home-ed and bathe-ed . Was on the phone while playing gb . Played and talk till about 430 , and i went t sleeep . ;D hahaah
take a run f me , and leave them all alone