Sunday, April 29, 2007
The more I look the more I find it hard to seeI'm uncultured but I'm not quite sure what that means
Why bring me down and complicate?
Tag replies :
Jamie : HAHAH , jamie what talking you , and what are you talking about . Hahaha more like its you who misss me huh . ;D
Gloria ! : Helloo Gloriaaaaa ! ;D i love youuuuuuuuuuu !
Saturday ! :D
Church , than rushed off after service t meeet nats at dbgod mrt and we mrted down t vivo t meeet yow , sama , riane and jy ;D yeahhhhhh
Met up , stayed at superdog f quite some time before leaving f Kovan .
Jy , sama , riane went t Riane's house first than me yow and nats headed t schoool first but th damn bus took a damn long time t come .
Reached schooool and saw aloooot of people . ;D ;D ;D ;D
The concert started and it was alright , i love th dramaaaaaa club , hahahah V was so cute , she acted as th baby (: dance was nice yow got super high ? over something , that stupid shit .
Aye , ended around 10 plus ? toook photos and th rest of them left f grapevine while i waited f th bus w kiahweeee .
Went home around 1 plus .
Sunday (:
Aye , woke up early because of th danceeeeeeeee thingy that was going on . Fetched kiah and nats and jy and we left f tampines .
I think i screwed th whole dance up . OMGZXZZZZZ , im like in dreamland like that .
Went f breakfast w lums , nats , jy , kiah and bf ;D
Breakfast was goood .
Dad came t fetched us ,
Homed , bathed and went t church .
Service great , and did bm today .
My lungs are like choked w dust luh , i cough like nobodies businesss todfay , omgzxzzzz ohkay . im dying i hate coughs .
Keep check of my words
Good thing you hear them a different way
We are talking please
Friday, April 27, 2007
Just hear me outIf it's not perfect I'll perfect it till my heart explodes
I highly doubt
I can make it through another of your episodes
Lashing out
Tag replies :
Daryl ! : HAHAH ! are you blind or whattttttt , it reads HALOSCAN so BIG down there . HAHAH blur shit . Anw , love today ! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Jamie : Haha , i know you love me , heh so i didnt waste my time singing those love songs t you huh . HAHHA
Schooool was great after was even greaterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !
Its a rainy day today ,
Ah yes after schoool , went t meeet yow at serangoooon w nats (:
we mrted down t Bugis t get our clothes ,
I got my top , and im happy about that ;D ;D ;D ;D
Nats got her cardigan ;D
And oh yeahhhhhhhh , we saw lx ,ql & E .
Stupid lx , hhahah she dared me t do smthg and i did .
HAHAHAH ! stupid shit luh you ./ mokmok
I left first cause dad wanted t meeet early f dinnerrrrrrr D:
Went down t raffles , met and ate . Yeahhhhhhhhh
Homed after that , im tired .
Theres dance tmrw at 830 , killl me please , i wna sleeeeep .
Kaleidascope tmrw ;D
One of the petty moves you pull before you lose control
You wear me out
But it's all right now
Lets go home and get stoned
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
Tag Replies :
Lisaaaaa : You egoooooo one who said i love you . Aye
Jaclyn ! : Hey sexy ! Oh yes i love you , HAHAH i know you love me tooo .
Jaclyn ! : Hey sexy ! Oh yes i love you , HAHAH i know you love me tooo .
Maril : Hey Maril ! ;D Yeah He sure will make things out gooood ! ;D
Monday i didnt go t schoool , tuesday halfway through went home , wednesday i didnt go t schoool toooo D: thanks t my gastriccccccc & a annoying cough thats beeen bothering me since last weeek . Omgzxzzz this is like killling me . And and and COMMON TESTS STARTS NEXT WEEEEEK ohkay , killl me now . D: D: D:
Aye schoool today was fine ;D im happy cos i finally pass my POA ;D ;D ;D cheeeerios t me ;D yet my i was disappointed w my literature marks , oh wells i just got t write longer though i got everything right alrd (thats what ramesh said ) Gahhhhhhhhhhh im curious t know what i got f cheeeena test i think i flunk it prettty badly ? Ahya tmrw i'll know it . Oh oh oh ! SARDINEEEEE ! PLEASE TAKECARE ALRIGHTTTTTTT ! I LOVE YOU MANY MANY , I'LL PRAY F YOUR LEGGY T RECOVERRRRRRR ! ;D I LOVE YOU HUBBY ! ;D ;D ;D ;D MWAHS MWAHS MWAHS ! Ah pooor hubby she was in so much pain today D: oh manzxzzzzz . I like talking t Ms D. ;D ;D ;D ;D complaining t her about certain person . hohoho xD but she hardly bother about it .
I've got tuition ltr on , and i can't wait f tmrw ! ;D ;D ;D ;D im going shopppping ? w HEHEHE go figure out . lalalala
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight
Saturday, April 21, 2007
My heart is crying out to you ,I wanna tell you how i feel about everything .
I ran t Him and cried my heart out , because i felt hurt and i was very emotional . He talked t me , i cried even more cause i was impacted by what You said t me . Thank You Daddy , i love you very much . But still , i need faith and strength t keeep me going on , i dont wanna start breaking down and doing stupid shit stuffs that worry everyone . I've troubled everyone , i made people worried . AHHHHHHHHHHH . D:
When i woke up today ,
thought of all the things you've done .
And i found myself here ,
feeling oh so overcome .
You gave your life away for me ,
truly my heart belongs to you .
So let me say ,
Could i ever thank you for ,
what you did at Calvary ,
When you bled and died for me .
Could i ever turn away ,
knowing that you paid price ,
That i could never pay .
When i think of the way ,
that you died upon that cross .
Bearing my sin ,
Even though my heart was lost ,
you gave your life away for me .
truly my heart belongs to you ,
so let me say .
Boo you ,
You know who you are , i read it , i heard how you feeel and i know everything . I'm feeeling devastated after what you told me , i really want you t stay and grow more in God and not leave him . I know th situation now is rather shaky and stuffs , i know how you feel cause i had that feeling before and now im still standing strong though i still have my weakness in certain things .But still , all these things will not affect and stop me from worshipping Him , because i love Him , i want you t know how i feel about everything ohkay ? This whole thing started because of me , i know you're gonna say that its not me and stuff but its really me , i shouldn't have said it when i knew about th consequences and i didn't really think about it a second time or anything , i've cried over this thing many times , so did you . Both of us felt th same way . Please i'm gonna beg you and i'll try all means and ways t stop you from leaving Him , i dont wanna see you leaving when you're in so much hurt . After you put down , i cried so much because i was upset and i blamed myself f everything . I love you very much so please dont leave . This wouldn't have happen if i didn't say anything . My fault , my bad . I'm sorrry .
♥ Tess .
Things were supposed to turn out this way ,
But in the end it still did .
I'm at fault .
Friday, April 20, 2007
I wish I had what I neededTo be on my own'
Cause I feel so defeated
And I'm feeling alone
Tag replies :
Xinhui : XINHUIIIIIIIIIIII ! ;D yeapy doddles i will ! (: loves !
Maril : Yeahhhhhh , warriors are we ! i love maril ! ;D
Joycelyn : Hello love (: its ohkay , at least you gave me th hugs that i neeeded yesterday and i really thank you f that wonderful hug . I'M SO GNA FIND YOU TMRW T GET MY HUGGGGGGGGGG ! YAY ! I LOVE JOYCELYNNNNNNN ! (:
IMAI : Stupid greeen call me pig D: how nice of you huh . RAHHHR , yesssssssssss madam im gna changeeeee . ;D
Thursday : Schoool yesterday was !$%^%&*( Great yet tiring . HAHAHA oh there was one recesss during this weeek RIANE LOW THE GREAT LAUGHED TILL SHE SPAT LOU MAI GAI ON MY HEAD MY PINAFORE AND AND PLATE . Riane you rock ohkay .
HAHAH ! (dont worry i still love you ) ;D
Yesterday did tooo many things that i can't remember , oh oh oh we had POA test and i think i screwed it up i dont know . AHHHH Literature test was alright though .
Went down t church and lalalala things happen , im not gna talk about anw , its over so forget it .
Went home after that (: did th class photo board till late (: yeahhhhhh
Friday : Chinese & Maths test today , i was so sleeepy during both tests , i slept and wake up and i continued doing , yeahhhhhhhhhh dad came schoool t fetched me . Going Bugis ltr (:
And it all seems so helpless
And I have no plans
I'm a plane in the sunset
With nowhere to land
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Today I screwed up again, You said I could tell in the way you said goodbye,
I saw you sitting at your t-shirt stand with your new girlfriend, He's really cool, I get the point
I shall reply th tags here , im lazy t reply in halo (:
Maril : Hahaha yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh manzxzzz , buying fooood f pastors rock like nobody business hhaha (: love you maril ! ;D
Jeremy Chan : YO ! you always tag rubbishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Jamie : It sure does (: im lovin' it .
Sunday : Service as normal , smthg happen but nah dont wna talk about it . Anw , dexterrrrrrrrrrr rockkkkkkkks ! He gave me th shirt i wantedddd . YAYYYYYYYYY !
Monday : Schoooool today was fun and forgot what i did . OH WE HAD NAPFA TEST . AND OMGZXZZZZZZZZZ I THINK I PULLED MY ARM MUSCLE DURING SIT AND REACH . ITS DAMNIT PAIN NOW . Oh went f cg and bball w cg after that in th night , called jy down and we talked about somebody . OMFG I SWAER ITS DAMN FUCKING FUNNNY . HOHOHO
Tuesday : Schooool today is damnit tiring . I was super damn bloooody sleeeepy due t yesterday bball game at bishan . Supposed t have our 2.4 run but its postponed t next weeeek again and and and we were having our dance prac again . I tell you its damn blooooody tiring plus my arms were like gna dropped out anytime . OMGZXZZZZZZZ , after schoool dance prac again . AND IM FINALLLY HOME . I STILL GOT T BUY BANANAS F TMRWS BIO PRACTICAL . LOL BANANASSSSSSSSSS .
Today I screwed up again,
I wasn't paying attention,
I walked into the wall again,
I heard you laugh and saw you grin,
While you were sitting at your t-shirt stand,
Saturday, April 14, 2007
The amount of pills I'm taking counteracts the booze I'm drinking and this vanity
I'm breaking, lets me live my life like this and well
I find it hard to stay, with the words you say
Friday : Schoool kinda sucked today afterall its Friday th 13 and smthg that i didnt wished t happen , happened . What wrong w th ___ man , normal hugging is so common in ____ and you all have t say its what lesbianism . Wthhhhhh sickening .
After schooool , went t meeet Jamie at orchard first :( talked about some thing and yeah we than walked t PS t meeet th rest . We went cafe cartel , and i went crazy over th bread . :/
We stayed in cartel f quite awhile . Than me , gp , zx , and flea headed t church . I stayed in church till daddy reached . (: Monicaaaaaaa jie jie was inside ! ;D Oh man i missssss her , and omgzxzzzzz i so love her haircut . Home after that (:
Saturday : Went t church f heart t hearts meeeting w lynette and it was truly powerful , each and everyone of us has a different ministries and we served God in different ways ! WOWWWWWWWWW .
Lunch w them in th art gallery (:
Went t PS w huimin and jarrod , waited f jarrod's friend t come so huimin went t buy her prepaid first , than Joshua came (:
He stayed super near me and i didnt know that . HAHAH
Went back t church and th concert was starting but went t fetch Tere and Josephine (: went back t church f th concert and WHOOOOOPEEEE DOOOPS ! (: I'm lovin' it ! ;D ;D
After th concert went t QQ f dinner but i didnt eat cos i was on a diet (:
Dad came t pick me up after that . Kallanggggg w family than home ;D
Oh baby let me in
Well I'll choose the life
I've taken, never mind the friends
I'm making and the beauty that
I'm faking lets me live my life like this
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I'm taking my timeI'm trying to leave the memories of you behind
I'm gonna be fine
As soon as I get your picture right out of my mind
Dad fetched me down t Houganggggg stadium today , yeahhhhhhh
waited f quite long before th whole event started ;/ th weather was a killer . Than smthg happened which totally put me , jy and th rest damn bloooody pisssed . Wthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its our own rights t write what we want on th board t support our friend , and you got t be sucha busybody . Damn you luh assshole . We were all so excited t support our friend and you just had t spoil it alll . Wthhhhhhhhhhhhhh get lost ohkay .
idiottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt .
After sports day , bused t Bishan w zaboooof and we mrted . She alighted at Novena while i alighted at Orchard .
Was going t meeet Jamie due t some stuffs . We talked and ohkay nevermind i shall not elaborate anything .
Head down t church after that . Sat at th office and learnt some stuffs from Jamie . (: Quite interesting ;D
Pst Lia was hungry so me and Jamie went t buy foood f her ! ;D Super exciting . Hehhe but it was tiring also . That was because PS subway had no ham so we ran all th way t Paradiz t get th foood and i went t Mac t get th coffee ;D than we ran back t church and it was raining . ): boohooo
sat back in th office again , than Jamie had t go f meeteing went out and i hanged out w Varrronnnnnn and Imaiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! ;D
Jie Jie queued f th donuts at donut factory ! Omgzxzzzzzzzzzzzz their donut is ultimately loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ohkay . Jie gave me on donut and i was happily enjoying it ;D Super t th max delicious babehhhhhhhhhh .Talked about alot of stuffs and it was kinda shocking t find out about some stuffs . HAHAH
Went home w them afterthat ;D they make me happy .
So does everyone else that i love ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I wanna feel the way you make me feel when
I'm with you I wanna be the only hand,
you need to hold on to
But everytime I call you don't have time I guess
I'll never get to call you mine
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Well I felt I couldn't take, another day inside this place
From silent dreams we never wake,
and in this promise that we'll make
Today rocks because of my bunch of crazy asss whacky friends .
Yeahhhhhhhh , Riane is so funny today , instead of changing into her uniform she wore her blouse inside , her pe shirt outside and tucked in her pe shorts and she wore kh specs that made Riane loook so damn bloooody tooot . Its damn fucking funny , plus th centre parting she made , omfg manzxzzzzz jy joined in and we toooked photo of it . Wait till i get th photo and post it up , you all can laugh all you want .
After schoool , went off w nats t meet yow ;D
hohoho (: yow makes me happpy wappy mappy ! ( YOW BE HONOURED NOWWWWWWWWWW )
Toook 58 t ikeaaaaaaa , we talked alottttt and guesss who i saw at ikea ?
Yeahhhhh , that made me happpier toooo (: we're just fated t meeeet LP .
We ate , talked , walked . We kept walking and its like never ending and yow came banging me w th trolley , damnit you pooot it hurts ohkay . Let me try banging on you , see how you're gna react man . ( Y'know what i mean yow )
Finalllly we left , omgzxzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ikea soft ice-cream are th BESTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ohkay . I dont mind going there everyday ? just t eat it . Ohkay maybe not everyday tooo kua zhang alrd .
Bused t Bishan t take something and i toook 53 back (: it was a long journey today . Yet i enjoyed myself so much . Thanks YOW , Thanks NATS ;D I LOVE YOU BOTH SO BLOOOODY MUCH . ;D
Booo you ,
I was really surprise that you would still pass me th letter and th bottle of roses you made f me .
I'm really touched by it , it was really sweeet of you . (: Thanks f all th happy memories my dear one . I love you (:
Starless eyes for heaven's sake,
but I hear you anyway
Well I thought I heard you
Say I like you, we can get out
Sunday, April 08, 2007
And we can run, from the backdrop of these gears and scalpels
I shalll summarise everything starting from thursday . yeahhhhhhhh ;D
Thursday ; I finally went f trng . lolololololololol didn't run much though cos my leg was stilll @#$%^&*$%^#$ yeahhhhhhhhhhh .
Rushed home cos i had tuition but in th end had t cancel it cos i was down w a damn feverrrrrrrrr . Sucks i know yeah
Friday : GOOOOOOD FRIDAY ! ;D Early morning went down t church f hearts t hearts meeeeting than we had zone d Easter Egg Operation ( painting f easter eggs ) yeahhhh . I painted one ;D and Krissssssss Fooo Pooot had t paint my nose yellow , how greatttttttttttttt . After i painted mine , i rushed down t town t meeeet nats ! ;D yeah went t cine f lunch first before heading t shop f things . Saw lx at cine , walked around than we saw ql & E . Yeah we alll walked down t Wisma tgther . Ah yeahhhhhhhhh . Than me and nats walked walked walked , headed down t Marina , met B at citylink . lolololol yeah than bought some stuffs , went down t vivoooo after that and we saw B again . lolololololol
After everything , nats left dad came ps t fetch me and we went t suntec t get some stuffs and we went home .
Saturday : ZOOOOOOO TRIPPPPPP :/ left schoool around 8 plus and offf we went . We were singing in th bus making lotsa noise and stuffs . Reached th zoooooooo , had some briefing and stuffs than we went walking around th zooo . Yeahhhhhhh Everything ended around 5 plus , reachedd schoool closing t 6 and we all changed and me nats and kiahwee rushed down t marina first , so we cabed down . Yeah than all of them slowly arrived and we started eating and stuffs . Than we alll left leaving nats and B . HAHHAH than me , ann and sama left . Went t ann's place t get ready . lolololololol damn bloooody funnny luh ann , she wore stocking over her head she looked like ru hua should have taken a photo of it man . lololololol so we all reached PP and we were all waiting f B and N t arrived cos me and ann were going t "KIDNAP" nats ohkay . It was damn funnnnny , lolololol we saw them walking we run t nats and she was run ann caught her i tried t maskin tape her mouth = failed . HAHAHAH nats is th hardest person t ever kidnap ohkay . lolololololol than i had t leave cos my dad was nagging , dad came t fetch me and yeahhhhhh
Sunday : HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATS ! i love you ! ;D
Hahah you're 15 alrdddddddddd . lolololol yeap /
churched and yeah service was amazing , Pst's baby photos are super t th max cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . HAHAHAHAH sadly i dont have it in my com t show you . But even if i had i wouldnt luh . HAHHAAH privateeeeeeeeee . Ah yeah .
im falling more .
At every hour goes the tick-tock bang of monitors as
They stared us down when we met in the emergency room
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I tried to read between the linesI tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation;
Hello balllll i wannna telll that i love you and thanks f being sucha great & wonderful balllllllllll . ;D i lurbezxzzzzz you very much .
Tuesday : Schoool was fine (: ahya shit i can't remembered what i did yesterday except after school went f lunch w nats and zabooof ;D Yeahhhhhhh . Than went t meeet F and we mrted down t town t meeet Y .
Walked t Taka t get th paints from Art Friend ;D ;D ;D I LOVE THAT PLACEEEEEEEEEEE . After that went down t church , did nthggggggg waited till bout 7 plus went t meeet dad , my cramps were killing me alrd . The pain is *&^%$#@#$% i simply hate periods . They're damn freakkinggggggggggg annoying . RAHHHHHHR ah yeah .
Wednesday : Schoool today = laughter + sadness + emo-ness + and being so out of point day . ( Ohkay maybe th out of point was only me luh ) Hahaha yeahhhhhhhhhhh im super out of point today ;D
Everybody loooked so moooody today :/ EVERYBODY SMILE OHKAY ;D I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ! MWAHS MWAHS MWAHS . LOL After schoool went downt t bugis w nats , yeah got her jeans and we walked walked walked got tired we mrt t Bishan got her hairband and offffffff we went home ;D im so damnnnnnnnnn tired .
Ikeaaaaaaaaaa next wednesday ! ;D im lovin' it ! ;D
what Im feeling inside
I gotta find a way out
Maybe theres a way out
Monday, April 02, 2007

But just know that i've tried to apologize
Saturday : Celebrate little Ryan's birthday ! (: Oh boy , he's sucha adorable boy . After th celebration went home t get change and went down t ps t meeet lynette and some other people f dinner/meeeting . Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh . Certain things happen in church and stuff yeah . Not gna talk about it though .
Sunday : Dad went in t Malaysia t pray , so cab-ed down t church cos there was another meeeting , yeahhhhhh but i didnt go in th end due t smthg that was annoying th shit out of me . J talked t me about certain stuffs and its like not as if i wna say this but i just had t ohkay , you asked me t be secure about your love f me , but th moment N came back you were jumping over th mooon and stuff , im just fustrated and annoyed w all this things . I wna be happy when im in church but i just cant seeem t be like i always am . Since you prefer those 3 t me than just tell me i can always leave . Like yesterday , all you bothered w was N , you just left th whole cg alone . I bet whatever i felt and think you didn't even know . How many times i cried over this stupid thing in church . How many people tried t cheeer me up .You just dont see it . All you care is N , L and H .
I so love my LP ohkay , talking t her is making me laugh like shit . HAHAH asshole leh she . We were talking about certain subject and i said this
Tess : Phyllis , dont break up w meeee , if you leave me i'll just commit suicide.
And her stupid shit reply was this ,
What a assshole ohkay . HAHHAHA IDIOT LUH PHYLLIS LEEEEE . LOLOLOLOLOL . Still i love that shit ;D
And I'ma have you first always in my heart
To keep you satisfied .