Friday, March 30, 2007

Hey, girl, you know you drive me crazy
one look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Schooool today has beeen a rather emooo momo dayyyyyyyy due t certain stuffs , yeah :/
CB died in th starting , damn sad ohkay . Th show is damn bloooodu fucking nice . lolololololololololol
Joyce is damn damn damn cute ohkay , she thought pythons were scorpios luh ! HAHAH
Movie ended they left while me , N and Jy walked t town cos i neeeded t buy little ryan's birthday present . I bought him a BIG SPONGEBOB , ( i wna keeep th spongebob f myself cos it damn fucking cute cute cute ! ) But i shall ask daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy t get it f me ! ;D hohoho . Went t Yoshi at cine f dinerrrrr and we talked and laughed . Jy is th sucking queeeeeeen LOLOLOLOLOLOL she sucks her lollipooooop damn fast ohkay . lololololol
Nats bused home me and Jy took th mrt and she kept smacking my ______ . Stupid shit luh you ! Monday you're gna get it from me . HOHOHO XD . LALALALA i love fridays !( though some people were kinda emooooo today )
I didn't expect that answer and stuffs , if thats what you want than fine . But you never did understand how i felt , thanks alotttttttttt manzxzzzzzzz . I hate and love you at th same time . Wthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is wrong w me . Oh fuck damnit .
one look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Schooool today has beeen a rather emooo momo dayyyyyyyy due t certain stuffs , yeah :/
CB died in th starting , damn sad ohkay . Th show is damn bloooodu fucking nice . lolololololololololol
Joyce is damn damn damn cute ohkay , she thought pythons were scorpios luh ! HAHAH
Movie ended they left while me , N and Jy walked t town cos i neeeded t buy little ryan's birthday present . I bought him a BIG SPONGEBOB , ( i wna keeep th spongebob f myself cos it damn fucking cute cute cute ! ) But i shall ask daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy t get it f me ! ;D hohoho . Went t Yoshi at cine f dinerrrrr and we talked and laughed . Jy is th sucking queeeeeeen LOLOLOLOLOLOL she sucks her lollipooooop damn fast ohkay . lololololol
Nats bused home me and Jy took th mrt and she kept smacking my ______ . Stupid shit luh you ! Monday you're gna get it from me . HOHOHO XD . LALALALA i love fridays !( though some people were kinda emooooo today )
I didn't expect that answer and stuffs , if thats what you want than fine . But you never did understand how i felt , thanks alotttttttttt manzxzzzzzzz . I hate and love you at th same time . Wthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is wrong w me . Oh fuck damnit .
I read your blog and im not gna pretend as though nthg happen , cos what you said in it affected me hell lottttttttt . I know you're not gna give a fucking damn shit about this , maybe , maybe not . I DONT KNOW OHKAY , im just fustrated w it . You just typed those stuffs thinking i wouldn't read your blog . Hello , i do and i cried like fuck while reading it . You just dont know don't you . You say as if its so easy t just pretend and not t bother about it or even hurting me . But you're thinking f yourself and not me , you didn't think about my feeelings or anything . WHY MUST ALL THIS EVEN HAPPEN IN TH FIRST PLACE . I fucking hell hate myself .
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down.
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Would you danceif I asked you to dance?
Would you run
and never look back?
SCHOOOL TODAY IS GREATTTTTTTTTTTTT , DAMN FUCKING HILARIOUS OHKAY . ;D (only a few moments it sucked like shit ) . Firstly , assembly omgzxzzzzzzzz MJ asked us t go home t asked our parents 2 questions
1) What do you think of students showing affections in public
2) What do you think of me showing affection in public .
She said she was going t pick anyone tmrw t answer th question f herrrrrrr . OMGZXZZZZZZ , this is soooooo crazy :/ Oh welllls .
HAHAHHA , after schooool ( this is damn damn damn hilarious ohkay )
N , J , K , D , V & A we were all at th pond area and than pearlyn was suppose t sing f A . (lolololololololol) But she delayed f like super longgggggggg its was alrd christmassssss ohkay . Than D sang "Dui mian de nu hai kan guo lai " t A . lololololololol damn funnny , th last sentence of th song D sang " wo zuo kan you kan , shang kan xia kan , dui mian na ge nu hai dou bu xiang nu hai " [?] lololololol we laughed so damn bloooody hard at it ohkay . Than A took out her shoe and threw it at D , D toook th shoe threw back at A but it didn't hit her instead it droppped into th pond ohkay . LOL we all laughed (i can feeel pacs building up ) HAHAH so they continue saying and making each other didn't bother about th shoe until A toook out her th other pair and threw it at D . Hahah A asked D t picked th shoe that was in th pond f her , and D was so funny she was like isn't that th shoe (th one that A's holding ) . All of us than said t D " Her th other shoe still in th pond luh ! its sanked down . "
Than we laugh more . Whatthhellllll ohkay . lolololololol
Taking out th shoe from th pond was super grooossss and disgusting , A's shirt was filled w algaeeeee . EEEEEK OHKAY . A was peeeping into her blouse and she was like " Any tadpole inside come out ! come out ! "
lololololol whatthhellll leh she . HAHAH than she went t hug V and V screameddddddddd . HAHAH imagine algae ohkay . DAMN BLOOODY DISGUSTING . EEEEW hahah oh yeah that reminded me og smthg , hahah th way V change into her blouse through her pe is damn damn damn damn cute ohkay . hahahah ;D ;D ;D ;D Yeah than we had th skippping thingy , hahahah but............................. ;D
Oh yeah now my schoool schoe is red , my socks are red , my left leg is RED . hahahah thanks ah natssssssssssssssss . ;D I HAD FUN TODAY . I LOVEEEEEEEE IT BABY . ;D
Would you cry
if you saw me cry?
And would you save my soul, tonight?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Grown upShe just turned 16Stuck in the moment
Dead at the scene
And it's on tonight
This is the life that you wanted, right?
So turn off all the lights
Dressed up just like a movie star
At all the parties they'll know who you are
Wouldn't it be great, to be fashionably late?
So why don't you wait, till you're sedated
Don't it feel like something's not right in his kiss tonight?
Yeah what I'm saying is do you, do you want to lose it all?
Cause this is more than just a dance hall drug
You can't wait to fall in love
All I'm saying is do you, do you want to learn to fly?
Then you should pack it up and say goodbye
Cause when the push comes to the shove
It's just a dance hall drug
Step in and you can lock the door
The candles are lit and the clothes on the floor
You could take a chance on finding romance
Now you're holding hands
But he's got other plans
Tick-tock, the clock is turning red
The room won't stop spinning and thoughts in your head
And it's too late
You feel like you're making a big mistake
You should've waited
Don't it feel like something's not right in his kiss tonight?
Yeah what I'm saying is do you, do you want to lose it all?
Cause this is more than just a dance hall drug
You can't wait to fall in love
All I'm saying is do you, do you want to learn to fly?
Then you should pack it up and say goodbye
Cause when the push comes to the shove
It's just a dance hall drug
Just wait love
Show 'em what you're made of
Don't it feel like something's not right in his kiss tonight?
Do you, do you want to lose it all?
Cause this is more than just a dance hall drug
You can't wait to fall in love
All I'm saying is do you, do you want to learn to fly?
Then you should pack it up and say goodbye
Cause when the push comes to the shove
It's just a dance hall drug
Do you, do you want to lose it all?
Cause this is more than just a dance hall drug
You can't wait to fall in love
All I'm saying is do you, do you want to learn to fly?
Then you should pack it up and say goodbye
Cause when the push comes to the shove
It's just a dance hall drug
Oh this is to you Anon ,
Who th fuck are you , stop fucking around and you're sucha chicken .
WHATEVER , you fucking rhino ass . Fuck you (:
Monday, March 26, 2007

Well I felt I couldn't take, another day inside this place
From silent dreams we never wake, and in this promise that we'll make
Spending th day at home w korkor was full of shit ohkay , hahah teaching him guitar is damnit hilarious and he made me follow him t SSDC t get his theory test done , waited f him and YAY ! HE PASSSSSSS , IM HAPPY F HIM ;D
MY LEG ISN'T GETTING ANY BETTER . Whatthfuck ohkay . Ah nevermind , im waiting f friday t come ! faster come faster come ! ;D
Cos , imma go get my piercing (after waiting f so long ) hahah , and i'll be watching STY w N , L , C , J , J ! ;D YAY ! YAY ! YAY ! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Starless eyes for heaven's sake, but I hear you anyway
Well I thought I heard you
Say I like you, we can get out
We don't have to stay, stay inside this place
Friday, March 23, 2007
Our lips can touch , Our cheeks can brush .
ITS FRIDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ! ;D ;D ;D i love fridays cos i can sleeeep late ohkay wait , i sleeep late everynight . lolololololol but i dont have t wake up early th next day ! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D WAHHAHAHA , i neeed sleeeep ohkay , im deprived of it . I love fridays cos i have th same break as hahahaha , yeah yeah and other stuff also luh . But i dislike MONDAYS , i end at blooody shit 440 , wahlau make me study till my brains are like dropping out from my ears alrd ohkay . Monday is driving me insane , ends late and i always have monday bluessssss . EEEEEK :/
During cheeeeena mama lesson , jl talked t me about certain stuffs and it just made me think , yeah :/ i guess people do change afterall dont they ? I dont know .
Message breast about certain issues , and i wanted t cry so badly but i just didnt , cos theres just so many thing thats going through my mind and you guys never knew how i feel , be it in church or having lunch or anything . I never know anything that you guys did , whenever i ask , no reply . PLease im sick and tired of asking you guys every single time , im always th one taking iniative , you guys NEVER did ohkay , that what pisses me off . Think about it whenever i give attitude is because why , you guys never know how i felt , you just go off happily and leaving behind like a dumb ass idiot . I tuurned away from Him , and wanted t leave so many times but in th end i never did ohkay . I wanted things t turn out goood , but it never did cos why whatever i did , nobody seees it . Your eyes are all on L and maybe H , ohkay since they're so much better than me why not just raise them out and get me out of th cg . I've beeen an eyesore t you guys haven't i . I;ve beeen treated like a toy , whenever you're need me you're play w it , whenever you dont need it you just chuck it aside leaving it t rot . I'm just like a toy t you guys . Please stop it , take it as though im begging you . Stop hurting me w all this shit , and trying t push it all t me and you guys never take any reponsibilities . Everything ends up being pushed t ME ME ME . Asking me t go eat lunch w your and cut hair , i sat there like a foool waited f 2 damn hours and th next thing you guys wna go home alrd . Whats th point of asking me out , you guys have each other alrd what , after you accomplish on what you neeed t do , you just throw me alone and you all went home . Please f gooodnesss sake STOP IT . I'm sick and tired of it . Damnit .
Oh yeah , dadddy fetched me after schoool today (: went f lunch and i bathe and everything , waiting f him t get ready so he can send me down t church , cos theres zpm . Yeahhhhhhhhhhh initially i didnt wanted t go but because of some people , so im going . (: Yeah
Loves t alllllllllllllllllllllllllll <3
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Whispers "Hello, I miss you quite terribly."
I fell in love, in love, with you suddenly
Some pictures are rather old but now than i got xin t help me upload them . Thanks xin ! i love you many many ! Hahaha B&Js w her is filled w laughter but we just kept eating and eating and eating , imma oput on lotsa weight ohkay . lololololololol
Schooool today was fabulousssssssss ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D !
It was practically cam whoring time every single period ohkay , hahah when theres a cameraaaa , hahaha you'll see our faces in it baby .
I nearly lost my wallet today ohkay , scare th shitttttttt out of me ohkay . Omgzxzzzzz , i can NVER imagine if i were t lose my wallet and my precious are inside ohkay . HAHAHH , waited f dadddy t pick me up and we went f lunch and home (: im boreddddddddddddddddd
lx is soooo funnnny , talking about ah pu nehnehs . lololololololol stupid shit . HAHAHAH .
Now, there's no place else that I could be but here in your arms.
I shall let th pictures do th talking first ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
HAPPY SWEET 16 GREEEEEEENIE ! You're 16 alrdddddddddd , hohoho . Remember our date f music and lyrics ohkay ! ;D i love you many many ! Heheh
Yesterday was fun fun funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn in schoooool ;D
HAHAH , shit i got short term memory lost i cant remember what i did yesterday . I only remembered what i did after schooooooool .
Cab-ed down t bishan w nats , and we went swimming (: HAHHA swam swam swam , went t bathe walked t j8 ate a lilttle bit of macs saw dom lim , kongtat , yangqin , xuejun at mos . HAHHA yeah than i went home and had tuition w jie . Yeah than dinnner and im sickkkkkkk like shit .
Monday, March 19, 2007
Well, she's not bleeding on the ballroom floorJust for the attention.
Cause that's just ridiculously on.
First day of schoool was filled w laughterrrrrrrrrrr ;D lololololololol
Jy made laugh th most ohkay , esp during music lessson , due t some subject we were talking about , i couldnt help but t laugh so hard ohkay !
Wahlau , it was superrrrrr hilarious luhhhhhhhhh .
After schooool , we sat around first , than me , bf , lydia , joyce and charlotte went t th coffeeshop t eat ;D lololololololol
I was laughing like shit again because of joyce and bf ohkay . CHERYL CHEONG LIKES T STEAL PEOPLE'S FOOOD AND DRINK LAH !
That moron she ate like nobodies business . She kept drinking my drink and joyce drink . Shit bf luh . lolololololololol She and her irritating DUCK voice " Ohkayyyy ! Ohkayyy ! "
She sounded like duckkkkkkkkk lorrrrrrrrr . ( Bf is so gna keeeeeel me f this ) HAHAHAH who cares ! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Went back t schoool , sat down f awhile and we waited f lydia's dad t come before leaving . Walked t th bustop w bf we were laughing at some stuffs saw glendaaaaaaa ! ;D Than bf habit (STEALING PEOPLE'S FOOOD )
Thats not only a habit its her hobbie ohkay ! AHYO .
I saw aaron leeeeeee in th bus but i didnt seee him until some time , i feeeel like a idiot because he notice me and he called me a few times but i didnt hear and i didnt even seee luh , ohkay i feeeel super blind . lololol
im home now . I love today though ;D
You still dont get it do you , its you that i love and not anyone .
Well, she sure is gonna get it
Here's the setting
Fashion magazines line the walls now
The walls line the bullet holes
Friday, March 16, 2007
Cause you caught me off guardNow I'm running and screaming
I haven beeeen blogging sine sunday ?! alamak , i cant remembeerrr , i shall do everything in point form then (: hohoho .
Monday = stayed home (:
Tuesday = Visit Mummy & Ah ma ! (: lololololol jonathan is super adorable 9 th lil boy that my ah ma takes care of ) He was playing w my brother , and they were yelling at each other " AH PU NEHNEH ! AH PU NEHNEH ! " It was super hilarious , i sat there laughing at th 2 silly morons . Went home f tuition after that (:
Wednesday = Had amazing race w th zone , it was ohkay luh . Quite fun luhhhhhhhh . Yeah than had steamboat at Marina (: Damn fun ! wahahaha Esmonde was so funnnny ! KS looooked like lao ah pek , cos of his oh so ah pek-ish singlet . lololololololol (: Dad came fetched jieru and minghan ! (:
Thursday-Friday = Met D1 leaders f lunch and they went t cut their hair and stuff , than they left and and i went t meeet b , d and n . (: After that we went t fine v & c . Than left ma , b , d and n went t esplanade (: We all went kinda emo mo mo . lololololololol than over t d's house ! (: had a goood chat w d . It was awesome ! i love you d ! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Friday had Zone D meeeting and Revival Meeting ! (:
Zone Meeeting was alright , i love revival meeeting cos i learnt alot and WOW , Pst. Lia prayed f me and it was really amazing when she popped that question at me , i just felt so annointed whenever Pastors pray f me or even during worships (: Afteer th meeeting Pst. Lia gave me a hug (: i really love her ! and imma grow t be a strong girl in God ! Amen ! ;D ;D ;D ;D WHOOOOPEEE DOOOOPS ! Yeah baby .
(: booooo , i misss you terribly . I wna huggggggg you so bad
I love you , always .
I feel like a hero and you are my heroine .
Sunday, March 11, 2007
And the record keeps playing, The same old song,
Sunday = Sentosaaaaaaaa + Ignite conference at Bethesdral Cathedral (:
Met th whole D zone at habour front at around 930 and and and we went t vivo t get th tickets and we took th vivo train in t sentosaaaaaa (: yeah .
We went t silosoooo beachy beach , th weather was fine , and i got myself a chance t tann cos im like a white chicken . :/ yeah they played i tanned and i fell asleeeep under th sorching hot sun , yo woked me up and my face was red like a lobsterrrrrrrrrrr , now its hurting . D:
Ahya , worth it i think , hahah smugled in t costa sand resort w lynette and th rest t bathe . And alll of us rushed down t Bedok cos we were all running late f Ignite alrd . Yeah , th auditorium was quite big and yeah finished around 1030 ? Dad called and stuff .
Than ivan came t talk t me bout certain stuffs which made me think , Thanks Ivan ! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D i know you're reading so imma remind you t tagggggggggggg puh-leaseeeeeeeee .
Went t eat at bedok before going .
Reached home and brother got a new phone f mum , dad changed his , and im waiting t change my damn phone . I'm gna yelled at my brother . That moron used my line luhhhhhhhh . Tsk irritating annoying brother .
I'm staying home today (:
hey lovely , i misss you so much and i just can't tell it t you straight cos i know what might happen or what will happen if i were t tell you . But yet , hope that you'll know that im trying t tell you this and i want you t know i love you and that i never did stop loving you cos you were th one that made my daily life happier and livier , without able t talk t you th past few months were torture , finally now im able t talk t you again was what really made me a happier person again . I just love you so much sweeetheart (: im wanting you , always .
The hipsters mean mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Saturday, March 10, 2007

It was the roar of the crowd
That gave me heartache to sing.
It was a lie when they smiled
Hello ivan , i know you're reading (:Last night was out w natsy was awesome (:
Met her at Bugis , and b was there . WAHLAU next time im just gna shutup ohkay , if not B say me noisy . RAHHHHR , that stupid idiot . lolololololol , B left me and nats went over t bugis streeeet , wewent t bugis cafe t grab a bite first before heading over t shop (:
Ate and we wanted t get our B but , it was alll rather expensiveeeeeeee so we decided not t buy instead we bought .... hohoho ! my favourite bbbbbb hahahah ! i shan't say it . But i think its damn niceeeeee . Right nats !
nats had t leave send her t th mrt and i went back bugis t meeeet love (:
She's damn chooosy ohkay , she cant decide what bag she wna buy ohkay . Picky piggggggggg . lalalalalala
Than we walked all th way t citylink from bugis , she talked t me bout some serious stuffs that made me cry ): how nice lorrrrrrr , but it was worth it though . Yeah she went oofff send her offf and i walked back t suntec t meeeeet dad .
He took years t come ohkay , called C t acccompany me t talk while waiting f that KING . ah yeah than stayed there till bout 1 plus and went home , dropped dead tired i tell you .
Today = Service at YWCA . Th place was freaking stufffy , everybody sweating like chickens and cows like thattttttttttttt . lolololololol it was super stuffy ohkay . Oh yeah before service went t catch a movie first watched Th pursuit of happinessss , its damn damn damn damn damn freaking nice ;D Will Smith's son is hell adorable ! ;D omgzxzzzz i want himmmmmmm . HAHHAHA ohkay dream on ohkay .
Service was ohkay , lasted f 3 hours , yeah . After service went t parkmall f dinnner , than talked t ivannnnnnnn . IVAN I KNOW YOU'RE READING MY BLOG SO PLEASE LEAVE A TAG . HAHAHAH . ;D THANK YOU VERY MUCH . Dad came t fetch me after that .
Sentosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tmrw (: thats love baby . Cos i neeed t tann badly i look like a white chicken . HAHHAHA
imma happy girl now cos we're talking t each other and i love that (: but still i cant bring myself t tell you how i feel being afraid of what would happen . But i just misss you so much yet i cant myself t say it t you love . I love you more than anything ;D
And said, you won't feel a thing
And as we ran from the cops
We laughed so hard it would sting
Friday, March 09, 2007

It's too late baby, there's no turning around
I got my hands in my pocket and my head in a cloud
This is how I do
When I think about you
Tuesday & Wednesday was alright (: yeah
Went down t church on tuesday i think ? i cant remember what i did
Went t visit fifi at th hospital on wednesday , met mom , Towned and shopped a little . Yeah
Yesterday came straight home cos i was tooo tired t go anywhere plus i was going t have tuition , watch a little bit of teevee , and i fell asleeeep on my sofaaaaaa (:
Tuition was alright , went through most of th stuffs , ended at around 9 ?
Rushed t Cold Storage t buy th stuff f th potluck we were having today , yeah (: than went f supper/dinner . Ate chillli crabssssss yum yum !
My dad and bro are hilarious people that makes me laugh so hard , esp. my bro (: i so love him now . Damnit , he just graduated .
Today was alright though i was disappointed w my results and attendance mainly because its my fault so yeah ): im at faulttttttttttttttt :l but th feeeling is just so sucky . At least some people were there t brighten my day (: OH OH OH ! BOYFRIEND'S PASSPORT PHOTO IS SUPER FUNNNY ! ;D HAHAH WE LAUGHED AND LAUGHED NON-STOP OHKAY . Ohkay , im being mean , but its really funnny ohkay luh quite cute luh . HAHAH
After schoooool stayed in schooool w th bunch of crazy people and than we went t th opposite mama store t get things t eat and stuff , but me and nats left early . I went home while she went out (: Yeah
Meeeeeting natsy watsy at 7 at bugis (:
lovely baby (:
I'm feeeling extremely down now , yet i dont know how t tell you how much i want t cry on your shoulder and wished that you would give me a hug (: plus i misss you so bad . Not being able t see you makes me sad enough , now my results i just neeed you so bad .
I never thought that you could break me apart
I keep a sinister smile and a hole in my heart
You want to get inside
Then you can get in line
But not this time
I got my hands in my pocket and my head in a cloud
This is how I do
When I think about you
Tuesday & Wednesday was alright (: yeah
Went down t church on tuesday i think ? i cant remember what i did
Went t visit fifi at th hospital on wednesday , met mom , Towned and shopped a little . Yeah
Yesterday came straight home cos i was tooo tired t go anywhere plus i was going t have tuition , watch a little bit of teevee , and i fell asleeeep on my sofaaaaaa (:
Tuition was alright , went through most of th stuffs , ended at around 9 ?
Rushed t Cold Storage t buy th stuff f th potluck we were having today , yeah (: than went f supper/dinner . Ate chillli crabssssss yum yum !
My dad and bro are hilarious people that makes me laugh so hard , esp. my bro (: i so love him now . Damnit , he just graduated .
Today was alright though i was disappointed w my results and attendance mainly because its my fault so yeah ): im at faulttttttttttttttt :l but th feeeling is just so sucky . At least some people were there t brighten my day (: OH OH OH ! BOYFRIEND'S PASSPORT PHOTO IS SUPER FUNNNY ! ;D HAHAH WE LAUGHED AND LAUGHED NON-STOP OHKAY . Ohkay , im being mean , but its really funnny ohkay luh quite cute luh . HAHAH
After schoooool stayed in schooool w th bunch of crazy people and than we went t th opposite mama store t get things t eat and stuff , but me and nats left early . I went home while she went out (: Yeah
Meeeeeting natsy watsy at 7 at bugis (:
lovely baby (:
I'm feeeling extremely down now , yet i dont know how t tell you how much i want t cry on your shoulder and wished that you would give me a hug (: plus i misss you so bad . Not being able t see you makes me sad enough , now my results i just neeed you so bad .
I never thought that you could break me apart
I keep a sinister smile and a hole in my heart
You want to get inside
Then you can get in line
But not this time
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I chronicled the days you made me want to live
Memorize the way that it felt and then I turned into this kiss
Oh today a rather nice day i can say (:
schoool was fun as usual , what do you expect when you have a bunch of crazy asses friends that makes you laugh a single tiny winy bit instead of having tears and sorrows . Yeah , getting th song "Thunder" stuck into nats head (: disturbing lydia w me telling her "i love you ! i love you ! "
Talking w zelia&zaboooth in schooool was really nice , got t know more things and getting shocked by all th news and stuffs . I got tinkerbell stickerrrrrrs ! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D i love love love tinkerbellllll , i think she's freaking pretty though she's just a fairytale characterrrrr . AH YEAH
After schoool , me zaboooth , sardine & nats went f lunch at Novenaaaaaa . Had pasta maniaaaaaa baby (: oh yeah shioky shiok shiok
HAHAH , elizabooooth th great took PM's table no . lolololololololololol
HAHAH , elizabooooth th great took PM's table no . lolololololololololol
Went t toy'r'us and we playeddddd ;D whooooopeeee dooops .
Bought a Spongebob & winnie th poooh&tigger balloon (:
After awhile we all left , so i trained down t church t passs chew chew chew her spongebob balllooony baby , she cut her hair like no difference ohkay . Xin , you dont loook tann , but your face was red . HAHAHAH
After awhile we all left , so i trained down t church t passs chew chew chew her spongebob balllooony baby , she cut her hair like no difference ohkay . Xin , you dont loook tann , but your face was red . HAHAHAH
Waited in church f dad till about 8 plus yeah went f dinner and home (:
im falling more & more f you , i misss you so fucking bad . Wishing i could just give you a hug when i see you , but yet im unable t . All i could do was just t get a glimpse of you each time i see you and im unable t tell you how i feeel about you . I misss those times back then (: Still , i wna tell you how i really feeel about you cos im falling more f you . I love you (:
Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go
Whoa (whoa, whoa, whoa)
Today in the blink of an eye I'm holding on to something and I do not know why
I tried
I tried to read between the lines
I tried to look in your eyesI want a simple explanation
For what I'm feeling inside
I gotta find a way out
Maybe there's a way out
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder
Today is a winding road
Tell me where to start and tell me something I don't know
Whoa (whoa, whoa, whoa)
Today I'm on my own
I can't move a muscle and I can't pick up the phone
I don't know (I don't know, I don't know, I don't know)
And now I'm itching for the tall grass
And longing for the breeze
I need to step outside
Just to see if I can breathe
I gotta find a way out
Maybe theres a way out
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
Yeah I'm walking on a tightrope
I'm wrapped up in vines
I think we'll make it out
But you just gotta give me time
Strike me down with lightning
Let me feel you in my veins
I wanna let you know how much I feel your pain
Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder, and I said
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
Oh baby bring on the pain
And listen to the thunder
Tonight I'm wearing my best smile and hope to make me worth your while
I'll be the best mistake you'll ever make
Friday, March 02, 2007

I haven't seen you around you know where to be found
I wonder what happened to you
Schoool was sucky yesterday , ohkay maybe not really besides that part where i hide myself in th toilet and cry . lololololololol .
SK ! (: thanks f telling me those things and making me feeel better ;D SK rock manzxzzzzz .
HAHAH , After schooool went home bathe and got ready as i was going out w LAUGHING PILLLLLLLL ! ;D ;D ;D ;D WHOOOPEEEE DOOOOOPEEEE ! I love love love going out w herrrrr .
So fun , its was still raining like cows and chicken when i met her at kovan so we trained t town (: went over t fareast first cos she neeeded t cut her hair , HAHAHAH th hairdresser ket saying this "Sjc , sup ! "
After cutting her hair we bused t heeren as it was still drizzling and haha yeah we were lazy t walk also luh . So we went t take neos , how long have i not taken neos . lolololololol . Wanted t eat at Village but it was like Marche like that so we decided not tooo , went over t cine wanted t eat Hk cafe but it was frigging crowded , and so was pasta maniaaaa . ): than we walked t foood republic it was effing crowded , so we decided we wanted t walk t Wheeelock t eat Nydc , but ta ma de it was crowded , so i decided lets just go t Gardens and eat . Hahah cabed over t Gardens and we went t Liquid Kitchen (: Eat , drank and we talked .
OH OH OH OH ! there was this part we pranked called someone , th conversation was super funny i was laughing like shit , Laughing pilll luh keeep making me laugh . Than we left and we talked abit at th bustop , helped LP t flagged a cab . Saw Wendy , and dad came . Yeah didnt meeet yx in th end . HAHAH
I wna go out w you again ! ;D
Thursday, March 01, 2007
I was yound but i wasn't naive I watched helpless as you turn around to leave
and still i have the pain i have to carry
a past so deep that even you could not burry if you tried
After all this time
i never thought we'd be here
never thought we'd be here
when my love for you was blind
but i couldn't make you see it
couldn't make you see it
that i loved you more than you'll ever know
and part of me died when i let you go
I would fall asleeep only in hopes of dreaming
that everything would be like as it was before
but nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting
they disappear as reality is crashing into the flooor
After all this time
i never thought we'd be here
never thought we'd be here
when my love for you was blind
but i couldn't make you see it
couldn't make you see it
that i loved you more than you'll ever know
and part of me died when i let you go
After all this why
would you ever want to leave it
maybe you could not believe it
that my love for you was blind
but i couldn't make you see it
couldn't make you see it
that i loved you more than you'll ever know
and part of me died when i let you go
and i loved you more than you'll ever know
and part of me died when i let you go