Friday, December 22, 2006

lololololololololololol , i was laughing at the photos i tell you . RAHHHR eric chen , xjie & i said i dont want my face whyyyy you like that . lolololololololololololol .
I remember the times we spent together
Had tuition today , after tuition bathed and cab-ed down t bugis t meeet polly , sheng da and flea met them f awhile and headed down t mummy's place and had lunch w her and she made tangyuan f me :) yummy yummy ! :D
Left around 350 and mrt-ed down t bugis t meeet flea cos we were going t cosycot . Helped t carry the deco stuffs and when we reached cosycot , wow the place is decorated superduperuberly nice ! The christmas treees hadbags of sweeets hang on it and many small packets of sweets were thrown all over the treee , the tree is so shiny and beautiful ! :D Than went into the manicure , make up and hairstyling rooom t get the deco done . Xjie was super stressed cos she was in charge , did the deco f hours .
All of us were super tired and i was having a annoying & terrible headache :/ After hours the rooom was finally done :] im happy and satisfied w it . Than went out of the rooom , saw lynettte ! :D Hahah than went back into the rooom and roy , joanne , vanessa stella came in . Roy and the 3 ladies started t practice singing . Wowwwww their voice is super super ultra nice we were having freee entertainment . Hahaah Roy is super funnny , he tried t talk like xiao xin , patrick . lololololol and he started laughing and laughing . Hahah he's a funnny guy . Ha
Than i change into I ♥ NY shirt cos eric had t take pictures , i kept laughing . Hhahah i dont know whyyyyyy . Xjie you better thank me , f changing into the teee and had t have pictures taken . :) But i was having fun though . Hahahah .Daddy came t fetch me after that and we went f dinner :D now im homeeeeeeee !
All those drives, we had a million questions
Had tuition today , after tuition bathed and cab-ed down t bugis t meeet polly , sheng da and flea met them f awhile and headed down t mummy's place and had lunch w her and she made tangyuan f me :) yummy yummy ! :D
Left around 350 and mrt-ed down t bugis t meeet flea cos we were going t cosycot . Helped t carry the deco stuffs and when we reached cosycot , wow the place is decorated superduperuberly nice ! The christmas treees hadbags of sweeets hang on it and many small packets of sweets were thrown all over the treee , the tree is so shiny and beautiful ! :D Than went into the manicure , make up and hairstyling rooom t get the deco done . Xjie was super stressed cos she was in charge , did the deco f hours .
All of us were super tired and i was having a annoying & terrible headache :/ After hours the rooom was finally done :] im happy and satisfied w it . Than went out of the rooom , saw lynettte ! :D Hahah than went back into the rooom and roy , joanne , vanessa stella came in . Roy and the 3 ladies started t practice singing . Wowwwww their voice is super super ultra nice we were having freee entertainment . Hahaah Roy is super funnny , he tried t talk like xiao xin , patrick . lololololol and he started laughing and laughing . Hahah he's a funnny guy . Ha
Than i change into I ♥ NY shirt cos eric had t take pictures , i kept laughing . Hhahah i dont know whyyyyyy . Xjie you better thank me , f changing into the teee and had t have pictures taken . :) But i was having fun though . Hahahah .Daddy came t fetch me after that and we went f dinner :D now im homeeeeeeee !
All those drives, we had a million questions
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get upWoke up at 2 today :/ and i rushed t bathe cos i was gna meeet jamieee and breast they allllllll ;] After i bathe , recieved a msg from mommy and she asked me t call her immediately so i did , and guess what i thought it was just a casual talk or she needed something , instead it became a arguementive talk . (*&^%$#@!@#$% RAHHRRR , she started scolding me f not being able t find the shoe that the stupid b*tch auntie of mine wanted . Its not like i dont want t find right , theres no more wht you expect me t do , produce one f you is it . :/ Quarrelled till both ___ and i ended up crying , wth thanks t that b*tch luh . i hate you b*tch . RAHHR .
ugh , annoying .
Met up w breast they alll at cityhall mrt and we went t hongkong cafe t sit drink and allllll :) After a while minghan left so left the 4 ladies . :) Hahah , oh yeah there was this paticular couple that was sitting in hk cafe and they kept smoooching and me and nana couldn't help but t stre at them cos they were directly infront of us unlike jamie and breast they could see cos they were facing them . Omgzxz the couple were super grossss luh , i took a pic of it and jamie said i look like some pi or something . lolololololol .
Went t walked arnd Marine Square and we were all so tired so we ended up at Suntec starbucks . Waited f daddy t come , he fetched me and we went t bugis streeet t get my clothes :D bought my clothes and we went f dinner at the same old usual place my daddy love . gillemard (however its spelt ) yeah yeah . and im HOME now ! :D
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Oceans deeep , i'll followHellooooooooo ! :D hahah i woke up at 900 today xjie tried calling me , hahha and i finally woke up , rushed &bathed , than xjie called my house asking whether i wna share cab w her cos we were gna be late f the meeeting . Rushed out of the house and waited f xjie's cab and hop on and off we go ! The cab fare was like (*&^%$#@ , xjie got me crossionts (however its spelt ) f me ! heheh xD thank you ! :)
Reached church and we were considered early . Hahah the rest were laterrrr , Sister Alicia than started off w the meeeting and she brief us on everything . Van and Xjie then headed down t parkmall t meeet Jacky (the hairstylist) Introduced and everything and he started t demo on Ros's hair , we couldn't stop laughing because he was super hilarious and kooon yew was talking out of point t everything , he was just being silly ;] hhaha
Than the lessson was going t end Jacky and Xjie did my hair ;] Kooon yew wanted t do so xjie let him play f awhile he burned my scalp that stupid boy ! ): it was super painful , but i was forgving enough t forgive him . He was super playful luhhhhhhh , Hahah but its alright . :) After the lesson i helped xjie w her create work piece , her art piece was awesome/beautiful i tell you ! ;] i wished i could have it . xD heheh
After cleaning up , bus-ed down w xjie t bugis t meeet van and flea .
They were shopping so we went our seperate ways first and hopefully we could bang into each other :) and yes we did . Hahahah xjie bought her jeans , skirt and top and she helped charlala bought a skirt tooo ! ;D hohoho xD
Van had t leave first so the 3 of us helped van t shop f her clothes while she rushed off f 41st day prac . Walked rounds in Bugis streeeet , up down up down . It was really tiring . :/ Off t fareast but i didn't go cos i had t meeet daddy at Wisma , waited f him and i went t look f my clothes first but it was all gone ): so i couldn't buy guess i'll have t go back t bugis tmr t buy my stuffs . rahhhr ! im like so busy , presents , meeetings and everything is just crashing down on me ): i feeel as though i can't breathe . Oh boyyyyyyyyy :/ somebody helppppp . I neeeed t sleeeep now , im having a chicken nehnehy fever thanks t the rain ytd that made me into a wet soaked chicken pass mignight ): RAHHHR .
And if each star was a song
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Hold your breathe now , its stacking upThis is f you jamie leeeeeee my o-so-wonderful jie jie .
Jie jie , thanks f taking of me since the day you knew me , you gave me all the love you had , and you tooook great care of me all these months . I really appreaciated it ;] and i thank our Daddy f having you as my jie jie ! I guess our Daddy had alrd planned f us t meeet and being able t love each other so dearly as though you're my own . I'm sure our Daddy in heaven is happy t see that His plan had worked .
I'm glad that i've made you laugh , smile and cry (hopefully f the goood thing ) . Jamie , you know what , i treat you like my own tooo ! cos i've lond dreaded f a sister . And our awesome Daddy has answered my prayer . I'm loving Him more and more each day ! Jie jie , thanks f being w me through all my difficult times and always reminding me that our Daddy loves us , cos we're His beloved daughter . I'll be there f you tooo jie jie if ever the whole world turns back on you and don't love you or anything , i'll always be here so will our Daddy , because the gate in my heart will always be open f you and waiting t recieve you so does Daddy . I'll ensure that the gate doesn't close cos it'll always be open f you .Thats how much i love you . I love you jie jie ! <3
Etched w marks , but i can't deal .
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I'll grow up knowing YouI'll reply the tags here , jamie says my tagboard like market now . lol
Jamie : Thanks jie jie ! ;D hahah i ♥ you tooo !
Fleaaaaa : Thanks flea , haha you guys are making me laugh .
Ongaah : HAHAH ongah you're real funnny , people tag long you must follow . tsk tsk lol . water coooler ? go invent your own ongah . You always think tooo much .
Huimin : Huimin ! ;D heheh xD yes yes i remember our date . Hahah , yes i love love love you too ! ;D thanks huimin ! ♥
Yunluuuu : HAHAHAH ! AH MAAAAA ! you're forever making me laugh luh . I'm gna date you next weeek . Be freeeee , please dont ask me go play bball . I'll start complaining t you again . Ha
Eric : Thanks Eric .
Yo : HAHAH now start calling people nonsense and alllll . HAHAH ! BUT ... i like . ♥ you woman !
HAHAH , ohkay guys seriously thanks f saying that anon thats spamming my blog . You guys are real funnny . Fish market . ;D Anw , a BIG thank you ! ;D heh
I spent my morning waiting f some princessses t arrive while i stone-ed . Went t BK f breakfast before heading f VBS . Waited and waited . I talked t lynetteeeeee ;D yaye ! hahahah Lynetteeeee tell me who is it luhhhhhhhhhh . Hahah xD .
VBS today was real deeep , i couldn't understand xD . Hahah oh yeah we watched bravehearts . Goooodnessss gracious , that show is simply disgustingly gruesome w a lil romance in it though . Heng brother shikai censored th eeew eeeew eeeew parts , Minghan told me t relax . HAHAH i wanted t laugh but better not . Ha .
Oh yeah , while waiting f dadddy t pick me up at church . Ernest the great opened the toilet dooor the dooorknob came off toooo . Everybody was laughing at him . Hahah he super pro luhhhhhh . Hahah
Jamie's real funnny on the phone . Hahaha i started entertaining her w lots of rubbish . She was like "Ahyo ahyo die ah die ah , tesssina ah . " Hahah . Tessina was created by Yolander Lai Cui Ting ! :/
♥ s !
I'll grow up serving You .
Sunday, December 10, 2006
"Straitjacket Feeling"Back me down from backing up
Hold your breath now it's stacking up
Etched with marks, but I can deal
And you're the problem and you can't feel
Try this on, straitjacket feeling
so maybe I won't be alone
Take back now, my life you're stealing
Yesterday was hell
But today I'm fine without you
Run away this time without you
And all I ever thought you'd be
That face is tearing holes in me again
Trust you is just one defense
off a list of others, you don't make sense
Beg me time and time again
to take you back now, but you can't win
Take back now, my life you're stealing
Yesterday was hell
But today I'm fine without you
Run away this time without you
And all I ever thought you'd be
That face is tearing holes in me
but today I'm fine without you
Run away this time without you
And all the things you put me through
I'm holding on by letting go of you
And when that memory slips away
There'll be a better view from here
And only lonesome you remain
sand just the thought of you I fear
it falls away
Yesterday was hell
But today I'm fine without you
Run away this time without you
And all I ever thought you'd be
That face is tearing holes in me
but today I'm fine without you
Run away this time without you
And all the things you put me through
I'm holding on by letting go of you
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I've been assuming everythingOhkay , my day has beeen pretty well i guesss , woke up late today , was suppose t meeet Lynette at 930 , so i rushed and cab-ed down t parkmall and i reached at around 945 . Reached and Lynette was not there yet only the rest that was suppose t meet were there . Waited f the 3 Kings and Queens t arrive , which was Fifi , Dominic and Lynette . They went t the gym early in the morning . Hahah :D Dom said that we were able t connect t him fifi and lynette . WHOOOOOOO ! ;D hawhaw .
Had our breakfast at Hans and we rushed back t church cos vbs was starting at 11 , and we were suppose t be punctual . Yeah , Pst How talked about sacrifice and his sermon really impacted me , I'm loving my Almighty Daddy more and more each day ! :D Had our QT and Daddy spoke t me :D i love love Him . Than Pst Lia talked about Giving , and yeah i was impacted as well , after that we watched a video . The video was really great and it was quite sad though . After vbs had t meet fifi , lynette and dom and dom talked t us and allllll , than fifi told me t prepare some stuffs f zone event this saturday . Aye start racking my brains !
After VBS went f dinner w khar , bren , huimin , polly , minghan , lester t ps and they ate burger king . Ate and went t walk f awhile w minghan , huimin ,lester and bren . After that we headed home ;D
breast and polly are killing me . They insist that my name is Tessina . Oh noooooooooooo , this is so wronggggggg please . RAHHHRR . Ohhhh tmrs 24 ! I can't wait ! :D Sadly we didn't managed t get the overnight time slots , if not it would be so much more fun and allllllll . Ohkay Charmaine rockssssss ! Oh yeah I misss imaaaaaaai my greeeenie !
Hoping you'll sooon mean everything
Monday, December 04, 2006
Kiss me , out of the bearded barleyRAHHHHRRR , stayed home today ;/ . Well , charmaine was talking t me on msn and all . Oh yahhhhhhh tmrs the start of vbs and i got t report at 930 . ): Oh nooooo there goes my beauty sleeeeeep . RAHHHRR , charmaine and i were complaining bout it . Heh xD but we're still not sleeeping . HAHAHAH ah crap luh she . That pig stay so near t church so she can sleeep longer ): RAHHHR RAHHHRR RAHHHRRR !
Ahhhh i'm bored . bro's out ): that shithead i missss my bro , lol . Amazingly i would misss him . HAH ohkay i'm going insane cos boredness is killing me ): Charmaine that pig is off t sleeep alrd . GAHHH imaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai faster come back luh !
Yahhhhhh luhhh , i misss you luh . Faster come back me and xinjie want you t come back ! :D hahah .
Shitzxz , i just realise my brother is going HK soooon , he's going w his gf . O.O damnit i'll be home alone . RAHHHRR , oh wells , im used t it alrd luhhhhhhhhhhh . Ohkay i got t sleeeeep . If not i can't wake up tmr , i'll be dead than . Nighttsssssssssssssssssss ! <3
Lightly , beside the green green grasss .
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Your name pounding through my veinsWoke up lateee today :/ supposed t have follow up w khar at 12 , but adult service ended at 1230 or so , so followed up session was shortened due t time . But still it was a goood follow up sesssion i had ! :D heheh xD
After follow up , had service immediately and service was great ! Than after service , stoood outside audi w the cg and we were talking and all . I had a hard time chasing Dominic away cos of khar . GAHHHHHHH ! Than chooon kit came and was bullied by dale , melvin , breast , khar and jamieee . Pooor boy . HAHAHAH
Had lunch at Macs afterwards . Ate and yek-edddd f rather looong and headed back t church w minghan , breast , chloe , denise and polly .
Reached church and i went in t the audi w breast , zone B was having glamour sunday , and they were having a photoshooot . :D chewting is soooo adorable ! hahaah !
After the shooots and all , went crazy w adriena and xinjie . Those 2 crazy girls screamed into my ears like nobody businesss , but i of course screamed back . And we became the attention in church everybody started t stare at us . So me and xinjie quickly run into the audi and hide . Hahah . It was super hilarious . Mrt-ed home w xinjie after that . I like going home w her ! :D
Home-ed and kor was at home alone than he was going crazy alrd cos he stayed home practically the whole day watching teevee . Than he left t fetch jie jie , so now im home alone ): ohkay bye . Charmaine's gna entertain me :D hahah i hope .
You're all that matters now .
Your name pounding through my veins
Woke up lateee today :/ supposed t have follow up w khar at 12 , but adult service ended at 1230 or so , so followed up session was shortened due t time . But still it was a goood follow up sesssion i had ! :D heheh xD
After follow up , had service immediately and service was great ! Than after service , stoood outside audi w the cg and we were talking and all . I had a hard time chasing Dominic away cos of khar . GAHHHHHHH ! Than chooon kit came and was bullied by dale , melvin , breast , khar and jamieee . Pooor boy . HAHAHAH
Had lunch at Macs afterwards . Ate and yek-edddd f rather looong and headed back t church w minghan , breast , chloe , denise and polly .
Reached church and i went in t the audi w breast , zone B was having glamour sunday , and they were having a photoshooot . :D chewting is soooo adorable ! hahaah !
After the shooots and all , went crazy w adriena and xinjie . Those 2 crazy girls screamed into my ears like nobody businesss , but i of course screamed back . And we became the attention in church everybody started t stare at us . So me and xinjie quickly run into the audi and hide . Hahah . It was super hilarious . Mrt-ed home w xinjie after that . I like going home w her ! :D
Home-ed and kor was at home alone than he was going crazy alrd cos he stayed home practically the whole day watching teevee . Than he left t fetch jie jie , so now im home alone ): ohkay bye . Charmaine's gna entertain me :D hahah i hope .
You're all that matters now .
Woke up lateee today :/ supposed t have follow up w khar at 12 , but adult service ended at 1230 or so , so followed up session was shortened due t time . But still it was a goood follow up sesssion i had ! :D heheh xD
After follow up , had service immediately and service was great ! Than after service , stoood outside audi w the cg and we were talking and all . I had a hard time chasing Dominic away cos of khar . GAHHHHHHH ! Than chooon kit came and was bullied by dale , melvin , breast , khar and jamieee . Pooor boy . HAHAHAH
Had lunch at Macs afterwards . Ate and yek-edddd f rather looong and headed back t church w minghan , breast , chloe , denise and polly .
Reached church and i went in t the audi w breast , zone B was having glamour sunday , and they were having a photoshooot . :D chewting is soooo adorable ! hahaah !
After the shooots and all , went crazy w adriena and xinjie . Those 2 crazy girls screamed into my ears like nobody businesss , but i of course screamed back . And we became the attention in church everybody started t stare at us . So me and xinjie quickly run into the audi and hide . Hahah . It was super hilarious . Mrt-ed home w xinjie after that . I like going home w her ! :D
Home-ed and kor was at home alone than he was going crazy alrd cos he stayed home practically the whole day watching teevee . Than he left t fetch jie jie , so now im home alone ): ohkay bye . Charmaine's gna entertain me :D hahah i hope .
You're all that matters now .
Saturday, December 02, 2006
You left me on my ownBOOOOO ! ohkays , i've not been blogging f dayssssss . Heh xD imma blog about the past few daysss than , it'll be a looong post luhhh , have fun reading it . lol
SUNDAY 26 nov .
Went out w bro , bro gf and daddy t Bugis . It was packed and we were walking aimlessly in Bugis not knowing where t go so we decided t walk t Bugis Street . I bought a skirt and my bro bought a shirt and i bought some earrings too ! ;D
After walking f quite sometime , me and daddy decided t have a drink while my bro and his gf continued walking . Went t Starbucks f a drink , got my ice mochaaaa ;D heheh . Soooon , both of them came looking f us and we than headed t Wisma f dinner . We ate at Food Republic . Koh's Grill Japanese Restaurant , the foood there is amazing . ;D
MONDAY 27 nov
Outing w breast and tracy . Went t town t meeet them and we were gna discuss about the zone chalet stuffs . We went t subway t eat and discuss and all . It was raining like cows and chickens pleaseeee , we were all drenched . Andddd oh oh oh ! i saw imaaaaaaaaai ! :D hah
Went t Paragon after that and tracy left so it was left w me and breast . We sat at paragon and yek-ed non-stop . Talking t breast is really funny luhhhh . I really had a great time talking t her though . Left paragon and we mrt-ed home tgther . :D I love you yolanderrr ! :D
ZONE CHALETTT ! :D hohoho , i woke up at 6am just t pack my bag and all , bathe and left my house around 8 . Reached church at around 840 and i was the earliest , no one was in church yet so the whole place was dark and eeerie . gahhhhh , so i waited f breast t come and we went up t church tgther . Slowly people arrived . Yo brief t us more on the games and all and we had zone meeeting after that ! :D Zone meeeting was awesome ! Lynette preach and all . Though i was really sleeeepy at that time , i could fall asleeeep any moment .
After everything , cab-ed down t Aloha Loyang w fifi , lynette and yolander . Reach-ed and we checked in and waited f the rest of the zone people t arrived . While waiting , me and aaron lee and some other peeeps started t make the water bombs . While making the superly disgusting water bombs = Water + flour + eggs , aaron leee the great one drop one of it and it splashed onto me which was eeeew eeeew eeeew ! RAHHHH aaron leee ahhhhh ! I had t wash the toilet after that , it was super dirty luhhhhhh . After washing the toilet , darryl seah asked me t clean the kitchen because he had dirtied it . Darryl seah you goooood .
Than we headed t play the Games , and something happened . I was run over by a bicycle and i mean the damn bicycle cycled over me . My leg was bleeeeding like crap and it was super uberly painful . dexter aaron lee and darryl seah were laughing at me ): you 3 meanies . RAHHH
Wahed my wounds and the games continued and Dominic came so did fifi and lynette . Played more and stuffs . Than we started t throw thw water bombs . HAHAH ! i attacked kong tat and Yangqing . hahha damn fun . Hah , after everything we had t tied our legs t our partners so me and breast were tied up w each other , hahah we kept tripping . xD
Had the bbq and the foood was great ! Ate , yek-ed and kong tat and yangqing continued bullying me . tsk tsk tsk fifi ahh see your mehs mehs ! Hours passsed and the fun begin again ! JJ was the first t be thrown into the poool , following by is zhixiang . The next one was me ): thanks t zhixiang luh ! he pullled me and just pushed me into the pooool , my leg was in pain cos it was chlorine water but after awhile it was alright . Than clarence got thrown in also , so did kong tat . After awhile everybody started t swim . It was about 12 plus alrd . Hahah played alot and the black mama (security guard) chased us out of the poool cos we weren't suppose t swim at that time . Got out of the poool and i was freeezing .
Bathe-ed and i had QT/worship/sharing session w my cg . It was greatt ! I love my God ! He's a amazing God !
I love You Jesus
i'll grow up knowing you
I love You Jesus
i'll grow up serving you
I love You Jesus
my life is saved by You
I'll never forget , never forget
i grow up loving You
This was the song that we kept singing while we were doing QT , Jamie than shared something which really impacted me alot and made me cry even more . Thank breast , sooyee and denise f comforting me . :D
Went t evens w breast and they were still watching Zhou Xing Chi's movie . Everybody slowly fell asleeep on the sofas including me . HAHAH woke up halfway and i went t the table and i slept there till the next morning . Had t clean up the place and everything . After cleaning up went back t odds w breast and i fell asleeeep on the bench , i was super tired . Than dexter woke me up and we left and went t the swimming poool area and waited f the bus and had the schoool tour and all . Reach-ed home and i slept all the way till the next day . I slept f 17 hours . xD
Went t meet yo they all at the L.O.V.E sign at Fish and Co . there and we went f lunch at parkmall . Than everyone start t come and we had lunch tgther . After lunch headed back t church and waited f the dooors t open so slacked around f awhile . Service started and Pst. How's sermon today was really awesome and powerful . God came and talked t me , thank you God i love You more and more each day ! :D After service , sent samuel off and went t eat w the cg at QQ ! lionel , richard and nicholas are such irritants . They were annoying me , GAHHHHH ate and went back t church while they left . Daddy then came t fetch me home ;D
I'm gna be strong now