Thursday, June 07, 2007
Hey everyoneeeeee :Di've change t lj .
Relink please :D
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I always needed time on my ownI never thought i'd need you there when i cried
And th days feel like years when im alone
And th bed where you lie is made up on your side
HEHE , imma happy girl today :D
Went down t mummy's stall t help out (:
It was fun spending th time w mummy .
After work , went down t town t meeeet Nats ! :D:D:D:D:D
Heh , its beeen a long long longggggggggggg time since i seeen her manzxzzz
Hehe .
We went t Wisma topshop t walk first but we couldn't find th blouse ? shirt ? Nats wanted ,
so we headed t Isetan Topshop :D we were quite happy when we saw most of th clothes , BUTTT
Nats grey shirt wasn't there :/ but she bought a blue top & a white top . Whereares i bought a blue one ( yeah we both got th same toppppppp :D )
After finish walking at topshop , we headed t fareast t walk .
We wanted t find vest & suspenderssssssssssssss .
Heh , i couldnt find a nice vest D:
SAD i know .
Nats got her black suspenders whereares i didnt get my red suspenders D:
I 'll get it ASAP ! :D
Bought a white pants , nats bought a black one .
We headed t Shaw House f shakerrrrrrrrrrr friesssssssss , YUM YUM YUMMMMMMMMMMM . It addictive manzxz , but it oily & unhealthy .
EEEEEEEEEK , th amount of oil , and what Nats told me . Omgzxzzzzzzzzzzzz , decompose ?!
Omggggggggggggg .
162-ed w Nats , she got down . I got there later , 53-ed home (:
When you walk away , i count th steps that you take .
Do you see how much i need you now
Sunday, June 03, 2007

HOHOHO , yeah Happpy Bestfriend Day Best ! (:
Went t my new homeeeeeee today !
Wow wheeeee , it ultra bigggggggggggg & im lovin' it !
Hehe .
It was truly a amazing day f me .
Restrucing f usher , im in warrrrior (:
Hoho , ushering this friday ! WOW WHEEEE YAY ! :D :D :D :D
Ate at macs AGAIN ( omg seriously fatteningggggggggg manzxzzz )
lolololololol .
Talked t my greeeeen ! :D omg i so damn love her .
Dad came t fetch me afterthat (:
Sunday : Last day of Emerge D:
I'll misss it . Todays session was a blasttttttttttttttt .
Th worships , th praise , th word . Everything was just amazingggg !
Today was simply amazing cause hehe .
But i was feeeeling very very very tired , due t my fever & lack of sleeeep .
Sigh .
Hey you ,
Though we're starting t talk & all , but after what i read .
It totally change my mind and every thinking .
I thought i would feeeling very happy during today but nahs , th whole thing is bugging me now .
I know you're gna say i must learn t share , but after seeing those things , i remembered smthg which really hit me hard .
I'm alrd feeeling very tired , not only being tired physically but spiritually too .
I'm losing th fire f Him , im worried f everything , im feeling very insecure .
I guess you didnt know at alll right . Cause whatever about X you know , you have long forgotten aabout me . I dont know how t tell my dad about certain stuffs , knowing he'll start yelling & saying do i want t cause him t die early . It just hits me hard & i dont know what t do .
Whenever im feeeling this way , i see you online . I wna tell you about it , and i even wonder do you still care ? do you still bother ? Maybe after reading this you might not talked t me again , & im afraid of that t ever happen . But i just had t tell you how i feel . Theres so much more that i want t tell you , but like i said i guess i'll never ever have th chance anymore .
I love you
When you're gone
th pieces of my hearts are missing you
When you're gone
th face i came t know is missing too
When you're gone
th words i need t hear t always get me through th day
and make it ohkay .
I miss you .